View Full Version : A Real Adventure - by Mikey

03-23-2012, 11:03 PM
Hi PT'ers,

Mom says she knows she shares a bunch of pictures but she doesn't know when the next time she'll be able to share them will be, so she decided to post some from yesterdays "hike". I don't get why she gives these awesomely long walks in the woods hikes, but hey they are much better then the boring neighborhood walks! This was the best one yet, we climbed up a really tall mountain..or at least the tallest mountain I've ever seen! Mom says they were really just hills but I know better;) I love the wildlife and the smells! Mom says I should be a hunting dog, she even got me a Camo collar so I blend in real well when we go huntin'. I haven't caught anything yet but I think I'm really good at it anyway:D

Anyways here's the pics! First I went to a place called the beach!! It was so fun, I was play-bowin' at the waves cause I thought they were alive but mom says I was bein' a dope:confused:
These feetyprints kept following us:eek:
I know I'm good looking.


03-23-2012, 11:14 PM
Mom said somehow we got lost and wound up at the beach but I am glad we went there anyways! I was in for a real shock when we went to the park too!! I had never been to this park either and mom and her friends decided to use a stupid "Iphone" to find our way out of the woods. I coulda smelled our way out but they didn't trust me:rolleyes:
But anyways, we went on a "BMX" trail and mom was scared I couldn't handle it but I did real well! I think I did better then her!
We kept going toward the beach again. She said somethin' about being in the Atlantic Highlands by some place called Sandy Hook - like I know where that is!
Behind me is some kinda bay thing and some bridge to the Sandy Hook place...it sounds complicated!
I was ready for my close-up but mom said I look creepy....how rude.
I told you all I was king!
Dis is me and mom on the cliff - although to our surprise it turned out to be a huge honeybee nest!! Mom had said to her friends that she kept seein' them and they didn't listen until they saw this!
She kept trying to make me pose again, but I was just bein' silly!
This is the scenery - I know it is ugly without me in it, but mom said you'd maybe like it anyway!

I was real tired when we got home after about 6 hours of hiking (that includes the beach!) but I am so glad mommy took me and I can't wait till she's done with "COLLEGE" so she can take me again. She needs to get PRIORITIES straight! I SHOULD ALWAYS BE FIRST!! She did say I was "real good" and that I was very good and didn't need to be squirted for barking that much. My pullin' helped her up the hills and so far the "wait" command is really working out for us! She said I am extremely fit and she thinks I'm ready for some bigger hikes! YAY! I was way more fit then her, and she goes to the gym three times a week and hikes more then me!

Well anyways, that's it folks!

Bye for now,

03-23-2012, 11:35 PM
Oh, Mikey, thanks for sharing your adventures with us! And thanks for helping your mom up the hills. *I* know you could have sniffed your way out, I mean you are part Beagle, but silly humans sometimes trust technology more than dogs, go figure!

Now, momma HAS to do college, so she can get a good job to but you food and toys and a place to live when she graduates. It's one of those necessities humans have to deal with, but you just love her every moment you can, and that will help her through it.

03-24-2012, 05:09 AM
What a great adventure Mikey! It sure looks like a fun day! Yes, you are good looking Mikey!:love:

03-24-2012, 07:35 AM
MIKEY - :love: :love: :love:

What a great day you had and what an awesome mom you have too! I agree, that last scenery pic was definitely missing something without you in it. :D

Did you ever find out the mystery of those feetyprints following you?

You would be a great hunter because I don't know if your mom told you this but you are part Beagle and they are expert hunters! Also, what's up with the spraying you for barking?!? Beagles love to bark!

Can't wait until you have another adventure.

03-24-2012, 07:58 AM
Ahahahaaa, Mikey, that you for a wonderful start to my Saturday! I am so glad you took over the keyboard. Between play bows at the waves, and feetyprints that kept following you, the beach was quite the adventure! I enjoyed seeing you splashing your feetsk in the water, wasn't it cold? Brrrrr

That "it's complicated" is a grand profile shot of you, Mikey. Shows your handsome head off well. And the "told you I was king" let me see how your lovely tail curls over your back, I wasn't aware that your tail did that.

Don't know about that huge honey bee nest, I wouldn't want to be near that! What a marvelous adventure, Mikey! So glad you thought to share it with us. Yes, you ARE handsome, even with your goofy faces, lol. MWAH!

03-24-2012, 10:20 AM
Looks like you had a great time on your adventure, Mikey! Thanks for sharing the pictures :D

03-24-2012, 11:25 AM
Don't know about that huge honey bee nest, I wouldn't want to be near that!

Those were't honey bees, Sandie, their nests don't look like that! More likely it was some kind of wasp, they build those papery looking structures.

03-24-2012, 11:33 AM
Wow, what a lucky boy you are Mikey.:) Did you enjoy the beach? It looks awesome
with all that water & finding stuff washed up on shore. The hike through the woods looked
like a lot of fun too, even if the hoomans got lost. LOL :D I hope you get a lot more adventures
before the summer is over.:)

03-24-2012, 12:24 PM
Those were't honey bees, Sandie, their nests don't look like that! More likely it was some kind of wasp, they build those papery looking structures.

ICK that is even WORSE! Wasps have a temper, and they sting!

Scooter's Mom
03-24-2012, 02:50 PM
It looks like this was a fun adventure! Thanks for sharing all of the photos :)

Queen of Poop
03-24-2012, 02:57 PM
Mikey, you're such a handsome boy!!! Such fabulous adventures you're getting to have, you're a very lucky dogger. Thank you for sharing your story and thank you to your Mom for helping you. Big kiss on your sweet dog forehead!!!

03-24-2012, 03:05 PM
Mikey, you are such a good narrator :D.

You sure are a cutie, and tell your mom to post pictures as much as she wants to. I could never get tired of seeing that adorable Puggle face :love:.

I love the fact that you playbowed at the waves, btw. Brennan thinks waves are scary and is not a fan of them :p.

03-24-2012, 03:54 PM
Mikey, You really are a handsome boy and I like your harness--looks comfy and secure. Hmmmm, You could have seen wasps or yellowjackets. Either one will hurt you if they sting you. What a terrific "hike" you had; I know you both enjoyed it very much.

03-25-2012, 02:10 PM
Hi guys,

it's Mikey again...I still don't get what college is though how can it be anymore important than ME? :confused:

And the feetyprints were scary, they followed us everywhere! :eek: I don't know exactly what they were, but mom said they are harmless. :D But still why did they follow us!! :confused:

And Karen whatever they were they were scary! They had these angry eyes and they made buzzy sounds!! :eek: Needless to say after we saw 'em we ran away like pansies! I coulda fought them I think. I'm tough.

I KNOW!! Isn't she rude to squirt me when I bark?! She says it's "trail etiquette" and making an impression on other Hikers that dogs aren't a pain in the butt and SHOULD be allowed in parks. We saw these ugly things called "deer" and they were funny-looking but I didn't bark. I was starin' at them though! She just doesn't want me barking at dogs 'cause she said it's rude but since I don't like water in my face I don't bark if she has it!! ;) She thinks she's smart but I caught on!

And yes, the water was very cold, but I think it was fun! I want to go in when it's warmer though so I don't shiver!