View Full Version : Update on Raven and Prudence

05-16-2012, 12:11 AM
Hi everyone,

I havent posted in a while about my kitties !
Time for an update..

Prudence and Raven have been getting along great.. For the last three weeks everything has gone smoothly with them, Raven does still growl and get annoyed at Prudence.. But I think thats normal ;). PRudence is showing some more dominant attitude towards Raven as she gets larger.. She pounces on Raven all the time.. Raven gets so mad, but she's never aggressive with Prudence.

Prudence went to the vet two weeks ago to get her shots, and talk about her spaying "which will be coming up in the next month". Im actually very nervous about getting her spayed.. I've never had experience with a cat who's just had a major surgery.. Any advise?

Prudence will be 6 months on June 14th.. When do cats usually go into heat for the first time?? I want to get her spayed before her heat.. I just a not sure whats to early.. Although my vet said she can get spayed at 5 months, I am worried thats to young...

Anyways The cats are happy, and Prudence is VERY much an adventurist. :eek:She has managed to escape outside through a space between my air conditioner sever times, and she has now learned how to "open" the sliding screen door with her poly cat feet!!!! :rolleyes:

05-16-2012, 01:19 AM
I'm glad to hear that Prudence and Raven are getting along well.:) Here's some info that I found on the internet about female cats going into heat:

Feline Puberty Arrives:
The age a cat reaches puberty will vary from kitten to kitten, just as with humans; and much depends on factors such as environment and breed. Outdoor or feral kittens may reach maturity earlier, especially if intact male cats are around. Siamese cats can show signs of puberty as soon as 4 months of age, while other breeds may not reach sexual maturity until they're 10 months old. In general, by 5 to 6 months of age, cats have reached adolescence. Female kittens can then go into heat and become pregnant even though they're little more than kittens themselves. Cats being bred intentionally shouldn't be permitted to get pregnant until they're at least a year old, so they can develop the instincts and emotions to cope with motherhood.

If I were you I'd be making an appointment to have her spayed asap especially since you said that she's learned how to escape outside. Both of my girls were spayed very early and everything went well. They just need to have some time to heal. Good luck.:)