View Full Version : Updated Pictures of the Gang :)

Lori Jordan
07-07-2012, 01:13 PM
It's been awhile since I have posted,I do pop in the odd time and get updates on everyones Furbabies.

Its been quiet a year for me,Sadly we lost my big Molly Girl.Ill post after,Im still devasted and cannot come to terms with it yet.Its hard for me to even write about it.I lost her and my old cat Cally within weeks of eachother.

Onto a happier subject.The Girls(Maggy and Lacy) Both turned 9 This year,Lacy will be 9 on the 23rd of this month,There still doing great,Slowing down some.

And Doc...Well he's a typical 2 year old.Lots of energy and loves to goof around and make you laugh.Thank god for them all they have truly kept me going!!http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i79/JamieLori/June2012125.jpg
My Beautiful Molly..Miss you Babe!


07-07-2012, 02:43 PM
Awww, sorry to read about your losses. Glad the girls are still going strong, and with Doc are keeping you going! They really do help, don't they?

07-07-2012, 09:35 PM
It's good to see you pups Lori! They're adorable. I'm very sorry about Molly. When I saw your thread title I couldn't wait to see pics of Molly.:( I wasn't expecting to hear you lost her. {hugs}