View Full Version : Layla was stung!

07-17-2012, 09:12 AM
My poor baby got stung last evening, I suspect honey bees. I gave her Benadryl but it wasn't enough. I ended up taking her to EMG Vet. She gave her cortisone administered by IV. This picture was taken 5 hours after the Benadryl and 4 hours hours after the Cortisone. Her nose was still terribly swollen but her eyes looked much better. I'm home with her today, keeping an eye on her. She is getting better.

07-17-2012, 09:23 AM
Ouch, poor Layla. :( I hope she is already feeling better. I got stung one time in Spain and I wanted to scream. Never found out what it was.

Queen of Poop
07-17-2012, 09:35 AM
Poor Layla. Glad the meds are helping. Sending a gentle kiss for your ouchie nose sweetie. :love::love::love:

07-17-2012, 10:12 AM
Ouch bet that did'nt feel to good.Braggo snapped at a wasp yesterday and got really lucky he missed it. Well I sure hope Miss Layla gets to feeling better she sure is pretty.

07-17-2012, 10:38 AM
Poor Layla! Hope she's feeling better soon. Maybe some extra treats might speed up the process too. ;)

Sparky is always snapping at wasps, and caught one last year and came up on the short end of the stick - he got stung in the throat when he swallowed it. Not good! I took him to the vet and she gave him a shot - I didn't even trust Benadryl to work fast enough. Did he learn his lesson?? Somewhat - but he still occasionally still snaps at them. :rolleyes:

07-17-2012, 11:57 AM
Poor Layla. Glad the meds are helping. Sending a gentle kiss for your ouchie nose sweetie. :love::love::love:

And another gentle kiss for Layla's ouchie nose from me *kiss* and one for Jake too *kiss*!

07-17-2012, 03:22 PM
Ouch! Sorry you had to use the ER vet, glad she is recovering.

Any idea where she found them? I was just thinking, if there is a nest of ground wasps in your yard, all of you are at risk! :eek:

07-17-2012, 04:31 PM
Ouch! Sorry you had to use the ER vet, glad she is recovering.

Any idea where she found them? I was just thinking, if there is a nest of ground wasps in your yard, all of you are at risk! :eek:

Thank you all for posting. Laylas swelling is going down. I got off work today to keep an eye on her.

Sandie, my back yard looks like I'm a clover farmer! I mowed before this happened just to keep the clover cut down a bit.:rolleyes: I mow and walk my yard, shouldn't be anything like that out there. I worry too that it could be a spider bite, you never know where they may be! While we were at the vets another dog came in, same thing as Layla. A sting from something! I always keep Benadryl on hand, capsules for the dogs, liguid for the cats. A few weeks ago I went to buy some and they were sold out in one store. The pharmacy told me most people were buying it for their dogs, due to the clover this year.

07-19-2012, 12:48 AM
I'm sorry to hear about Layla:( but I'm glad to hear that her swelling is going down. Hopefully this won't ever happen to her again.

07-21-2012, 01:54 PM
Aw! Sorry to hear about this, Layla. I hope your nose heals soon! Stay away from those bees, okay? Lots of love and hugs for you. Prayers that you get well soon! :love:

07-23-2012, 06:10 PM
I'm so sorry she was stung. :( Glad she's ok now.