View Full Version : Introducing..................... ((drum roll))

03-16-2012, 07:45 PM
Well we brought home the new kitten, she is such a doll, very cute indeed. :) The little polydactyl baby is almost 10 weeks old, and she is using the litter box.. We put her in the bathroom for the first night, and she cried and cried all night long:(. She has access to her own litter box, water, and food in the bathroom... Along with some toys.. Raven Doesn't like the kitten one bit....
We introduced them today because my son accidently left the bathroom door open, and the new kitten escaped out into the living room.. Where Raven waited patiently.. Well Raven was NOT happy she hissed at the kitten and growls at it ALOT. She even tried to attack it.. I'm not sure if its normal.. But I was prepared with the squirt bottle... I have squirted her a couple of times since the kitten has been roaming around.. I know she is VERY territorial. I am not sure if she will adjust to the new kitten.. I am hoping she will. If not the kitten will have to go back :(. Any advise on making this adjustment easier for Raven??

Without further ado .....

Introducing ....

Our new Torti Polydactyl baby girl ....

Prudence AKA Prune :)

03-16-2012, 07:51 PM
few more pics... tried to get one of her extra toes for you to guys to see..

Also some of Raven Raisin >^-^<

03-16-2012, 08:18 PM

Is it normal for Raven to growl at us even when the kitten is in her room, and not visible?.
When we pet her she growls, and she even randomly hisses at us all.

03-16-2012, 08:26 PM
Having Dealt with Bertie growling at everybody, it could be normal for Raven. She is establishing territory. And she is mad at you. When I tried to introduce a kitten to RB Rosie, she growled horrifically at me. The kitten had to go live with my mom. And I couldn't get Bertie to stop unless I put her in time-out.

So good luck and keep trying. I have used Feliway and it helps somewhat.

03-16-2012, 08:27 PM
BTW, she is beautiful!

Well we brought home the new kitten, she is such a doll, very cute indeed. :) The little polydactyl baby is almost 10 weeks old, and she is using the litter box.. We put her in the bathroom for the first night, and she cried and cried all night long:(. She has access to her own litter box, water, and food in the bathroom... Along with some toys.. Raven Doesn't like the kitten one bit....
We introduced them today because my son accidently left the bathroom door open, and the new kitten escaped out into the living room.. Where Raven waited patiently.. Well Raven was NOT happy she hissed at the kitten and growls at it ALOT. She even tried to attack it.. I'm not sure if its normal.. But I was prepared with the squirt bottle... I have squirted her a couple of times since the kitten has been roaming around.. I know she is VERY territorial. I am not sure if she will adjust to the new kitten.. I am hoping she will. If not the kitten will have to go back :(. Any advise on making this adjustment easier for Raven??

Without further ado .....

Introducing ....

Our new Torti Polydactyl baby girl ....

Prudence AKA Prune :)

03-16-2012, 08:34 PM
OMG the cuteness:love::love: you forgot to warn us:D I just love her fuzziness and the tail and those cute little feet. She's a doll baby:)

Welcome to PetTalk baby Prudence:D

Scooter's Mom
03-16-2012, 08:55 PM
Oh my gosh she is adorable!
No real advice since I failed at getting my RB Scooter Bug and my others to ever get along... I lucked out and Jingle Belle & Charlie get along great.

03-16-2012, 09:07 PM
Give it some time, Raven may adjust pretty well, many cats do. Don't worry about it much yet, just keep a watchful eye on the situation!

03-16-2012, 09:40 PM
Does Raven sleep on your bed at night? I am just trying to think of a way you can keep them separated for a while, but still give Prune her cuddles. It must be heartbreaking hearing her cry in the bathroom.

At least separate them during the day. Use the old towel trick...take a towel or cloth that Prune has been sleeping on and switch it with something similar that Raven uses. That way Raven gets used to the scent.

Just keep reassuring Raven. When I was a kid, we had one adult cat that stayed grumpy with us for quite some time before settling down...and it took a firm word or two.

How long had Prune been with you before the accidental introduction? They should be separated for at least a week.

And yes - Feliway can help a lot!

03-16-2012, 10:16 PM

Is it normal for Raven to growl at us even when the kitten is in her room, and not visible?.
When we pet her she growls, and she even randomly hisses at us all.
Your new baby is adorable!:love:
When I brought Missy home(she was 3 months old) RB Sassy (who was 10 months old) was a beast!:eek:I couldn't even walk past her or she'd growl at me! In time, they got along quite well.
When I brought Angel home, Missy wasn't too upset. Tessa coming here was another story. Missy made it quite clear she needed to stay away from her. Eight months later, they have been cuddled up with each other.;)
I never really separated my cats much when I brought them home. Give it some time. Of course be cautious as Raven could hurt Prune as she is only a kitten.:)

03-16-2012, 10:40 PM
Hello, sweet adorable Prudence and hello, beautiful Raven!

03-16-2012, 11:29 PM
give them time.. and then some more.. lol.. I know a pair who can coexist in the same space.. but God forbids their paths cross.. swat-fight.. hiss n growl.. but all settles with one shhshh of me.. then they go their merry way..

Raven must be reaaaally mad at you for bringing a stranger into her territory.. and more so as YOU smell like her too.. I'm not sure if it works for cat-cat too.. but place a powel with the kitty smell under Ravens food dish.. so she smells her while she eats something yummy and associates the smell of the "intruder" with not so bad stuff..

give her treats if she tolerates her within her sight.. then near.. it may take time.. esp as kittens are noisy and rambunctious.. lol

03-17-2012, 03:20 AM
Baby kitty!!!!! Swoon. :love: :love: :love:

OMG...yes...cuteness warning was in order.

Little fluff ball kitty. I am going through kitten withdrawal as usual.

Yes, your older cat is out of sorts. It will all come together. She needs to adjust.

03-17-2012, 08:09 AM
It's going to take time. Kittens are resilient when it comes to introductions. Pay a LOT of attention to Raven. Make her know that SHE'S the one. Older cats will show the newbie the ropes. Hissing and growling is normal. The cat's outta the bathroom now. What I would do is never leave them alone. When you're gone, put the newbie in the bathroom for her own safety. Only let her out when you are around to supervise.

Also, as I ALWAYS say, FELIWAY!!! It is a miracle spray in a bottle. Spray the rooms with it. It'll calm them both down and make the transition a little easier.

She is GORGEOUS!!!!

03-17-2012, 09:27 AM
What a wonderful Little Cat of the Future :cool: you are such a little doll.
Raven will soon get along with her new littlr friend , once she gets used to the antics and craziness that a Little Kittren can bring to a home.:love:
CoCatUlations on your New Little MagnfiKitten:love::love:

03-17-2012, 11:38 AM
I'm still waiting for Paizly to accept Jax. Jax has been here almost two years and Paizly still hisses, growls, spits and screams at him. Of course Jax is a little brat and instigates it. But usually he just wants to play and Paizly will have none of that.
However, the hissing at you....that will eventually fade. Raven is completely frazzled right now. Just make sure she gets one-on-one attention, as others said, and she should calm down.

I know its super frustrating right now. I went through the second guessing bringing Jax home. I've ruined Paizly's life. I actually sat and cried sometimes. Now I catch Paizly sort of attempting to play with Jax. But when he fully engages with her she flips out and hisses, screams, growls. Sometimes it sounds like a full blown cat fight and it's only Paizly yelling. That's the only time I step in and remove Jax. Otherwise I let them be.

This morning Jax was in a super playful mood. He was running all over the house. He chased Paizly and she flipped out on him. I tell Paizly "he's only trying to play with you". She was perched up on the table next to the bed and every time Jax ran near her she leaned down and extended a paw. She didn't hiss or growl. It was like she wanted to play but just couldn't bring herself to do it. She's such a snob!

Oh btw.............Prudence is flippin ADORABLE!!! :D :D I can't wait to watch her grow up. And I bet within a few months you'll be posting pictures of her and Raven all cuddled together. And I'll be super jealous. :p

03-17-2012, 03:34 PM
What an absolutely beautiful, adorable, gorgeous little fluffball! This thread definitely needs a cuteness overload warning!

I'm sorry to hear that Raven is less than thrilled about your new family member. Please be patient and give them both some time to adjust. I agree with the others about giving Raven extra attention to assure her that the kitten isn't there to replace her. Would you give sweet Raven some reassuring lovies from me? :love:

03-17-2012, 07:49 PM
What an absolutely beautiful, adorable, gorgeous little fluffball! This thread definitely needs a cuteness overload warning!

I'm sorry to hear that Raven is less than thrilled about your new family member. Please be patient and give them both some time to adjust. I agree with the others about giving Raven extra attention to assure her that the kitten isn't there to replace her. Would you give sweet Raven some reassuring lovies from me? :love:

I have to agree with the extra scritches. In fact, I think mine were excited when Kallie came inside because they got extra scritches. I had wondered if they missed the extra scritches after I adopted Bertie out.

Good luck. Hopefully Raven will come around and at least tolerate Prudence if not like her.

03-18-2012, 02:04 AM
Congrats on your new addition!!! She's so adorable.:) Yes, Raven is very mad at you for bringing a new baby home because now she isn't the baby any more. You need to give her a lot of attention now. Hopefully in time she'll learn to accept little Prune. From my own experience, female cats seem to be much more territorial than the male cats. Just like Taz_Zoee, both of my female cats still haven't accepted my cats Alani & Blaze. They both still hiss and growl at them.:( I adopted A&B when they were about 10 weeks old and they'll be 2 years old on April 30th. If either of them even look at Ziggy from across the room, she'll hiss and growl at them.:( All they want to do is to play with Pearl and Ziggy. Pearl is a little more tolerant and I think I've even caught her attempting to play with them but she doesn't want to let me know about it. I think she's been playing with them secretly.LOL Since A&B aren't allowed in my bedroom, it's become a cat sanctuary so both my females are able to relax without A&B being there. Now looking back, I'm glad that I adopted two kittens together instead of just one because if I hadn't then the one kitten would've really been bugging my 4 older cats. This way they have each other to play with. Good luck.:)

smokey the elder
03-19-2012, 08:56 AM
Raven will probably have her nose out of joint for awhile...this is normal. Just make sure she knows she's top kitty, and closely supervise any interaction with the new fuzzball. Prudence is so cute! She is a tortie and will find her tortietude!