View Full Version : How do your cats behave at the vet's?

smokey the elder
11-19-2002, 08:44 AM
I was just curious how everyone's cats react to going to the vets. Here's mine.

Smokey the Elder (RB): Was very good; when she went to CT for her treatment, purred nonstop. Then on the way home, she could tell when we were close since she'd start purring.

Moby: Lies there and drools like crazy.
Diva: Wants everyone to play with her.
Pixel: Who knows? She's so feral she hasn't been in 4 years.
Diamond: Sweet.
Tic Tac: Absolutely HATES the carrier. He's a big cat, so getting him in there was tough. He peed on me! Often leaves a nice present for the vet. Once he's there he's quiet.
Smokey the Younger: acts like she's being killed if you pick her up, but otherwise good at the vet.
Bosun: Growls constantly but otherwise is a wimp.

I think I'm pretty lucky! My fosters have by and large been good about going into carriers because they have to do it so often to go to the vet or adoption day.

11-19-2002, 09:27 AM
My cats are OK the the vets, it the ride that distresses them. They meow all the way there. Mr. Jones crapped himself once. Then when they get there they queit down. They take their shots, no problem, and Snowy lets out a rare hiss. I kiss his head. It's rather shocking for the vet to walk in and see this growling, hissing cat being kissed on the head.

My Mom, on the other hand had to have three vet techs handle Punkin while she got chipped. She didn't recover for hours.

They are very different.

11-19-2002, 09:31 AM
My cats are good too at the vets . Inka hates shots ; she doesn't object to be examined , but as soon as she feels a needle in her neck , she is offended and looks as if to say :"how dare you !!" .

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-19-2002, 11:13 AM
Tubby doesn't mind going to the vet. He thinks it's just another adventure. What he doesn't like is that he has to stay on the examining table while the vet is checking him over. He wants to be checking out the rest of the room and sniffing at just everything.

Peanut doesn't like it at all. She is usually so scared though that she'll let the vet do anything he wants to her. She will sometimes yowl on the way there, but on the way back she must know it's all over because she's usually pretty quiet. She doesnot like the carrier either, and will sometimes pee in fright as I'm trying to put her in it too. I feel so bad when she does that....mean mommy. :(

All Creatures Great And Small
11-19-2002, 11:29 AM
All these poor babies - but the vet is a necessary evil:(. My kitty gets so carsick, it's a good thing the vet is only about a mile away.
He goes into the carrier OK, and is pretty quiet on the way there.
Once we get there and get him on the table, he is very quiet and meek, and even will lower his head and push it into me like he's trying to hide:( . When he stands up, he curls his tail completely under his body to hide his poor little butt, because he knows the gland squeezing is coming.....:eek: When we get home he hides for a while - we pretend he's somewhere plotting his revenge and cursing our names:p.

11-19-2002, 02:59 PM
Glacier gets very stressed and yowls incessantly, but I think it's more the ride than the vet. He's ok at the clinic.

Pete pees on me as soon as he sees his carrier. That's just started since I had to fly him out of here for surgery. Can't blame him for not liking his carrier anymore.

Ivy, Onyx and Dominique couldn't care less. Dominique thinks she should be allowed to check out every corner of the clinic and is quite enthralled with the clinic cat, Ralph.

Polly Paws should have to go to the vet every day!:eek: She is a purring ball of love and affection in the clinic. At home, she's a hissy, distant thing most of the time! My vet doesn't believe me, he thinks she's a little lovebug!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-19-2002, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
and is quite enthralled with the clinic cat, Ralph.

Polly Paws should have to go to the vet every day!:eek: She is a purring ball of love and affection in the clinic. At home, she's a hissy, distant thing most of the time! My vet doesn't believe me, he thinks she's a little lovebug!

How neat that they have a "clinic cat." I always love it when I walk into a store and they have a cat lounging on the counter. :D When Sara and I went to the cat show in Chicago, usually it's all hands off unless the owners allow you a quick pet or two, but there was one, sitting in his director's chair (if I remember right) with a sign that welcomed everyone to come over and pet him. Of course I had to go over and indulge myself and it was so funny, because the only reaction he had was to flip his tail a bit. Otherwise he didn't even open his eyes, or in any other way acknowledge that he was a real cat. ;) :D

11-19-2002, 03:07 PM
What does B-E-H-A-V-E mean? ;)

Noel cries the entire time there...she refuses to get in or out of her carrier. She cries so much, they put her in the lobby...poor scared thing. :(

Noah has to be man handled into the carrier and growls/hisses/complains the entire time there. He has "BITES" on his file...

Basil gets really scared while he's waiting in the carrier. He, like Noel refuses to come out so he has to be dumped out onto the floor. I've learned to bring one of thier blankets for the metal table...this relaxes him a lot and he purrs the rest of the time.

11-19-2002, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

How neat that they have a "clinic cat." I always love it when I walk into a store and they have a cat lounging on the counter. :D

Ralph has quite a story--he was a stray who was run over and brought to the clinic to be put down. The vet decided he just couldn't do that and did major surgery to put him back together. Now he's the most laid back kitty ever. I think he has a very calming influence on the animals in the clinic. He's not scared, so why should they be? I have found him licking one of my dogs' ears as he was waking up from being knocked out. Earle doesn't handle GA well and hallucinates alot as he comes too. Ralph just sat by him, purring and licking, trying to help Earle stay calm. It was very sweet.

I think Ralph's story might be on the clinic website.. http://www.yukonvet.ca

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-19-2002, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
I think Ralph's story might be on the clinic website.. http://www.yukonvet.ca

Awwww...what a brave, courageous and sweet kitty. And he's a blackie too! :)

The picture of him in his security cape should be posted on the Cat Occupations thread. He obviously found a great home where he is loved and adored, and is able to help others too. What a great story! :)

Edwina's Secretary
11-19-2002, 04:10 PM
but there was one, sitting in his director's chair (if I remember right) with a sign that welcomed everyone to come over and pet him. Of course I had to go over and indulge myself and it was so funny, because the only reaction he had was to flip his tail a bit. Otherwise he didn't even open his eyes, or in any other way acknowledge that he was a real cat.

Wasn't he something! Had a sign on him that said something like "Winner of the Bump in the Road Award". WHY didn't either of us take a photo?????

(BTW...we don't discuss Edwina's behavior at the vet. It is beyond deplorable and ruins her image....)

11-19-2002, 04:34 PM
Tibby is great at the vet. She just rolls around so everyone will see how cute she is. THe vet and all the techs just love her.

Corkscrew turns into a big scaredy cat and he just wants to hide in his carrier trying to get him out is a big ordeal. Sometimes he's so scared that he just sits there and the vet can do anything to him, and other times he become a horror and I have to help hold him down.

11-19-2002, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Glacier

I think Ralph's story might be on the clinic website.. http://www.yukonvet.ca

Glacier - just been on the clinic web and what a great pet hospital! I just adore Ralph - in his little cape he's a beauty!
He must a calming addition to the place. Nose kisses and head bumpies to Ralph xxx


11-19-2002, 06:30 PM
My oldest cat, Patty is a really good girl. All the technicians love her. She's very patient. She had to have her tummy shaved this summer because she doesn't groom herself very well any more. She sat there and let them do it with very little complaining. My calico, Ginger hates every minute. She snarls, tries to slash, and hisses. The vet loves my Louis. He is very timid and he just stands there and purrs. My youngest, Krissy hates the car ride and usually has an "accident" about 2 minutes away from the vet. Once she gets in she is very cooperative.

11-19-2002, 06:35 PM
Wow I wish all you kitties came to my hospital!! Neko and Tama are good- they are too scared to do anything. Cookie loves to hiss and growl and Pumpkin loves to swat at him. It's kinda embarassing though, cause that's my boss she's swatting at!

The Cat Factory
11-19-2002, 06:54 PM
Last time my Peppurr was at the vet, he peed all over himself!:eek: And then there was this one time when Peppurr was peeing at the vet, and this little boy said "look mommy! The kitty is like a fire hose!" because the pee was spraying like a fire hose!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: