View Full Version : Cat Occupations

11-18-2002, 03:06 PM
Do anyone else's cats have 'occupations'? It is based on their personality, and at least with Lillycat and I, it is a very funny story to keep building on. I will let her tell you her cat's occupations, but here are mine:

Texas- retired, senior statesman. He just has that retired air about him, very regal, too...so, he was WAY up there in elected officals position. As the eldest (12), he is definetely retired.

Georgia- the actress. Why? She is shy and reclusive like Eva Gabor, and kind of princessy- no offense to any actresses here.

Tennessee- he is an ATTORNEY (how do you like that). Why? Cause he is pompous, a big fat baby, and just acts like an attorney. (hey, no one better than me to know, right?).

Dakota- he is ONE of Tenny's paralegals...constantly doing some courthouse filing for Tenny, definetely second in charge (between the two of them).

Alabama- the dancer! She is always mid-flight, very very impulsive, tight rope walking, impish! And, she is very lithe and limbe, too.

Minnesota- I must admit, Minnie doesn't have an occupation, yet. I think she is leaning towards something in the literary field...and this will be developed as she and I grow together.

Anyone else?

11-18-2002, 03:45 PM
My cat Samantha is the Queen of course. She rules this house, expects to be served and won't allow other cats on her turf.:)

11-18-2002, 04:04 PM
Maya is more of a benevolent Dictator than Queen , I think. She's too bossy to be a royal and diplomatic anything. Make no mistake, she rules this house and all its inhabitants. Bodhi is definately second in command when he's not training to be a plumber or house renovator, or on a good day an interior designer who specializes in kitchen and bathroom (sinks). He is so sweet natured he could be a diplomat.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-18-2002, 04:14 PM
Peanut is her daddy's secretary/helper. He said she climbed on his lap today and wanted to help so bad that she didn't want to go down when he actually had to get some work done. Such a good little girl. :)

Tubby's job is to see how fast he can turn all the white carpeting and furniture in our house black. He does a really good job of it too, although he has slacked off a bit now that it's getting colder and he needs all the fur on his body instead of all over the house. :rolleyes: :D

11-18-2002, 04:17 PM
indra is very secretive.....something to do with the phd he is aspiring to....he hasnt told me in what tho.....nevvie is an airline pilot, always wearing either a yellow or a red scarf.....baby washy is still kinda young but i think it will have something to do with computers as he is always on my keyboard....he loves it when i am online....he just lays on my lap and watches...... he is the one responsible for all the mistakes i make :eek:

11-18-2002, 04:44 PM
How fun...these are all so cute to read! :)

Noah - He is our Police Chief...always making sure his "charges" are in line and is the first to stop any bad behavior such as screendoor jumping, trash can hunting (When he is in there, he's most likely looking for evidence.) and food monitoring. He uses his innate gaurding abilities when mommy and daddy are asleep by laying on my head or staking his spot at our feet.

Noel - She's the princess of course! It's her job to request attention, love and food at her every whim. When we eat on our couch, she demands a taste...but in a very lady-like way of course. :)

Basil - He's still a kid...his tendacies haven't completely come out yet. Looking into the future, he may aspire to be a therapy kitty...he craves love and attention. He's our little love bug. :D

11-18-2002, 05:22 PM
Bo is the sleeping kitty - whenever anyone is sleeping he is right next to the warm body. He is also Hanna's babysitter. And he does a good job of cleaning up all the extra food the other cats don't eat. He has also been known to help the dogs out in this department. As you can see, Bo is a very valuable cat. :D

Abby is the enforcer. Her job is keeping the dogs in line. If they are barking, you can bet she is sitting there looking at them, and giving them a piece of her mind with her "Blabby back talk". She supervises everything, including every new thing we buy and bring into the house. She inspects the empty boxes thouroughly, and makes sure there are no evil spirits inside. She is my watchcat, and will give a growl if anything comes to the door or is in the yard. She keeps me warm when I lay on the couch to watch movies.

Hanna is comic relief. She also protects me when I am in the bathtub so no water monsters come up and get me.

11-18-2002, 05:33 PM
My Mr. Jones would definitely be the BUTLER.
He tends to my every need. If I cry out he comes right to me to see if something's wrong. But to him, his duties include servicing me 'amourously' three times a day. So I guess he's a butler/gigolo. What cat better to be the butler than a Tuxedo boy!

Snowy is a SKATEBOARD RAT who won't get a real job. The way he bounces off of the furniture doing right 'turn backs' and acrobatics. He also had the attention span of a gnat. We are working on him looking directly at Mommy and her saying words and him responding.

Has anyone ever thought of what sport your cat might play?


Cataholic- That Tex of yours really DOES look like Clark Gable. Do you have some more pictures of that boy?
In your regular pictures he'd be the first one I'd go to play with. He looks fun.:)

11-18-2002, 05:54 PM
mine are unemployed and they aren't paying there bills, either.

11-18-2002, 07:12 PM
Gabe would be a Mafia hit man. He would be top hitter and no one would want to mess with him. He would make and bottle his own beer.

Graemer would be an entertainer, maybe a magician. Maybe another Doug Henning. He would be mean to his women friends and they would like it. He would have fan clubs for sure.

Miley would be a little tattle tale (in a big corporation). She could never own her own business. She would never make it past the entry level position, but she would be the best at what she does...maybe sorting mail, but the best mail sorter this side of the Mississippi.


11-18-2002, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
mine are unemployed and they aren't paying there bills, either.

LOL LOL So true! They think they own the place...but they don't pay the bills! :rolleyes:

Scooter would be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, because he purrsonality is so extreme like that. Either that or Dudley Dursley...because his daddy spoils him rotten, yet he still fusses and complains so much! :rolleyes: LOL :)

Marius is such a mamma's boy. He has me wrapped around his little white paw. Maybe he'd be a shoe salesmen...because he's very convincing and you just can't say no! Not to mention his love of shoes! :rolleyes: HA! :D LOL LOL

11-18-2002, 07:30 PM
Hey, SAS, a bit harsh with Miley girl. Mail sorter indeed. I think putting up with your boys is a job and a half. Think of the chaos if you had my bossy , dominant trouble-maker Maya. I imagine Miley and Bodhi would get along wonderfully.

11-18-2002, 07:40 PM
I am rather grateful that she is not bossy and takes the back seat in most battles. I often protect her from her brother Graemer. She can "hold her own" most times, but she squeels so during the struggle. I often capture Graemer and put him in a room by himself, to give Miley a break. She isn't the smartest cat in the world, but she is sweet and very loyal to me. We spend lots of times sitting together while the two boys sit in the living room, together, but not right next to each other.

Such an odd group! But a group that works well together, all things considered.

I love all three of mine but for different reasons.


All Creatures Great And Small
11-18-2002, 08:39 PM
Hmmm..... I think my kitty would be the night watchman / security guard, because he's always in the windows checking things out, especially at night. He "makes the rounds" by going to each window around the entire perimeter and gazing outside, and then he comes and "reports" to me what he has seen. He LOVES it in the summer when every window in the house is open so he can see from every side of the house. He also gets very vocal when he identifies intruders in the yard (stray cats) - "Hey - You in the bushes - Stop where you are or I'll meow, really loud!" :p

11-18-2002, 10:46 PM
Tilly is my security specialist. When at work she protects me from nasty spiders, growls at people who come to the door (yes.. she actually growls when I'm not expecting company.. but when I am she seems to know somehow), and makes sure Bassett and Nutmeg are in line. During her time off she likes to sleep on top of whatever human is available :D

Bassett is my politician. She likes things her way and orders us around and expects everyone to do her beck and call. And of course we do :D No offense to anyone who is in politics!!!

Nutmeg is the court jester. She just acts like a goof 24/7. She may look into different careers as she matures :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-19-2002, 12:54 AM
Tinky's... occupation would be making sure nothing moves!! I can't move a book, piece of paper, table chairs to mop or anything without her jumping on it.

Jupiter's..... occupation would be couch deformer.. because that is one of his favorite things to sit on the top of the couch and squish it down.... here is a pic that looks like him...

Debbie... if you don't mind be borrowing your picture..


11-19-2002, 01:10 AM
Cassy: would either be a plumber as he is FASCINATED by running water or a con man. :rolleyes: Before I had the 'real' plumber in I had to open up the top of the tank periodically and fiddle with the mechanism there and at least 90% of the time there would be a little fuzzy head and/or paws right where I needed to be. The con man part just feels 'right' for my little guy, although I can't think of any examples tonight.

Livvy: Love Goddess. Although her heart belongs to Oliver, her extraordinary beauty and delightful 'Venus-esque' curves attract admiration where-ever she strolls. And she is a FIRM believer in frequent beauty naps. She has considered taking on a side line as a beauty consultant, but is iffy about committing to a job that would take time from her rigorous nap schedule. She has a duty to her public, you understand.

11-19-2002, 06:42 AM
Oh these are so funny that I am laughing out loud right now!!! You folks sure know your kitties and I too "know" so many of their little purrrsonalities now that I can really see the fitting job descriptions that you have given them! Too funny!

I think my Trevor would do well as a food taster for a cat food company. He probably wouldn't reject any though but it would make the manufacturers think they had a real good product on their hands.
:rolleyes: Andy would do well in anything that involved fast getaways! (Hopefully he would choose a career that was law abiding though). When there is a knock at my front door all you can see is a big white streak and then POOF - he's gone!

11-19-2002, 06:47 AM
I knew I'd find a computer I could use somewhere!!! LOL - Grasshopper is a therapist, both in the purr and paw department. Actually, I suppose the "paw therapy" would be more along the lines of "masseowuse". ;)

11-19-2002, 06:55 AM
Sydney (RB) was a professional BIRD-WATCHER . He spent HOURS
trying to spot all the birds in our garden and chase them away with his mighty looks !!!

Maya , is my BABY-SITTER . She takes care of lil Inka as if she was her own baby .

And Inka ?? She is my SHADOW ;) ;) :D :D

11-19-2002, 08:43 AM
Kunan would be the love bunny of the group. He just loves to cuddle and being his size he is really good at it too!

Bouncer...does Hermit count as an occupation? She is very antisocial and prefers to stay in the basement guarding the laundry. Not sure where she thinks it is going....

Zingo is the Court Jester. As shown by his knocking the food bowl down the stairs last night, waiting until we cleaned all of the food and pieces of bowl up and then dumping the water bowl as well....:rolleyes:

Plague...not sure yet. Perhaps Cat Burgular as she is very good at sneaking up people and stealing things to turn them into toys....:eek:

Edwina's Secretary
11-19-2002, 09:05 AM
As some of you know, Edwina has been trying various occupations -- detective, librarian, cowgirl, plumber....and has yet to settle on one that really suits her. The problem is they all involve.....how does she put it.....WORK!

11-19-2002, 09:26 AM
:D :D Joseph the big gray and whit cat is the cort jester , keeping my spirit high. He also makes sure the other cats get enough exercise , and keepe them on thier toes by chasing and ambushing them. What a happy little cat , Joseph The Jester.:cool: :eek: :eek: :eek:

11-19-2002, 09:30 AM
Juni is a Law Enforcer. Lat night I was talking too loud to my brother (in Juni's opinion, well in my brother's opinion too, I guess), and Juni decided it's her job to make keep us in line. She bites people gently and mmrrrows if they argue, no matter if that is a fight or a simple exchange of opinions. She is such a sweety. I guess, she loves us too much and cannot listen to how we argue.
And she is also the house security. She growls if there is someone at our door.

11-19-2002, 09:38 AM
Filou is a prince, well maybe a circus prince or a magician. (A colleague of mine says he's a maharaja -well well). Tigris is a knight who fights against the bad and the king can rely upon him. Must have been with King Artus in a former live.

11-19-2002, 10:48 AM
oh fun...
Scout -Bouncer, Mental Patient- he's the older cat breaking up Gigi and Bixby from playing too rough. He also will climb on top of the recliner, paw at the wall and meow. Joey and I think he has issues...we joke that he's the kitty that whispers,"I see dead people."

Gigi -Lifeguard/Olympic Swimmer, Model, & Janitor- Gigi loves water...whenever I start running water for a bath she hops on in to play and swim. She also sits there and gives this I'm cute, you must love me, look...why she'd be a good model. And she's a Janitor because she's constantly hopping in the litter box after the boys and making sure all poops are covered up and that the box is basically clean.

Bixby -Mathematician(sp?), Couch Potato- Bixby will sit and cock his head to the side like his contemplating complex math problems. And he'll also curl up nex to me on the sofa and watch TV. He really will stare at the TV

All Creatures Great And Small
11-19-2002, 10:59 AM
Joey and I think he has issues...we joke that he's the kitty that whispers,"I see dead people."
She bites people gently and mmrrrows if they argue, no matter if that is a fight or a simple exchange of opinions. This is too cute - she's a peacekeeper - I think we should send her around the world as an ambassador for world peace;) :D
Zingo is the Court Jester. As shown by his knocking the food bowl down the stairs last night, waiting until we cleaned all of the food and pieces of bowl up and then dumping the water bowl as well.... NAWTEE KAT! :eek: :p

11-19-2002, 11:03 AM
Taz is a manager. He takes his role of leadership very seriously. He gives Rocky looks of disapproval and shows him the way. He lets Rocky know when his antics get out of hand. He comes to me when things like the litter box or the food dish need to be taken care of.

Rocky is a latin music star- sort of a Ricky Martin type. He's good looking and he knows it. Definitly a lover, not a fighter- much to discredit his name. Very showy and vocal. Wants all the attention. Loves women.:rolleyes

All Creatures Great And Small
11-19-2002, 11:07 AM
Rocky is a latin music star- sort of a Ricky Martin type. Goodness - I hope he doesn't go around the house shaking his bon-bon..... :D :p :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-19-2002, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
Tinky's... occupation would be making sure nothing moves!! I can't move a book, piece of paper, table chairs to mop or anything without her jumping on it.

Jupiter's..... occupation would be couch deformer.. because that is one of his favorite things to sit on the top of the couch and squish it down.... here is a pic that looks like him...

Debbie... if you don't mind be borrowing your picture..

Not at all Sara. :) I was actually thinking of this picture the other day because I had to clean all the Peanut hair off, and then I had to try and "re-fluff" the cushion. It's actually attached so I can't just flip it over. She makes a good "couch deformer," as I'm sure Jupiter does too since I think he's a little bigger than Peanut.

Everybody's responses are so great. I love this kind of thread because it really brings out everyone's imaginations, and we have some very creative people here. :D

11-19-2002, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
Goodness - I hope he doesn't go around the house shaking his bon-bon..... :D :p :D

Haa haa! You bet. He shakes his booty booty bon bon like a PRO!

11-19-2002, 01:34 PM
So Funny

Dan - Only one job for our Dan - Senior Cushion tester.
There's not one in the whole house he's not tried out and approved!

Ketchum - Definately our Cleansing Inspector - he spends so much time hiding under the bed!!

Bagel - There's only one job for our pretty girl - Prima Ballerina. The way she tippy-toes around the house with her feet in 2nd Position is a joy to behold!!!


11-19-2002, 02:02 PM
Mr Jones is appalled that I think of him as a butler/gigolo.
That may be his night job, but
He has informed me that he is a landscape architect/land excavator.
He always finds something wrong in the plant beds and has to rearrange the stones. He's like a little earth mover.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-19-2002, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
[COLOR=orangered]Jupiter's..... occupation would be couch deformer.. because that is one of his favorite things to sit on the top of the couch and squish it down.... here is a pic that looks like him...

And just in case you need further verification of just what a "Couch Deformer" is......


:D :rolleyes: :D :rolleyes: :D :eek: :D

11-19-2002, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont

Miley would be a little tattle tale (in a big corporation). She could never own her own business. She would never make it past the entry level position, but she would be the best at what she does...maybe sorting mail, but the best mail sorter this side of the Mississippi.

I am sure as pretty as she is she would marry the CEO... This is what these girls sometimes do when the others of us are working hard....;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-19-2002, 03:43 PM
Hey everybody, you should check this out! Click here (http://www.yukonvet.ca/) to see Ralph, a real, live, working kitty kat. He's got a great story. :) And this vet has a great website! :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-19-2002, 05:44 PM
HA!! HA!! Debbie!!! That pic looks just like Jupiter..... looks like Tubby and Peanut are hard at work deforming your couch too!!!

11-19-2002, 06:24 PM
Cat occupations - I love this!

My senior girl, Patty: Supreme court judge - very calm and dignified.
My calico, Ginger: Mafia hit girl - very cunning and clever; and a little psycho.
My only boy, Louis: Accountant - methodical and reserved.
My youngest, Krissy: Model - very pretty fluffball, but not the brightest girl around.

Edwina's Secretary
11-19-2002, 07:45 PM
I saw a book once -- photos of working cats...cats in book stores, barns, etc. WHY, oh why didn't I buy it????

11-20-2002, 06:21 AM
SARA!!!!! You actually DIDN'T buy it! (*Gasp*) ROTFL!


11-20-2002, 09:21 AM
Taz asked me to sign him up for laundry folder as well.
:( We won't tell him that he really is no help in that department. He makes the work take much longer than it should.

11-20-2002, 09:59 AM
Well, as many know, Ritzy recently became the "official office cat"...but I think she perceives it more like Edwina's world, where MOM is the secretary. Ritzy fills so many roles in our lives

Comic relief - she always seems to know when to make us laugh

Purr therapist - I don't know what I would do without it

Queen, of course...all chairs eventually become her throne.

Artist - remember the various mysterious "mouse arrangements'?

Mom's personal trainer - that 'chase the mousie' game really gets mom to move around the house, even though she THINKS she is exercising Ritzy :)

Exhibitionist - you've all seen her "work the room" with that cutie cat thing, right?

Window monitor

...and most recently, she's apparently dabbling as a Shakesperean actor! (see pic)


All Creatures Great And Small
11-20-2002, 12:17 PM
Well, here's a link to where you can buy a used copy of the Working Cats book (it's out of print) - maybe your hubby could get it for you as a nice Christmas gift! Barnes & Noble Out of Print (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/OopBooks/UsedBook.asp?userid=168E7X7WA7&sourceid=00399985196909200492&bfdate=11%2D20%2D2002+13%3A05%3A21&ean=2780646832576)

Also, while I was cruising around looking for that book, I stumbled onto a really cute website: Shopcat (http://www.shopcat.com) that features working cats - tux lovers will particulary enjoy Henry from Seattle.....:p

11-20-2002, 02:08 PM
Shopcat -what a wonderful website. Thanks for sharing.
I have met several working kitties in the US especially in bookstores. I met one in Mendocino and in a village near Mount Shasta. She controlled the bags to make sure there were no shoplifters.
Cats also like to work in antiquity shops. Pleases their sense for quality I guess.

11-20-2002, 05:23 PM
i had to smile at the pic of tinky "squishing down" the couch.....dont we all have kittys that like to do that? what a darling pic!!!

11-20-2002, 07:08 PM
And, here I was fearful you all would think I was nuts for starting this thred!!!! I would have to repost the whole thred to point out all the funny funny occupations! I laughed out loud, and agree with the person that wrote it helps me to 'know' your kids better. Thanks for such input!!!!!!!

11-20-2002, 07:17 PM
cats...it's not that you are not nuts....it is just that the rest of us are a little nuts too..:D

11-21-2002, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
cats...it's not that you are not nuts....it is just that the rest of us are a little nuts too..:D

I prefer to think of us as "creative", "unique", "vivacious", "irrepressible"....and besides, I've always liked nuts :)

11-21-2002, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr

I prefer to think of us as "creative", "unique", "vivacious", "irrepressible"....and besides, I've always liked nuts :)

Tuxluvr, do you mean "pom poms"? :D :eek: :D

11-21-2002, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
cats...it's not that you are not nuts....it is just that the rest of us are a little nuts too..:D

A little:confused: :confused:
Did you say "a little":confused: :confused:

11-21-2002, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic

Tuxluvr, do you mean "pom poms"? :D :eek: :D

uhh, you know.......cashews, pecans, almonds......and of course....Peanuts...(and Tubbys too) ;)

11-21-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr

uhh, you know.......cashews, pecans, almonds......and of course....Peanuts...(and Tubbys too) ;)

Too cute!

11-21-2002, 02:56 PM
My hubby (and co-workers) would agree that I should be in the "nut" category as well....but hey, misery loves company...and I'm blessed to have you all with me in this "misery". :D :)

11-21-2002, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
My hubby (and co-workers) would agree that I should be in the "nut" category as well....but hey, misery loves company...and I'm blessed to have you all with me in this "misery". :D :)

Me too :)

11-22-2002, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
My hubby (and co-workers) would agree that I should be in the "nut" category as well....but hey, misery loves company...and I'm blessed to have you all with me in this "misery". :D :)

Kelly I couldn't agree more - and if this is misery - bring it on!!:D


11-22-2002, 06:24 PM
me too;)

smokey the elder
11-23-2002, 07:46 AM
Let's see...

Smokey the Elder was Keith's tutor on his Series 7 exam, so I guess that would make her a stockbroker.

Mobius is a tax preparer. When I'd do my taxes manually she had to audit them.

Diva is an acoustics tester. She's constantly meowing to test the acoustic tiles in the kitchen.

Pixel is a groomer. She's always grooming the other cats' heads.

Diamond is the table and lamp inspector.

TicTac is the token male cat. :D

Smokey the Younger is the bed tester. Whenever I bring home new cat furniture she has to check it out.

Bosun is the enforcer. She always keeps the other cats in line.

All Creatures Great And Small
11-25-2002, 12:48 AM

11-25-2002, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by Barbara

A little:confused: :confused:

Not a little : COMPLETELY nuts ...;) :rolleyes: :eek: :D

11-30-2002, 03:06 AM
that is one lovely cat.......my favorite kind too;)

All Creatures Great And Small
11-30-2002, 12:36 PM
Why thank you - he's my favorite kitty too;) !