View Full Version : Opera Week

11-18-2002, 04:47 PM
Or to those of us in Orchestra also known as H-E-double hockey sticks Week (not really sure if I'm allowed to post that word here). This is the week that all of us in the orchestra dread. Monday-Wed we have dress rehearsals that are supposed to last 3 hours.. but they never do. Then Thurs-Sun we start the show. To make things worse I have to take an entire week off of work, I can still do pet sits, but that really doesn't pay enough. I get to spend around 3 and a half hours a day stuck in a tiny orchestra pitt with 30 other people. Then come Monday all of us are sick because we've been deprived of sleep and been in such a small area with so many people for a long time. And those of us who aren't funded by our parents starve the following week because we all had to take a week off work and have no money for food. :mad: But oh well, that's the life of a college musician. And the starving part is just the life of a musican in general.

11-18-2002, 07:15 PM
Wow. I've never thought about it from the performer's viewpoint before. I'm one of those who sit in the audience and rejoice in the performance.

What show(s) are you putting on? Do you have a guest performer this time? (With any luck it's not the "You light up my Life" lady (what's her name) again...)

{{{hugs}}} Hang in there!

11-18-2002, 08:14 PM
I don't envy you...although I'm sure they were not intense the last week before high school musicals were super stressful. Rehersals, from the time school let til 10 or 11 at night....

Good luck with your performances!

11-19-2002, 04:05 PM
Thinking off you and holding you in my thoughts for a successful and not hungry week. LOL. If I was closer I'd be round with a food box - take care UAB.


11-19-2002, 04:36 PM
What show(s) are you putting on? Do you have a guest performer this time? (With any luck it's not the "You light up my Life" lady (what's her name) again..

We are doing Die Fledermas (sp?) It's a Strauss opera. No special guest performance this is just a regular UA production. When I did the show with the You light up my life lady (Debbie Boone) that was an actually paid (really well) gig that was outside of school.

12-08-2002, 10:30 PM
i wish you many more "well paid" gigs;)