View Full Version : Books, Books and More Books!

11-15-2002, 12:33 PM
Hey everyone Im wondering what are your fav. books and what are your least fave!?!? Also what are your fav. Authors and least fav.

I plan on becoming an author and I need to look at what people like for future referance.

My fave Book is: My life in dog years by Gary Paulson, and the T*Witches Seires
My Least Fave is: Havent found one yet:D

My fav Author(s) is: Gary Paulson, and V.C. Andrews

I read alot just like my mom we share the same fav authors most of the times, she thinks i read too mature books for my age, and alot of books, my bigest book was ALASKA by James Michener I hope i spelled that right, well this will be interesting.

11-15-2002, 12:41 PM
All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot (as well as the other books in this series) bears mentioning on this board. My husband recommended it to me and I've read two of the books (also read All Things Bright and Beautiful ). I loved these books which were written by a vet (Herriot) about his adventures in his country practice. Funny, touching, occasionally sad, but overall a wonderful story-teller. You should read these books because he has a wonderful writing style. I'm not sure that it's my favorite book because it's so hard to compare all of the different genres and writing styles. I also really loved Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

11-15-2002, 12:51 PM
I love romance novels.

Danielle Steele etc.

11-15-2002, 01:29 PM
oh i love Danielle Steele i forgot about that jeez!

11-15-2002, 01:32 PM
My very favourite author is Judy Blume. My favourite books are any of the ones she has written - either kids, youth, young adult or adult.

:D :D :D

11-15-2002, 01:35 PM
I had no idea that Judy Blume wrote adult novels. Is there one in particular that you would recommend? I'll ask Santa to bring it for Christmas :D

11-15-2002, 01:40 PM
ooooh! One of my favorite topics! I LOVE to read. My current collection of books has almost reached 1000. My greatest fear is a fire...with books so devalued as soon as you buy them...they would be impossible to replace.

I love romance novels especially ones with a paranormal twist. I have too many favorite books to list..some of my favorite authors are: Nora Roberts, Diana Palmer, Sherrilynn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, Nora Roberts, and Kay Hooper.

All time fav. books are:
A Wrinkle in Time
Oh the Places You'll Go - Dr. Seus
The Giving Tree - Shel Silversteen

11-15-2002, 01:41 PM
She has a few actually :D

Summer Sisters (is her newest, and of course amazing :D)
Smart Women

The last two were kind of hard to find.. but I wasn't going to pay full price and I was looking in a used bookstore. I think they have reprinted the last two when Summer Sisters came out, so hopefully you will be able to find them! :D

All Creatures Great And Small
11-15-2002, 01:42 PM
I'm so ashamed to admit this but ..... since we got a computer I haven't read a book!:( :eek: And even before that, the only books I read were trashy romance novels when I was totally bored (not as trashy as Harlequin, though - mostly Kathleen Woodiwiss or Lisa Kleypas). To read a book properly, I need to be alone or in a quiet house, and my husband and daughter are in CONSTANT need of something from me, so I probably won't start reading again until I'm retired. Basically my life is work, yard work, housecleaning, house-fixing, and blabbing on here;) when I have a spare moment. (My husband is so rarely home, with all his hobbies - I'm pretty much in charge of EVERYTHING around here.)

The Cat Factory
11-15-2002, 02:15 PM
My favorite books are The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit. My favorite author is J.R.R Tolkien...

11-15-2002, 03:55 PM
I love to read...it drives Ralph crazy sometimes, how often my nose is stuck in a book :) I'm sure I can't remember every author I like but some of my favs are:

Jeffery Deaver
James Patterson
Susan Conant
Carl Hiaasan
Christopher Pike
Steven King
Margaret Llywellen

I am looking forward to reading Particia Cornwell's new (nonfiction) book about Jack the Ripper. Just came out this week....

Miss Meow
11-15-2002, 04:38 PM
So many books, so little space ...

Authors include:
Thor Heyerdahl
David Quammen
Paul Theroux
Am loving the Anthony Bourdain books at the moment
Barbara Sher

My job after this stint on the computer is to start sorting them for the removalist, I'm sure I'll add a few more to this!

Fave books:
The Thorn Birds
Genius (about Richard Feynmann)

I am more into non-fiction these days and like reading about nature, history, science etc.

11-15-2002, 05:03 PM
I love to read, always have, ALL the time, mornng, noon and night! I only ever actually buy reference books, my fiction addiction is well served by our local library.
I don`t really have a favourite book, although I remember as a child thinking Black Beauty was the greatest book ever and reading it over and over again, the film(s) never ever came close to making the same magic. In fact to this day if I have read a book before it is made into a film I am mostly always disappointed by it (the film).
I don`t have a favourite author either, though with some authors, like Patricia Cornwall for example, I only have to check I haven`t already read it before taking it home. My criteria is simple, give me a book with a good story, well written, in whatever genre it may be and I am (very) happy!:)

11-15-2002, 05:25 PM
Reading is one of my most favorite passtimes. I have to read every night before I go to bed. I guess it just helps me to unwind and relax a bit.
I like books of all kinds and can spend hours (literally) at the local bookstore, be it the mom and pop store down the street or Borders or Barnes & Nobles with the coffee shop right inside! :D Ooooh Heaven! LOL

I read all of the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, and just saw a new one out for the new Vampire Chronicles. Currently I have my nose in The Witching Hour by her.

I just loved the Cat Who mystery series by Lilian Jackson Braun. I've read them all (26 books??) and am waiting for her newest (The Cat who went up a creek) to come out in softcover.
I did get into the Sneaky Pie Brown series and they were ok, but I still liked the Cat Who series the best:D

I have The Mists of Avalon lined up as my next big book to read. Many people have recommended it to me, so I am excited about diving into that one!

Of course LOTR and the Hobbit were good, and I really liked the Secret Circle trilogy :o (young adult books, but cute story! LOL )

My aunt, who is a major book nut recommended me A Suitable Boy, which is a very thick, very detailed book about the life of a girl in a newly independent India (late 1940's to early 1950's) and her journey in finding a suitable boy. It's very fascinating, once you past the governmental part of it.

If anyone is into midieval Europe and the thought of quantum time travel, Timeline, my Michael Crichton is very good. I couldn't put that one down! I got so involved in some of the 'scenes' of the book that I was so nervous and had to take a breather!! LOL It's an 'edge-of-the-seat' kind of book and you end up hoping the characters make it out alive. Most of Crichton's work is that way, and a lot of the story lines seem like they could actually happen.

11-16-2002, 01:32 PM
I have always loved books, but over the summer I took a course on Young Adult Fiction. It was the best course I have taken in all my 3 1/2 years at University. The quality of YA fiction is great, and they are usually a quick read - perfect for a bubble bath or a plane ride. If anyone wants more info PM me.. I can recommend some good sites and some good authors.

11-17-2002, 01:15 AM
My most favorite authors are Patricia Cornwell, Sandra Brown, Jonathon Kellerman, The writer for the Alex Cross series on the tip of my tongue but can't think, Kay Hooper (just read one of hers and LOVED IT) and Dean Koontz, and Mary Higgins Clark.
My all time favorite books are the Fear Nothing and Seize the Night by Dean Koontz.
I do enjoy the occasional Danielle Steele novel also, not all the time tho.
I admit, I also love trashy love novels too. They are for the mindless reads that you don't even have to think about.
My sister and I have always LOVED to read and oddly enough tho we are vastly different we have similiar tastes in books.
When I was a kid, we loved Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High, Christopher Pike, and Trixie Beldon books. Ahhh those were the days.
My dad would get mad at us b/c we would take books with us to go to church or to my grandparents house which is less than 5 min away. You just never know if you might go somewhere else!!
One of my favorite things to do now is take a book or magazine with me and treat myself to a dinner out. I read while I wait for my food and while I eat. I don't have to worry about the phone of Keegan bugging me. I love it. A couple of my friends don't get it but I live alone so what is
the difference? I can eat out alone in peace or eat at home alone with distractions!
No contest!!!

11-17-2002, 01:54 AM
I was raised with books, and doubt I could begin to list favorite authors. I think the romantic in me has yet to find anything that can replace Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

I also love the "Cat Who" series by Lillain Jackson Braun. (I had the great pleasure of meeting with our own Frostfrog today, and I'll be go to heck, he isn't Qwilleran, after all!)

I love Shakespeare, Camus, Ibsen, O'Neill, and many, many playwrights, but have to confess I haven't read any contemporary plays in some time.

I enjoy Grisham usually, Clancy, and most of the writers who write in the Military genre, along with most all intrigue writers, if the plot is well done. DeMille, Patterson, King, oh, man , I can't begin to list them all.

Patricia Cornwell rocks; I'm reading Isle of Dogs now - I saw a lot of not-so-good reviews on it, but I find it hilarious!! We have an area in our city (Adams Avenue, fellow San Diegans!) where Dadcta and I used to go and buy paperbacks, going through the entire works of Anne McCaffery, Miriam Bradley Zimmer, Piers Anthony, and so forth, for several years. I couldn't begin to tell you the great places these books have taken me (I love Xanth).

Jimmy Buffet has written some terrific books, I can re-read him ad infinitum!! And has anyone ever read Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams? Great cat book, from Tailchaser's perspective, not all fluffy and gooey.

I love Dickens - I remember reading my Grandmother's tiny-print, deep-red leather bound David Copperfield that grandpa had brought her from England when I was nine or ten. My family all are voracious readers. As a child, Grandma and I used to play a game caled "Authors" - ever hear of it? You used a suite of cards that represented different Author's books. So of course I had to read the books, too. Thank you, Grandma!!!!

Loved Tolstoy, and Dostoevsky. I could read Steinbeck over and over and over -- and Edgar Allen Poe is the best with word artistry - have you ever read all his peotry? Whew!!!

In the non-fiction, I like anything by Bucky Fuller, Stephen Hawkings, anything to do with scientific ideas, and read and still re-read a great book called Godel-Escher-Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. It's a real mind puzzler/exerciser. I'd recommend it to anyone!

I have enjoyed most of the Danielle Steele I've read, and am opening up to some long over looked women writers.

My next exploration is going to be the world of Latin American authors. There are some great books out there!!!!!!

11-17-2002, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
, The writer for the Alex Cross series on the tip of my tongue but can't think,

James Patterson....Four Blind Mice, another Alex Cross, either just came out, or is coming out this week....

My best friends and I used to hang out and read. All summer long we would be at one of our houses, just reading. We would go to "the lake" Coldwater Lake, MI and all the way up we'dbe reading, even after dark, by using the headlights of the cars following us, used to make her parents so mad :)

11-17-2002, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

James Patterson....Four Blind Mice, another Alex Cross, either just came out, or is coming out this week....

My best friends and I used to hang out and read. All summer long we would be at one of our houses, just reading. We would go to "the lake" Coldwater Lake, MI and all the way up we'dbe reading, even after dark, by using the headlights of the cars following us, used to make her parents so mad :)

THANKS AMY!! YES I knew it was James something but....
My best friends in-laws have a cottage up in Coldwater MI also.
My parents never let us read at night, I tell them the newer vehicles with the lights in the back would have been perfect back then!!
I get my love of reading from my dad, my mom will occasionally read the books he reads. My dad loves Westerns and collects Louis L'Amour. I love going into bookstores and just smelling the new books. My dream would be to own my own bookstore where I can take my dog too!!

Dakota's Mommy
11-18-2002, 08:48 AM
For some reason, I really don't like to read. There are very few books that I can personally get into. I will read V.C. Andrews books, but lately that's about all I get into when it comes to books. I don't know how that is though, my entire family likes to read!

11-18-2002, 09:54 AM
me and my friend Jen love V.C. Andrews! I'm getting her the new sieries for her birthday, we always are reading. Currently im out of books, ive read them all like five time over, I read ALASKA seven times and thats a pretty big book 1720 pages or somthing like that.

11-19-2002, 04:25 PM
I just adore reading and if I've not got at least two books as spares I have to go and................................buy books!!

My favourite authors include - Jean Auel. John Grisham. J K Rowling. Roddy Doyle. Kathy Reichs. Patrica Cornwell. Maeve Binchy. Barbara Kingsolver. Lillian Jackson Braun. David Pelzer.Sue Townsend. E V Thompson. Rosie Thomas. Rosamund Pilcher. Nick Hornby. And have just discovered Tammi Hoag. Luckily Don's also mad on reading!


11-19-2002, 04:29 PM
I used to be a real book hound, but now I get easily frustrated because I read so slowly that I haven't read in a book in forever other than history articles and such. I know that's really bad for a teacher to say, but, alas, it's true...but...my favorite books are:

Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Shining by Stephen King
the novelette The Langoliers by Stephen King

11-19-2002, 04:48 PM
Some of my favourites (that I can remember) are:

from childhood -

A Wrinkle In Time
Ramona series
anything about the Saints
anything on Greek mythology
selected parts from the Bible
Judy Blume anything
Christopher Pike
V.C. Andrews
Nancy Drew series
Time travel series
Tuck Everlasting
Where the Red Fern Grows
Old Yeller

from adulthood -

anything by Noam Chomsky
Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot
Michael Moore
David Sedaris - Naked, Barrel Fever
anything by Flannery O'Connor
Bridget Jones' diaries
White Teeth

I know there are more, just can't think of them all!

11-22-2002, 11:34 PM
"Arnold Goes To Town," by Ermaline Amanda - a Frostfrog book review

I began to read "Arnold Goes To Town" with a sense of eager anticpation, having read such glowing reviews in all the major literary journals. Yet, I finished it only with great difficulty and pain, for truly, "Arnold Goes To Town" is the worst, most boring, book I have ever read.

I hope never to read another one like it and, in fact, had I have had any inkling of just how horrid a read this book is, I would have flung myself in front of my electric train before I would have opened even the first page.

It is true that in the book, Arnold actually does go to town, but so what?

Who hasn't gone to town?

I go there myself sometimes.

My dog has gone to town and so have all the cats, each one of them, though, for the most part, they haven't been too pleased with the experience - Pistol being the lone exception for, truly, he does so love to ride in the car, which is the very vehicle we use to go to town.

This is a terrible book and I highly recommend it.

Miss Meow
11-23-2002, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by Frostfrog
"Arnold Goes To Town," by Ermaline Amanda - a Frostfrog book review
... It is true that in the book, Arnold actually does go to town, but so what?

Who hasn't gone to town?

I go there myself sometimes.

My dog has gone to town and so have all the cats ...

Ha ha ha, LOL!!! Welcome back Frostfrog. I hope you had a great time away.

I just unpacked a box of books and found my copy of The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. One of my favourite books ever. It's not a first edition but still a reprint from 1939 that I found in a secondhand shop. There's a nice inscription to the original recipient; when I see those I wonder what has happened to the people who receive the books.

11-23-2002, 06:02 AM
My favorite writers : Umberto Eco
Charles Dickens
Jean M.Auel
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Agatha Christie
and of course some famous Flemish writers : Aster Berkhof , Guido Gezelle , Herman Teirlynck , Brigitte Raskin , Ward Ruyslinck

These Flemish writers are unknown in the USA , I suppose ???:confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-23-2002, 06:40 AM
I love to read, and read every night before I go to sleep. I seem to stick to the same type books- legal thrillers or detective/cop murder mysteries...for those of you that like Grisham...I suggest the author Stuart Woods...he is fantastic. I have read most of his stuff, and it keeps my interest.

11-23-2002, 11:29 AM
this could be a long list, I'm around books 8 hours a day five days a week so I've got way to many books that I have and or want...way to many.

Okay let's see

Anything by Banana Yoshimoto you have to like books by someone who's name contains a fruit in it.

Obasan by Joy Kogawa my grade 11 teacher suggested it for a Canadian author project and I just fell in love with that book.

Xanth series by Piers Anthony

Susan Conant books can't wait for the one that's coming out in paperback soon.

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

All Agatha Christie Mysteries that DON'T have Perot in them...he just annoys me.

Jack London both his novels and short stories

the Murder she wrote series that's now out on books.

Bunnicula by James Howe tehehehe it's just so cute.

Gordon Korman books I read them when I was younger and well I read them sometimes on my brakes

Tamora Pierce

Fannie Flagg. Some of the funniest books you can read.

Curious George just love that little Monkey

The Princess Bride by S. Morgenstern

There's more to the list but I'm not fully awake yet so I can't think of them right now.

11-23-2002, 11:49 AM
I love to read, but it seems like I never have the time now that I have a computer:rolleyes:
But when I do read, my all time Favorite is:
Stephen King

Or any other Horror novel!

11-23-2002, 12:06 PM
Farley Mowat
Diana Gabaldon
Nicholas Evans
Stephen King
and like a ton more!

Miss Meow
11-24-2002, 02:16 AM
David Attenborough's autobiography has just been release. Please Santa, read this before 25 December and pop one in my Christmas stocking :) :) :)

11-24-2002, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
I love to read, but it seems like I never have the time now that I have a computer:rolleyes:
But when I do read, my all time Favorite is:
[B]Stephen King

I am the same way! I don't get to read as much as I used to but my first choice is always Stephen King books!
I am reading Dreamcatcher now and I have 2 other new paperbacks I have yet to read.
I also read my son's Harry Potter books especially between calls at work because it is easy to get back into after I have to put it down.
I am reading the 3rd book in that series.

11-24-2002, 10:51 AM
When i was a kid, i love reading....

Sweet Valley
Bobsy Twins
Nancy Drew
Hardy Boys
3 Investigators
Christopher Pike

Now, i love reading...

Danielle Steele
Stephen King
Harry Potter (when's the 5th one coming out anyway?)

;) :cool:

12-08-2002, 06:49 PM
it was really interesting reading the "list" submitted.....very diverse for the most part. i love to read, always read before falling asleep.....read a great variety of authors....but dont care for scary kinds of books.....not relaxing for before bed for me!:eek:

12-08-2002, 07:02 PM
OHHHH...I forgot about Farley Mowatt....His "Never Cry Wolf" was one of my absolute favorites. I just wish I could show the movie to my kids, but the naked run with the caribou would NOT go over well with our parents.

12-08-2002, 10:57 PM
I really like this thread, because it gives me names of authors to explore that I have not gottne to know yet!! And, people I can ask for "reviews"!!

05-28-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by ellensy

Harry Potter (when's the 5th one coming out anyway?)

June 21 I do believe.

I'm rereading all the Harry Potter books (while waiting for the fifth one)

I love anything to do with vampires, my fav. would have to be The Embrace by Aphrodite Jones. It's about those teenagers down in FL who thought they were vampires and killed the one girls parents. It's kinda sad but it shows how some teenagers nowadays will do anything to be accepted.

I love Amelia Atwater-Rhodes! She's a great young writer (I believe she's 17 or 18) You really don't have to read her other books to understand the next one.

I love all of Anne Rice's Vampires Chronicle except Vittorio the Vampire. Can't wait til For Blood and Gold comes to paperback.

I love any thing to do with legends too. (Urban legends, ghost stories, mythology)

I got Dreamcatcher by Stephen king as a graduation present from my ex-boss that I never read. I've decided I'm going to this summer. (it's so big I was scared I'd never get through it- I got some courage though)

05-28-2003, 03:28 PM
I think harry potty #5 comes out on the 20th..it comes out the night of our prom and my friends are like OBSESSED with it :o

05-28-2003, 04:48 PM
I LOVE reading too! I want to collect books, I don't have thatmuch, but I have a lot. I also read every night too. I sit in bed and read, and my parents always have to tell me to go to bed because I read too long. I don't have favourites, and favourite authors though. I love Harry Potter:D and I also like A Series of Unfortunate Events, and all those other fantasy books. I like humour, fantasy, horror, and animal books.
I also love magazines and Archie comics.
Oh yeah, the Harry Potter #5 is coming out June 21! Can't wait! I know everyone at my school will be racing to finish first!:p :rolleyes: :D

05-28-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
When I was a kid, we loved Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High, Christopher Pike, and Trixie Beldon books. Ahhh those were the days.
Oh, those Trixie Beldon and Nancy Drew books were my favorites. I still have the Nancy Drew series. :)

Now, I like Nora Roberts (most of hers), Mary Higgins Clark, or John Grisham. Probably the best book I have read in 5 years was A Painted House by Grisham.

05-28-2003, 10:44 PM
My favourite book is Wolves of Time: Journey to the Heartland

I don't have a favourite author, nor a least favourite book. Although I have come across books that I don't enjoy in the least..

05-29-2003, 05:46 AM
I read Nancy Drew as a kid too
I also like Kay Hooper.
and I love to be able to sit in a bookstore and read, or after gathering a stack of books, to sit down with them and see what all I have picked out, and what I want to buy...LOL

I also have about a dozen books on cats, cat behavior, cat health, etc... I have one of the "the cat who.." books by Lillian Jackson Brown, but can you believe I have not read it yet!:)

05-29-2003, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
When I was a kid, we loved Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High, Christopher Pike, and Trixie Beldon books. Ahhh those were the days.

Oh yes!! I loved all of those books too, growing up!! How could I have forgotton about Sweet Valley High! OMG! I used to be so jealous because my best friend had the whole series! LOL :eek: I would always just borrow them from her.

Noahsmommy has me hooked on the Left Behind series right now! I was a little unsure at first, but as soon as I started reading the first one...I couldn't put it down! Very good books!

I too am counting the day until Harry Potter V comes out!! I've been re-reading the whole series and am almost finished with book IV now. Gosh...I can't imagine what the fifth one is going to be like!! :)

Prairie Purrs
05-29-2003, 02:42 PM
I read a lot of history--starting this fall I'm planning to read the Lewis and Clark journals day-by-day to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the expedition.

I love everything Scott ("Presumed Innocent") Turow has written. Gregory Maguire's "Wicked" is a favorite--that's a retelling of the Wizard of Oz story from the point of view of the highly misunderstood Wicked Witch of the West. Margaret Atwood's "The Blind Assassin." Anything by Tom Robbins.

And yes, I adore Harry Potter. I've got my preorder in for "The Order of the Phoenix."

For poetry, Sylvia Plath and Billy Collins. Complete opposite ends of the emotional spectrum.

05-29-2003, 08:09 PM
Gregory Maguire's "Wicked" is a favorite--that's a retelling of the Wizard of Oz story from the point of view of the highly misunderstood Wicked Witch of the West.

that sounds interesting... I will have to read that! I can't wait to her her side of it, LOL.:p