View Full Version : I need some Pet Talk good vibes please

11-15-2002, 10:33 PM
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO upset right now. I am just shaking and crying from anger and hurt. This STUPID man on a poodle forum I'm on has made some really ignorant posts. He bought a toy poodle puppy from a breeder, deemed it retarded, said it needed medication, and sent it back to the breeder. The way he said it though was so bad. He really upset me so bad. I wrote and said dogs are not disposable toys for children and they are a lifelong commitment. Well anyway tonight he made this awful post that has me so upset. Look at this one paragraph:

And yes the only reason I bought this pup was to keep the
kids busy. Not for an addition to the family, not for an extra
special love that you get from dogs, not because I love the breed, because it would keep the kids busy. When the kids are tired of it, when it's not cute no more, it will probably end up in a pound or rescue. That's where most dogs end up. Cruel? Harsh? Eh, it's honest.

And I think of all the sad little faces at the shelter I work at and at the one I volunteer at. They don't deserve idiots like this. The breeder must be AWFUL to let a puppy go home to a man like this. I don't even think you can call him a man. I think I would get kicked off of here if I said the words I'd like to say to describe him. I'm so mad and sad. WHEN will people stop being so CRUEL?

Here's another paragraph that just has me crying:

Animals were put on this earth to serve man, to fill a need to serve a purpose, to make man's life easier. What gives me that idea? God. Read Genesis. I did not say they should be abused or beaten or sacrificed so don't even go there. They are to be eaten, worn, tested and to make money off of (you breeders know what I am talking about) and as companions.

The lil retard will be better off with a person who does not have a life one that dedicates all of their time to help poor animals

11-15-2002, 10:41 PM
He's just one person. One sad, misguided person. And I bet he didn't represent himself to the breeder that way.

That said, gosh,, I am sure we outnumber him many to one! Cover him in gravy and let the Lab puppies in! Okay, that'd be too risky for the puppies. What I would do, though, is circulate his name to every local shelter you know, so he doesn't get a dog there just to return another heart-broken dog later.

11-15-2002, 10:44 PM
He already got another puppy from the same breeder :( :( :( :( :(

I guess its just hitting me so hard because a lot of the dogs at my work come in from idiot homes like that. It makes them so terrified of human contact. The sad thing is they actually miss their owners while they are sitting alone, abandoned in a shelter cage. The good part is we work with them and they come around so quickly and then get the BEST homes. I feel bad for the ones who end up in kill shelters .... my heart is just seriously hurting from this :(

11-15-2002, 10:46 PM
Mind giving me the link to that forum? :D

11-15-2002, 11:02 PM
Aly, after reading those comments, it seems to me that perhaps he is working overtime to see how many people he can upset. Why do people have to be so cruel??

I'm sorry he upset you. :(

Aspen and Misty
11-15-2002, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Mind giving me the link to that forum? :D

Need I say more? I have a few words for this "man". What an.....grrrrrr!!!!

Miss Meow
11-16-2002, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Mind giving me the link to that forum? :D


In the meantime, can you forward those excerpts to the breeder so s/he can see what sort of morons are taking the animals? This infuriates me. All care, no responsibility isn't good enough for people like that, they need to be more accountable.

11-16-2002, 12:04 AM
That's crazy... the breeder shouldn't have given him another. I'm sorry you had to read that :(

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-16-2002, 12:25 AM
I agree with Logan...
Sounds like an immature man who is just out to hurt someones feelings. I get that all the time at my job... He must be a liar too.. if not why would he be spending his precious "animals are put on earth to serve man" time looking and logging on to a poodle forum. It seems to me like he must have some kind of feeling for the breed or interest of taking care of it or he is some sicko that is just got on a poodle lovin forum to upset some people.... I think the moderators of that forum should give a boot out the door.... OR... maybe we can tie him in a chair and LOVE AND KISS AND HUG AND SMOTHER OUR FURRKIDS WITH LOVE RIGH IN FRONT OF HIM.... We could take shifts and give it to him 24 / 7 ......... what do you say Pet Talkers .... LETS DO IT... ;) ;)

11-16-2002, 12:55 AM
That is horrible Aly. :( I really hope this was just some guy out to make people mad and he doesn't really *have* the dog......that is a pretty sad breeder if she gave him another pup. What was it about this pup that made him deem it "retarded?" That guy is a total <insert curse word here>!!

I can't STAND it when people think they are getting a dog "for the kids." No matter how much the kid begs, say they will clean up after the dog, feed the dog, brush the dog.......they won't. They may love and play with the dog, but they are certainly not going to take care of it. It's ridiculous to even *ask* a child to assume full responsibility for a living creature. My friend's brother and family has a little girl who wants a dog. There are 3 dogs that live in the backyard of that house, and she is terrified of all of them. Their other kid is scared of them too. There's just this one schnauzer that they know that they like, so they want a schnauzer. Their dad was seriously thinking of getting a schnauzer puppy for them. He doesn't know how to take care of a dog (the dogs in the backyard are "hunting dogs" and that only) and his wife doesn't want a dog..........and guess how old the girl who wants the dog is? 3 years old! I haven't heard anything new about the dog, so I'm hoping they've decided against it.

People are stupid. Some lady came in today with a really cute westie. I was talking to her about him because he reminded me so much of McKinney :(. I was saying how hard McKinney was to potty train, and she's like "Yeah, we gave up with that on him. He lives outside now. Our vet said that most people don't think about the fact that dogs used to live outside all the time, so it's not going to kill them." That is such a narrow minded way to think. Yeah, WOLVES lived outside, and yes, some dogs (such as huskies, gsds, etc.) do have the coat and ability to live outside...but that doesn't mean that they have to, and most dog breeds, especially toy and smaller breeds were bred just to be companion dogs, *not* to live outside...

11-16-2002, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
.... OR... maybe we can tie him in a chair and LOVE AND KISS AND HUG AND SMOTHER OUR FURRKIDS WITH LOVE RIGH IN FRONT OF HIM.... We could take shifts and give it to him 24 / 7 ......... what do you say Pet Talkers .... LETS DO IT... ;) ;)

Oh Sara that's such an idea :D.
That kind of people make me so sad :(

11-16-2002, 01:46 AM
you are a very nice, caring person, thats why it bothered you so much. he does sound awful! but don't pay much attention to him, the kids must love the puppy, and they will give it love, and maybe they will take it when they grow up. I bet he just was trying to bother you, the creep. some people think its funny to upset others. he's not worth your time. this idiot is not a regular on the board is "IT"? (he?)

yes, I too would like the link to that forum. good idea!
I was in a good mood but now I just read that second paragraph, what a moron he is.
just ignore him him, he wont be around there long with that attitude. sad little man.

11-16-2002, 06:44 AM
Aly, that is so horrible. There are some really disturbing people out there. That guy needs some serious help. :mad: I just hope that one day he will see the error of his thinking. Meanwhile, the world could use more people just like you....Thanks for caring!!!

11-16-2002, 07:02 AM
This makes me sad and angry at the same time. I am so sad for that poodle. I just can't imagine anyone thinking like he thinks although I am sure there are unfortunately many people out there like him. This also is one reason I could never be a breeder. I would have nightmares that one of mine would go to such a horrible person. I am sure he put on a good front when he adopted that sweetie. Oh now I will be worried about the fate of that little one. :( Karen, I think your idea is excellent about circulating his name to local shelters. I would go one step further and circulate his name to local poodle breeders too. Too sad! :(

11-16-2002, 07:51 AM
I agree with Logan. I think it is very possible that man was baiting you. Even on PT, we have disagreements, but it doesn't get to that level..that is what makes me think he was just trying to get you going. Please don't stay upset. He isn't worth it. AND, we all know we can't save them all...and yes, that is upsetting, BUT, in order to be most effective, we have to be compassionate, caring, loving towards idiots like this, etc. , and be as upbeat and energized as possible, to BEST DO OUR JOBS- saving the animals...Your sweetness is what will change someone's heart....

11-16-2002, 09:40 AM
I would like the link to that site too, not to yell at anyone but just to see what this awful person is writing.

What idiots people in this world can be. No animal is ever retarded in my eyes. People are so mean to say animals were in this world to serve man. I doubt God said that or if he did he meant it in a different way.

Animals were put on this earth to serve man, to fill a need to serve a purpose, to make man's life easier
Probably that meant to serve humans with love or something. To make man's life easier, by caring for them when they are sad and when they are lonely, a pet is always there. Thousands of animals die every day because of careless owners like him and the worst thing is they could care less. I'd like to see him in an animal's place, a furry little critter who cannot talk or voice his/her opinion and instead is forced to obey their master. Sometimes that can be good, like a walk in the park, others can be bad, like a walk to the pound. I cannot imagine what it would be like to suffer so much pain and sadness for that dog of his. People ARE animals I do not know how many of those bad people get that into their heads. If you are throwing an animal away to a pound it is like throwing yourself in a pound in a matter. Geez what an idiot.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

11-16-2002, 09:44 AM
There are those who just love to stir up trouble - watch it brew and add to the pot. I agree with Logan that I think this guy is just baiting you.

I am sorry Aly, and very sorry that the breeder gave him yet another puppy. Do I see $$$$$?

Can you just imagine how he must treat his children?

11-16-2002, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by gini
There are those who just love to stir up trouble - watch it brew and add to the pot. I agree with Logan that I think this guy is just baiting you.

I am sorry Aly, and very sorry that the breeder gave him yet another puppy. Do I see $$$$$?

Can you just imagine how he must treat his children?

If this guy has "kids", I feel sorry for them, too!! Another example of why neutering shouldn't be limited to animals!!!! But remember, you are the one reacting. Once you get past that (and it is very valid) get proactive and pass the info on as was suggested. A link (as was requested) would be appreciated!!! For all the ones we hear about, we all know (sadly) how many we don't hear about.

11-16-2002, 12:29 PM
holy macaroni what an ignorant jack@$$!!! Obviously a cold-hearted person with ZERO conscience! Good for you for telling him off! And wow, no wonder I'm an atheist, I could never believe in a religion that treats animals like property.

Originally posted by kohala

If this guy has "kids", I feel sorry for them, too!! Another example of why neutering shouldn't be limited to animals!!!!

LOLOLOL I feel the same way!!!! :D

11-16-2002, 12:53 PM
he obviously doesnt have enough in his life, that he feels the need to aggravate people. sad

11-16-2002, 01:19 PM
Why would someone who sounds like he doesn't give a care for pets bother to join a bb about dogs.....to argue and stir up trouble. This guy needs to get a life. I wonder if he even owns a dog?? Give us his addy, let us take care of him................:mad: :mad:

11-16-2002, 01:32 PM
I am getting a maybe not so nice image of all of us Pet Talkers, decked out in our new Pet Talk T-Shirts - marching - arms locked - ready to do battle with this guy.

Maybe we should just say a prayer for him instead.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-16-2002, 01:55 PM
*shaked head* I've heard this sort of stuff so many times. Some people are really messed up *sighs* Not to get another religious war started (yet again), but that's not the first time I've heard that sorta trash from morons like him bout that. It's not year 0 anymore people, let's wake up and see that everything living deserves love and isn't just there for human purposes!

11-16-2002, 02:25 PM
well I guess we are ready to hang him LOL, but I just thought if he likes to stir up trouble, that I might give him some back. damn, I thought of a real good thing to say to him or about him yesterday... but there goes my brain again! on vacation !
oh well. my brain comes and goes LOL. today I don't think I could keep up with a 5 year old haha.
it is true that in the dark ages animals were solely for humans to eat etc. but that does not mean that we have to still have a barbaric, neandethal attitude.

11-16-2002, 02:27 PM
What a disgusting man, ugh that just makes me want to hit him.

11-16-2002, 02:30 PM
What a disgusting man, ugh that just makes me want to hit him.

LOL rofl thats funny... I'll hold him for you! hehe

11-16-2002, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Aly, after reading those comments, it seems to me that perhaps he is working overtime to see how many people he can upset. Why do people have to be so cruel??

I'm sorry he upset you. :(

Just what I was thinking Loagan - Aly I'm sorry this mean b****** has upset you so much.

Love Lynne xx

11-16-2002, 04:51 PM
Its a Yahoo group so you have to have a Yahoo ID to post but you can read the posts without one. For some reason my message and his reply to my message disappeared .... but he still has a few awful messages up there.


He originally came to the group for advice on his "retarded" puppy. I PRAY that he was only trying to stir some people up and he doesn't reallly believe what he said. I cried myself to sleep last night he upset me so much :( I am trying to think clearly enough to make a reply to his last long post because almost everything he said is just plain wrong. Its hard to try to educate an idiot without personally attacking him but I will try :( Actually, I don't think there's any way to get through his thick head ... argh.

11-16-2002, 08:22 PM
I just read what that guy said and he is the wacked one...not the poor scared pup!! His kids are probably noisy and cruel to him, and that's why the pup is so scared. I just hope that he ends up in a better home that will be willing to do whatever it takes to make him feel comfortable and happy. That guy sounds arrogant and chauvinistic if you ask me. :mad:

11-16-2002, 08:52 PM
I think its his kids too :(

In my post that disappeared, I told him a lot of what to do to help the pup adjust and that the pup needed time. He replied back with a nice "you have no life if you give an animal that much time" post :( :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

11-16-2002, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by gini
I am getting a maybe not so nice image of all of us Pet Talkers, decked out in our new Pet Talk T-Shirts - marching - arms locked - ready to do battle with this guy.

Maybe we should just say a prayer for him instead.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I have the funniest image in my head right know LOL.

We would look like those cartoon CareBears in their interlocking stance with care-lights shooting out of our tummies.LOL

That guy is such a jerk!!!

11-17-2002, 03:33 PM
I'm sorry but I've been a bad bad girl! Might want to check out what Senior_eagle_2001 has to say to the jerk. :o

(I couldn't control my temper :o )

11-17-2002, 04:21 PM

11-17-2002, 04:30 PM
I read some of it but Im confused, how do I read the first post, so I can read them in order? well I have to go now so I will check it out later tonight

11-17-2002, 04:38 PM
I weaved my reply in with what he wrote! Sorry I'll redo it later!

11-17-2002, 05:15 PM
reposted just my comments.

11-17-2002, 11:24 PM
Oh my gosh, his reply is AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWFUUUUUULLLLLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!

11-18-2002, 04:46 AM
He he he - Andie - notice he's sooooo intelligent he's worked out you're REALLY OLD!!!! I wish I was as old as you!!! 20 isn't it?!
The man's a complete moron.
I loved your reply - I was sat here reading it and saying 'Go girl Go' the cats were convinced I'd lost the plot!!


11-18-2002, 09:14 AM
I wouldn't even bother to respond to him!

11-18-2002, 10:22 AM
I shouldn't have read this at work. I have tears in my eyes. All I can think about is my little poodle boy, Fritz. This guy is such an idiot. Good luck Andie!

11-18-2002, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Sudilar
I wouldn't even bother to respond to him!

But that would require me to keep my big mouth shut and for me that is just plain impossible. :o :D

That and I already did! :o


11-18-2002, 10:56 AM
Aly, I'm so sorry he upset you. He upset me too. The problem is, we can argue with him till we are blue in the face and he'll still never change his mind.

I feel sorry for his kids and the dog.

Shame on the breeder for giving him a new dog.


11-18-2002, 01:32 PM
Ok he has gotten me soooo _______ing mad that I'm done with him! :mad:

I did tell the rest of the group I was sorry for disrespecting their board cuz that's just the kinda person I am.

11-18-2002, 01:38 PM
I joined and that is such an idiot! I am going to post a reply today to him. :D

11-18-2002, 01:55 PM
Andie, you tried your best. I don't think there is any way of getting through to an a****** like that though.

11-18-2002, 03:13 PM
It stopped being about the dog along time ago, now he's just personally attacking me! He has me about in tears. (make that in tears now) I think I'm going to go try and calm down. Take the dogs for a walk or something.

11-18-2002, 04:00 PM
YOU GUYS! STOP GIVING HIM THE SATISFACTION OF A RESPONSE! YOU ARE PLAYING RIGHT INTO HIS HANDS! Ignore him, he won't have an audience, and he will go away and find his pleasure elsewhere. Stop doing this to yourselves. Yes, I know you care about animals, so do I...but, he is doing this to purposefully get at you. Email the board about his conduct, then STOP.

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-19-2002, 12:06 AM
originally posted by liliana
no wonder I'm an atheist, I could never believe in a religion that treats animals like property.

O.k. that comment made no sence. There are a lot of christians on this board including me and that is not what our religion believes. That was that man's own personal opinion.

11-19-2002, 12:11 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lalania
And wow, no wonder I'm an atheist, I could never believe in a religion that treats animals like property.

I agree with Sara, this comment makes no sense. Christianity has nothing to do with this man or post. I am a Christian and I certainly don't treat my animals this way. I am one of the ones that falls into the "you have no life if you treat your animal that way".

11-19-2002, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lalania
And wow, no wonder I'm an atheist, I could never believe in a religion that treats animals like property.

I agree with Sara, this comment makes no sense. Christianity has nothing to do with this man or post. I am a Christian and I certainly don't treat my animals this way. I am one of the ones that falls into the "you have no life if you treat your animal that way".

I agree here also...I am a Christian and you'd never see me treating animals like property!!