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05-12-2012, 10:18 AM
I went to my friend's prom last Saturday and it was at the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, New Jersey. It was so neat! They left most of the aquarium open for everyone to look around and see the fish. Unfortuanately, the only part that was closed was the part where the shark tanks were. That is one of the coolest parts of the aquarium, I think. You are able to walk through a tunnel in the tank and all different types of sharks swim around you. I was kind of bummed it was closed off, but the prom was still fun either way! It was Mexican themed since it was Cince De Mayo, good way to celebrate the holiday. ;) They served Mexican food and had sombreros and maracas on each table. It was loads of fun! Now onto the pictures! :D

This was the ceiling of the dance floor. The fish spun around and changed different colors throughout the night. It was cute. http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff452/erinelizabethxx/020-1.jpg
These fish had such pretty, vibrant colors:
Seahorse time!
Look how thin they are, wow. :eek:

More on the next post!

05-12-2012, 10:28 AM
Eel, he was a cool looking guy:
They had the tables spread along the big tanks, so while everyone was eating they could see the fish.
Here's the Philadelphia city line at night, really pretty!
Here's us in front of it during the day. I'm the one in the blue.

That's all the pictures I have! Thanks for looking! Sorry the quality is pretty bad on most of them. I had to use my iPod camera since my regular camera decided not to work for me. Guess you can only have a camera for so many years until it runs out. :rolleyes: My senior prom is this Friday. I'm SUPER excited. It's at a hotel, nowhere really fancy like the aquarium haha. I'm still in shock my SENIOR prom is six days away. Next thing I know, I'll be graduated and moved into college. Time sure does fly by!

Thanks again for looking! Hope you enjoyed!

05-12-2012, 10:32 AM
Fun picture, even though the quality isn't the best, I like the turtle one, of course! What a cool place to have a prom!

05-12-2012, 11:21 AM
What a unique idea for a place to have the prom. I would have loved something like that - instead of the usual boring hotel or country club. The pics were great too - people and water creatures alike :)

05-12-2012, 11:36 AM
Wow those pictures are really beautiful, I love looking at fish and their beautiful colors. Take pics when you have your prom also, thanks for sharing.

05-12-2012, 02:27 PM
I was thinking the same thing, what a great place to have a prom! Have fun at your prom too!

Scooter's Mom
05-12-2012, 03:11 PM
What a fun idea for a prom! I love the shade of blue you're wearing, and those roses are beautiful!!

05-12-2012, 05:19 PM
What a great idea to have the prom at the Aquarium! Thanks for sharing the pics!:D

05-12-2012, 05:34 PM
What a great idea to have the prom at the Aquarium! Thanks for sharing the pics!:D

I agree.:)

05-12-2012, 06:49 PM
What a wonderful idea! And what gorgeous photos. Clearly a grand time was had by all.

Thank you!

Suki Wingy
05-13-2012, 12:40 AM
That's so cool! My prom was in a hotel ballroom which was much too small for our class. It was kind of boring and the girl I went with and I ended up leaving early.

05-13-2012, 08:23 PM
What a unique idea for a place to have the prom. I would have loved something like that - instead of the usual boring hotel or country club. The pics were great too - people and water creatures alike :)

That's exactly what I thought. We're having mine at a hotel in the city. Most of the catholic schools in my neighborhood have theirs at the coolest places, the aquarium, the zoo, and Citizens Bank Park (where the Phillies play.) but I guess I can't complain, some of the public schools have theirs in their school gym. :rolleyes:

And thank you everyone for the nice comments! :)

05-13-2012, 10:45 PM
What an awesome place to have a prom! Love the pictures of the seahorses. Those are one of my favorite things at our aquarium here. Our junior prom was in a ballroom, then they had our senior prom in a civic auditorium. So boring, lol. Your dress is very pretty and you look lovely! Have fun at your senior prom, and don't forget to take pictures to show us! :D