View Full Version : Need help ~ please identify!!!

05-04-2012, 11:59 AM
I found this growing in an empty planter on the front porch this morning. Does anyone know what it is??? I know it's not a pussy willow or a tiger lily - so what the heck is it? Do you think I should water and feed it??? :confused::confused:



05-04-2012, 12:04 PM
Aww, that's one of the prettiest species there are - how lucky! They need fresh water two times a day, and some dry kibble of high quality. Also, try with raw liver and raw fish, and they will grow like weed. :D

What a cutie! :love:

05-04-2012, 12:24 PM
Oh, some fresh water and healthy food given daily makes this variety thrive! Lucky you to have one growing on your porch!:D

05-04-2012, 12:51 PM
Aww, that's one of the prettiest species there are - how lucky! The need fresh water two times a day, and some dry kibble of high quality. Also, try with raw liver and raw fish, and they will grow like weed. :D

yep, and don't forget to shower it with love several times a day!

05-04-2012, 01:28 PM
It is a two tone variety! Very special indeed. Stroking now and again is also appreciated by this species, lol.

05-04-2012, 01:41 PM
Do NOT water from above! It may flee in protest!

It's catweed Felinus Duffleweed and can be picky about its environment!

05-04-2012, 02:12 PM
Do NOT water from above! It may flee in protest!

It's catweed Felinus Duffleweed and can be picky about its environment!

I was going to say something very similar --- you might want to use a dish to water this species. That way it can take in as much water as it needs.

This is an especially lovely specimen! Some of them like to be spoken to :)

05-04-2012, 07:54 PM
Oh that's good one. I have posts display latest first, so when I scrolled to the bottom I expected some greenery. I should know better with you guys.

So are you going to nurture the catweed or give it to catweed rescue group?

If you nurture the catweed, I hear catweeds like to have a name.

05-05-2012, 05:49 AM
Oh that's good one. I have posts display latest first, so when I scrolled to the bottom I expected some greenery. I should know better with you guys.

So are you going to nurture the catweed or give it to catweed rescue group?

If you nurture the catweed, I hear catweeds like to have a name.

I am the rescue group! :D This catweed's name is Sherbie - my stray who came to stay over 9 years ago. We think he was 3 or 4 when he showed up here. He has his own outside "apartment", and also one next door. But I believe he likes what I have on the menu better than at his other place of abode, since he never fails to show up for breakfast and dinner.

And that crazy cat slept in that planter all day yesterday. I had to serve him dinner on the front porch rather than on the back porch as usual, since he wasn't the least bit interested in leaving his new found comfy spot.

05-05-2012, 09:01 AM
I am the rescue group! :D This catweed's name is Sherbie - my stray who came to stay over 9 years ago. We think he was 3 or 4 when he showed up here. He has his own outside "apartment", and also one next door. But I believe he likes what I have on the menu better than at his other place of abode, since he never fails to show up for breakfast and dinner.

And that crazy cat slept in that planter all day yesterday. I had to serve him dinner on the front porch rather than on the back porch as usual, since he wasn't the least bit interested in leaving his new found comfy spot.

Okay, I remember that name now! Sherbie's a true player, dividing his time between his peeps!

05-05-2012, 09:24 AM
We have the same sort of odd thing happening at the Found Cat Hotel, they are different shapes and sizes , but they do look ike your flower pot friend.
Our Human Dad always leaves food and sheter like you , and try to help wherever he can.
Sherbie is a doll , a Great Creamsice Cat!!!:cool::cool::love::D:)

05-06-2012, 02:48 PM
Oh how I'd love to find that on MY porch!

Hi Sherbie, it's so nice to see you! I'm sending you lots of scritchies and lovies :love:

05-07-2012, 03:26 PM
That darn catweed is thriving in the planter, and it can be found there on a daily basis now. Guess I won't be putting any plant of my choosing in it this year. :( I just can't figure out what the big attraction is, as he never occupied it before!

05-07-2012, 04:12 PM
This year, the sun is aligned in the precisely proper positioning for the catweed's needs - until the planets, in their ever-changing subtle peregrinations throughout the solar system lined up just so, it just was not right!

05-07-2012, 04:31 PM
I am the rescue group! :D This catweed's name is Sherbie - my stray who came to stay over 9 years ago. We think he was 3 or 4 when he showed up here. He has his own outside "apartment", and also one next door. But I believe he likes what I have on the menu better than at his other place of abode, since he never fails to show up for breakfast and dinner.

And that crazy cat slept in that planter all day yesterday. I had to serve him dinner on the front porch rather than on the back porch as usual, since he wasn't the least bit interested in leaving his new found comfy spot.

Okay, you got me again , sure didn't expect to see the cat..:D Real cute though, can't believe he likes it in that crowded planter. Looks like he makes the decisions around there, I guess that means your two fuzzies get along with him :) ?

05-07-2012, 04:44 PM
Okay, you got me again , sure didn't expect to see the cat..:D Real cute though, can't believe he likes it in that crowded planter. Looks like he makes the decisions around there, I guess that means your two fuzzies get along with him :) ? Oh yeah - cat is also known as velcro kitty when it comes to Sparky. Poor Spark can't even take a dump without Sherbie rubbing all over him and staying glued to him. It's comical to watch them walking all around the back yard - glued together! Myndi tolerates but discourages any such actions tho, and Sherbie gets the message and leaves her alone.

And you might be on to something Karen. Maybe the recent big moon had some weird effect on him! :D