View Full Version : At the Groomer

06-20-2012, 12:13 PM
First, I just want to say that I took my guys to the Groomer yesterday, and a couple had a pair of St. Bernard's just ahead of me. WOW, those guys are BIG ! I'd estimate that they both weighted just over 200 lbs, and, I don't think they were all that old either.

Anyhow, the reason for the Post is...
As you can see, I have two Yorkies, both a little over breed standard weight. I've been paying $46 each for them to get the standard nails/ears/glands/bathe/clip. Is that a reasonable price ?

Actually, I think what I'm really complaining about is...
I saw the bill for the St's, and it was the same as mine. $46 ea.

06-20-2012, 01:13 PM
Saint Bernards are bigger, but simpler to groom - they do not need a trim like Yorkies do, or to have their ears plucked, etc., as they shed (copiously in the summer). They are also usually pretty relaxed and will let a groomer do tonsils without a fuss, and usually don't need their anal glands expressed like some smaller breeds do.

Suki Wingy
06-20-2012, 09:44 PM
That's about what they would charge in my salon where I work. If the St. Bernards aren't getting any trimming on their feet/butt, no conditioner, or any extras, that seems about right for them as well. Although I did a Bernese Mountain Dog today and her bill was $111 but she got quite a few extra services.

06-21-2012, 12:04 AM
Thanks for both for your replies.

Though I don't have either of my Yorkies done with a very complicated cut (just short cut all over) it seemed a little lop sided to see how much work it took on the St's given the area done. I Don't mind paying for the work, as long as it's fair.

Thanks again.

06-21-2012, 11:10 AM
Sneakers and Becca went to the groomer! :cool: Could you have your person give you a gentle pet for me, please. My former neighbor across the hall had a Yorkie and I always enjoyed petting him because his coat was so silky and smooth! My next-door neighbors also have a Yorkie and he has these big, cute ears.

06-21-2012, 02:47 PM

HA HA, don't worry about the petting, they get a LOT of that, and kisses, and hugs, and rubbums, and vigorous butt scratching, and on and on ! ;)
I just love big ears, and I "sorta" cheat a little with my guys. I have the Groomer let the hair grow out on them, and it makes them look a lot bigger than they really are. I do that to their Tails as well.

06-21-2012, 06:31 PM
We charge $42 for a yorkie full groom (haircut, bath, nails, ears, anal glands) and I think a st bernard bath and brush is $50-$55. That's not a haircut though for a haircut on a st. bernard it would be at least $85-$100+ depending on the condition of the coat. The difference is that your yorkies are getting haircuts and the st. bernards I would assume just got their nails clipped, maybe paws trimmed, etc. The haircut requires more skill where the st. bernard bath is more just time consuming. Personally I think the price for the yorkie haircut is fair, the price for the st. bernard bath isn't enough, unless they are the shorter coated ones then that is fair. If they were the furry long coated ones that's a little lopsided. A lot of our big bath dogs are roughly the same price as small groom dogs and the full groom generally takes me longer than the bath dog because it takes more time to make sure the clip looks nice (and try using sharp objects on a really wiggly dog to make them look good and not get cut) where the bath dog you mostly are just waiting for them to be dry. Now if the bath dog needs a ton of brushing that takes longer but well, I'd also charge them more too.

06-21-2012, 10:54 PM

Gees do I understand the "wiggley" part ! :eek:

Actually, I have a very nice Oster Grooming set, which after a try or two, has been sitting there gathering Dust. Except for the Brush's and Combs. I quickly realized it was in my and the dog's best interest that I leave that up to someone else. :o

When I get the Brush's out of the box now, my guys will just look at me suspiciously, instead of dashing up the stairs to hide under the bed. :D

Suki Wingy
06-24-2012, 09:05 PM
The high velocity blow dryers are my best friend at work. If the dog will let you, you can get almost 90% of the loose undercoat out with the blow dryer while getting them dry, and the hair will be fluffier at the end!

06-24-2012, 09:16 PM
The high velocity blow dryers are my best friend at work. If the dog will let you, you can get almost 90% of the loose undercoat out with the blow dryer while getting them dry, and the hair will be fluffier at the end!
I occasionally bring Jamie to a DIY grooming place that has one of these set up, and Jamie is TERRIFIED of them :( She'll stand still because she's obedient, but I know she's terrified. It does get a LOT of her undercoat out though, and she is definitely fluffy!!

Suki Wingy
06-24-2012, 11:28 PM
Sometimes you can put a terrycloth hood type thing over their ears to mute the sound and they'll tolerate it more. Some dogs never get comfortable with it and some learn to love it.

06-25-2012, 01:19 AM
Sometimes you can put a terrycloth hood type thing over their ears to mute the sound and they'll tolerate it more. Some dogs never get comfortable with it and some learn to love it.

Thank you, I'll try to remember that the next time we go :)

06-25-2012, 03:13 AM
Mom had to learn few basic grooming to somehow save and at least she has new hobby.