View Full Version : Hey Catmobile Kitties!

03-04-2012, 05:07 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
Our trip to see the Oscars was a lot of fun but we always have a great time when we go on a trip. I've been thinking about something and would like your input. All the baseball teams are having spring training and that means opening day isn't that far off. Would any of you like to go to an opening day game? Even though I'm a Yankees fan, it doesn't matter what teams we go to see. I'm sure we can all agree on a game. We always catch the World Series and I thought it might be fun to be at a first game of the season.

Post in if you're interested or if you'd prefer to go later in the season. Also, let us know if you'd like to see a particular team get their season off with a win.

Your friend,

03-05-2012, 12:27 PM
Cassie says yes, enthusiastically! We hope this will be a great year for our Cubs!

03-05-2012, 03:52 PM
Hey Catmobile Kits!!

UtchieB here. While me and my fursibs would LOVE to go and have some fun, Meowmie is having sir jury on her knee on the 26th of this month, so it depends on the date.

If we go BEFORE that date, we absolutely HAVE to be back by the 25th so we can be there when meowmie gets home from the hospital.

Let me know and we'll try to make it!

Rock on dudes and dudettes!!

03-14-2012, 05:28 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
I checked with Soncat about opening day, he said the teams will start their season on April 4. That gives us a few weeks to make some plans. There will be no problem getting the Catmobile and contacting Trenton's Haggis In A Hurry Shoppe.

Everyone, post in and let us know what game you'd like to go to. Cassie, who will your Cubs be playing? That one is a definite possibility but we'll have to see what the other kitties want to do. I'm sure we can all agree and have a super time.

Hey there UtchieB! What's up, cuz? Sorry to hear that your Meowmie has such a bad ouchie that she needs sir jury. Will you and your fursibs be able to join us?

Okay, lets start making our plans. We're about due for another Catmobile vacation.

Your friend,

03-14-2012, 06:09 PM
We are in a quandry here. April 1st is Frankie's first birthday and the 14th is Chip and Chucks second birthdays. So, I guess they will miss this trip so they can be home for their birthdays. Plus Easter is April 8th, I think. :love:

03-14-2012, 06:36 PM
Yo Cuz!!

How they hanging??? UtchieB here. Meowmie said we can go PROVIDING we keep in touch with her via the cellyphonie. I promised we would. AND she told me I can't drive (I've been suspended for TAILgating) so da bus is gonna have ta pick us up. Meowmie said she'll be fine, and has lot of friends that will be making sure she's okay. I's got a brand new secret stash from Auntie Kafie in Mitchigan. It is PREEEEEEEMO!!! The Mowie Wowie of Catsnip!!! We'll be waiting!

Your Pal,


Bibette & Lulu
03-15-2012, 06:20 PM
Lulu checking in - Boy, do we need to plan a trip- SOMEWHERE :rolleyes:. Mom2's latest project has brought a new furry critter into the house - and Bitty and I have just about had enough. This Puff girlie is all hot air, as far as we're concerned !!

So - how about Boston Red Stockings - they open Friday, April 13 (oops - hope no one's too superstitious :eek:) playing the Tampa Bay Rays. Been a while since Mom2's been to the big city - but she said she'd try to look for some hot spots to visit - and maybe Mayor Karen can help us out!!

Mom2 is willing to drive us down, unless the Catmobile will be up Maine-way anyways.

Yeah for Spring :D

Lulu (& Bibette)

Pinot's Mom
03-15-2012, 08:41 PM
Lulu checking in - Boy, do we need to plan a trip- SOMEWHERE :rolleyes:. Mom2's latest project has brought a new furry critter into the house - and Bitty and I have just about had enough. This Puff girlie is all hot air, as far as we're concerned !!

So - how about Boston Red Stockings - they open Friday, April 13 (oops - hope no one's too superstitious :eek:) playing the Tampa Bay Rays. Been a while since Mom2's been to the big city - but she said she'd try to look for some hot spots to visit - and maybe Mayor Karen can help us out!!

Mom2 is willing to drive us down, unless the Catmobile will be up Maine-way anyways.

Yeah for Spring :D

Lulu (& Bibett)

I vote for this one! ...and the Catmobile can always pop up to Maine - no biggie! What say you, kitties?

Purrs, Pinot

Bibette & Lulu
03-17-2012, 11:50 AM
Bibette here - Mom2 checked out the website for the New England Acquarium in Boston - they have a cool shark and ray touch tank!! Side trip!!! Sure would enjoy the show !!! Sun's out today and warming up - I can hear the crack of the bat now - OOH --- my ball....

03-17-2012, 12:05 PM
We're all up for this one too.. Can't wait!

Sydney: Meowmie and I used to live in Boston (mostly Cambridge) for a long time.. so at last I'll have the chance to show the rest of the gang all the places I've been bragging about for so long, and they'll finally realize I haven't been just making it all up!

All musical instruments, dancing shoes, etc. are packed and ready to go!

03-17-2012, 03:18 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
Sorry for the delay in posting but Meowmie went to a ASPCA thing the other day about laws to protect animals and we've been very busy working with our Assembyman's Chief of Staff about an idea Meowmie has.

Okay, Boston it is! We definitely will need our sunglasses for this trip. Lulu don't worry, the Catmobile will definitely pick both of you up so that you can enjoy the full Catmobile experience. Do you need sunglasses? They're an absolute necessity on our trips. Pinot is an expert with mapping things out so be sure to contact her about your location. Anyone else needing a ride, be sure to check in just as soon as you can.

Okay kitties, we have plans to make. The shark petting place really sounds neat!

Your friend,

03-17-2012, 07:55 PM

Den, you come to da right plaze!!!!!

03-18-2012, 12:41 PM
I think my boys are going to have to sit this one out. April 4 is too close a date to so many things going on at our house. April 3rd is my birthday and April 5th is Kimba's Gotcha Day, so I think I want them home for those two days. Now, I have nothing against them joining up with the gang after that. Where will everyone be on April 6th?

Bibette & Lulu
03-18-2012, 08:02 PM
I think my boys are going to have to sit this one out. April 4 is too close a date to so many things going on at our house. April 3rd is my birthday and April 5th is Kimba's Gotcha Day, so I think I want them home for those two days. Now, I have nothing against them joining up with the gang after that. Where will everyone be on April 6th?

Hi katladyd - the Boston opening is April 13 - would that be possible for the boys to join us? Lulu

03-18-2012, 11:52 PM
April 3rd is my birthday.........

Hey that's my b-day too!
That makes us sort of twins......lol

03-19-2012, 01:52 PM
Sort of. I am honored to share my b-day with a fellow PTer such as yourself! Oh, the 13th works very well, thank you. The boys would love to go to Boston! They loved that city!:love:

03-20-2012, 10:40 AM
Hi everybody!!
I'm so excited to see all the birthdays coming on April: Frankie, Chip & Chuck, Kimba, Ms. katladyd, Ms. dehlers43, my mom's and mine on the 18th!!!!

SO, why don't we make a BIG party to celebrate all the birthdays and gotcha days!!! OMG!! That would be awesome!!

What do you think?

Cute as always,
--posted via CatBerry Mobile

03-20-2012, 11:31 AM
I don't know about everyone else, but I think that's s great idea! Let's set some dates for this, Sophie. The 13th sounds good for us, how about the rest of you?

03-21-2012, 12:57 PM
I don't know about everyone else, but I think that's s great idea! Let's set some dates for this, Sophie. The 13th sounds good for us, how about the rest of you?

That day sounds good for me too! What do you think of a theme party? With a BIG cake! And we can have a piņata to add more fun!
I'm so excited! I'm so excited!

--posted via CatBerry Mobile

03-21-2012, 03:43 PM
The 13th sounds ok with us. I'm not 100% sure Chip and Chuck's birthday is the 14th. That is the date the vet said she thought they were born on. Since it's their second one, we can celebrate here a tad early and I can give them their pressies before the trip. (they are getting new cell phones and sunglasses but don't tell them, ok?)

Frankie will for sure be one year old on April 1st. (I more or less attended his birth) So, he will be allowed to go on his very first catmobile trip if everyone doesn't mine having such a youngster along. He is very well behaved. Angel and Winnie will keep an eye on him. He is better behaved than Chip in fact. Gosh, my babies are all growning up so fast. :(

Can you believe Miss Angel Rose will be 3 on August 13th? We would love to have everyone back for another western cookout then. Just something to keep in mind.:love:

03-22-2012, 12:28 AM
In addition to all the April b-days, we will be celebrating Princess Chelsea Pearl's gotcha day too... Which is the day before Franklin's birthday.....the kids are excited beyond belief. Franklin has been doing his best to work on a song in secret but as you can imagine, that's not so easy with bagpipes. From what I can tell, it's either "Strangers in the Night" or "Three Times a Lady"......

03-22-2012, 11:57 AM
In addition to all the April b-days, we will be celebrating Princess Chelsea Pearl's gotcha day too... Which is the day before Franklin's birthday.....the kids are excited beyond belief. Franklin has been doing his best to work on a song in secret but as you can imagine, that's not so easy with bagpipes. From what I can tell, it's either "Strangers in the Night" or "Three Times a Lady"......

O-M-G!!! I so cannot believe it!!!! My BFFF's gotcha day is on April!!! we M-U-S-T have a girls' night out!!!
--posted via CatBerry Mobile

03-22-2012, 01:16 PM
The Princess and Franklin are packing as I write.
Chels wants to know if her BFFF would like to meet up at a kitty spa for some pre-trip pampering. The other girls are invited too, of course. Any chance of Grandma joining us? I think she would enjoy a relaxing girls-only spa weekend......

03-22-2012, 01:50 PM
Now, kitties, Boston is the place to be! And because it's on the water, there's plenty of good seafood available. Now, to be warned - the shark and ray "touch tank" at the Aquarium will mean you'll have to get your paws wet - unless you just want to watch, and not touch! And don't worry, the harks in THAT tank are too little to attempt cat for lunch ... There if a little cafe inside that serves fish you might like, or we can just then cruise the waterfront looking for the fresh stuff!

If you're going to the game opening day, remember, it will be noisy, and you have to be careful of getting beer spilled on you! As it is a Friday, I suspect many of Boston's humans will take the day off to be there, and as the next day is Saturday, there will be lots of drinking happening.

If you're up for a boat trip afterwards, we could take a Harbor Island cruise, and I am betting there are some tasty rodents on some of the islands ...

Pinot's Mom
03-22-2012, 05:18 PM
Hmmm....methinks we have a native guide to help us navigate the city! Auntie Karen, I'll have the Catmobile driver give you a call to see what we can do about that. ;) Mom says she can attest to the seafood in the area, as well as the drinking at the games. We'll be careful! We promise!

Chels, I can put the spa stop into the front of the trip, no problem. I'm sure the boys will be entertained with music while we're pampered.

Anyone else need me to write anything into the plan?

See you soon!

Purrs, Pinot

03-22-2012, 06:08 PM
Oh, fellow kitties, this will be one of our greatest trips yet! My fiddle is polished and tuned up and ready to play "The Devil Went Down to Georgia". I've been practicing while Meowmie and Soncat are at work. The PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet is hard at work too, we've been in contact and there will be some surprises. I've heard that Sparkler needs new dancing shoes from practicing so much the ones she has don't work anymore.

Mayor Karen, I'm so happy to know you'll be joining us! Plans are being made to give you a special ride in the Catmobile so we need to know what's your favorite snack? Meowmie just watched a video of a mommy whale showing her little baby off to some whale watchers on a boat. Do you think we'll see whales? That would be way cool! Let us know if you'd like to see the game with us so we can get you a ticket too.

We'd love to have little Frankie come with us! Don't worry about a thing, all of us will watch out for him. Does he need sunglasses?

Okay kitties, when do you think we should leave? I want to make sure that the local Jaguar dealer has plenty of time to get the Catmobile ready to fly (so to speak). With so many purrthdays and gotcha days to celebrate, Soncat wants to be sure he orders enough cheezburgers for all of us. I can't wait to see all of you again!

If anyone has an extra baseball glove, please bring it so we can share them with kitties who don't have one.

Your friend,

03-22-2012, 08:50 PM
I am afraid going far out enough to see the whales might be a bit much for any kitties with a delicate constitution, so maybe they can stay and do some shopping at Quincy Market and Fanueil Hall while we take a whale watch trip! They leave from next to the New England Aquarium, so it should fit into our itinerary just fine. The whale don't come into Boston Harbor, but Stellwagen Bank (http://stellwagen.noaa.gov/) is a favorite feeding spot of theirs - deeper water and more fishies and plankton for them, and spectacular whale watching for us! Sunscreen for your noses is in order, and make sure any hats have chin straps, and the breeze of the boat ride out has caused many a hat to be delivered to the deep water fish below!

My favorite snack - hmm - let's make sure we have some ice cream handy, okay? Coffee ice cream for me, black raspberry for those that want it - I understand that's hard to find outside of New England, so be sure to try some while you are here, right Bibette and Lulu?

03-27-2012, 07:56 AM
Hey there Catmobile Kitties!
This is coming at you from your penguin pals. We have a new computer here in the penguin area so of course we had to look you guys up. Since you'll be heading up to Boston to catch opening day for baseball, we'd like to invite you to stop by and hang out with us for awhile. It has been some time since we last partied together and you guys are such a fun group to be with. Will the Quartet be bringing their bagpipes? Our own penguin maestro has been looking everywhere for your CD but so far no luck. This time of year it's pretty quiet around here and with all of you joining in we can definitely liven things up. There are a few new shops in town where the ladies can do some shopping while we guys get some ice fishing in. Do you think we could try some of your haggis? It sounds tasty.

It looks like there will be several birthdays and gotcha days to celebrate among your crew. Our official party planner, Percy, is in the kitchen library looking for some suitable tummy pleasers to honor the occasions. Please let us know if you can stop by even for just a day, we would all love to see you again. Our Priscilla would love nothing more than to get with Sparkler and learn some new dance steps; the twins Penny and Peonie are already mapping out a shopping tour for the ladies - no matter what you want, they'll find it.

We're looking forward to hearing from all of you and we hope you can arrange to come for a visit.

Your pals,
The Penguin Posse

03-27-2012, 12:07 PM
My boys are so excited! They cannot wait to take in some baseball and visit their penguin pals! Do you think they could get a private box at the ballpark? That way they could avoid crazy humans full of alcohol. They could give a performance during the 7th Inninig Stretch in exchange for the box. Just an idea. All of the fun ideas sound great to my guys, so give us a date and we'll be there! Ming will be sure to bring his bagpipes and from what I have heard, all of that practicing is paying off!:D

03-27-2012, 02:23 PM
My boys are so excited! They cannot wait to take in some baseball and visit their penguin pals! Do you think they could get a private box at the ballpark? That way they could avoid crazy humans full of alcohol. They could give a performance during the 7th Inninig Stretch in exchange for the box. Just an idea. All of the fun ideas sound great to my guys, so give us a date and we'll be there! Ming will be sure to bring his bagpipes and from what I have heard, all of that practicing is paying off!:D

Don't worry, guys. The private box has been arranged with tuna juice fountains and everything special kitties like you could possibly want. The only thing I'm not sure about is a catnip stand nearby but I hear that Groucho is working on that. Ming, would you like Soncat to put your harp in the Catmobile when it's time to leave?

03-28-2012, 12:51 PM
That wud be grate if Soncat cud do that. Tell him "tanks". I will leeve before Mac and Kimba becawse I haf to get sum harp practice in before the game. Oh great, they wur luking ovur my sholder and now want to leeve urly wit me. Is that ok? We are all luking forwurd to seeing all of our furends soon!


03-28-2012, 01:59 PM
Hey fellow furkids!!

UtchieB here!

Our Mumzie is doing better after her knee sir jury and is talking 'bout going dancing soon! Soooooooo, it looks like we'll be able to go to Red Sox country!!! Let us know if dere's anything we can do on our end. Just need to know what time the buz will be picking us up.

Can't wait to see all our old pals again!!! Quincy Market, her we KOME!!!!!

03-30-2012, 10:13 PM
Auntie Donna - - - Auntie Donna

Meowmie just told me I have a new cousin! Can he come with us on our Catmobile trip too? I can't wait to meet him and all the other kitties will love the chance to meet a new friend. Can he come.....pleez?

Purrs and headbumpies,

Bibette & Lulu
04-01-2012, 01:45 PM
Lulu here - Boy - lots of fun things are being planned. Way cool sunglasses (Mom2 hasn't been on line for a while - so I never got to thank you for the offer) - would love to have a pair!!! But boy, it sure got cold around here the last few days!!! We'll have to have Mom2 pack up one of the comforters - well, NOT the one that Puff-cat has been lying all over!!! Her disposition has not improved much - so Bit and I are ready to head on out.

We'll need the Catmobile to pick us up at the Auburn ME exit on I-95 - Mom2 will drive us to the gas station that's just off the access ramp - let us know when we should be ready!!! I'm trying to help Bit plan her packing - she wants to bring ALL her toys - she's afraid Puff-cat will hide them while we're gone!!!

Black-raspberry - YUM!!! Wonder if they have a Gifford's Ice Cream stand in Boston?? That's pretty good stuff too!! Bit's ready to line up for the tuna juice bar!!! I'm hoping the catnip tree will happen. Our kitty sitter has given us some REALLY GOOD loose catnip - we can bring that :D.
Lookin' forward to meeting everyone!!!


Pinot's Mom
04-01-2012, 03:55 PM
OK kitties, I think I have all the events in the schedule, and all the pick ups planned. Bibette & Lulu, your pick up point is just fine - thanks for letting me know ahead of time. ;)

The game is the 13th, the penguins have checked in with a party schedule for that weekend, the whale watching trip is planned for the 15th. There are other events; you'll see when we're all together.

Auntie Karen is working hard trying to make sure all the safety factors are taken care of at the game and on the boat so our Meowms don't have to worry.

It looks like the Catmobile will hit the road to start pick ups on the 10th of April. We have some pretty far away ones to hit first, and will work our way in toward New England. Keep your Catberry's on - I'll be in touch. :)

Purrs, Pinot

04-01-2012, 04:21 PM
Frankie is beyond excited. This will be his first trip with the Catmobile though he made lots of friends when it was here for Angels birthday party last August. He has new sunglasses, a ball cap, and a ball glove. He can't wait to meet the penguins too. He's never seen one in person. I hope he doesn't explode from excitment before they leave.

The big 'kids' are helping him pack!!! :D:love:

04-01-2012, 04:23 PM
Hi Pinot,
Thanks for the update! I'll call the Jaguar dealer first thing in the morning so we can have the Catmobile maybe a day or two ahead of time just in case you have to replan a stop or two. As always, anyone coming in by Amtrack is welcome to stay at my place until it's time to leave. Meowmie will cook us a yummy chicken dinner with all the fixins, Soncat will most likely have a ball game on for those interested. If any of the ladies need to do some last minute shopping, a trip to Quakerbridge Mall can be arranged.

Ming, Soncat and I are polishing up your harp so that you will look and sound your best. You might want to bring extra strings just in case. Soncat and one of his friends will get it into the Catmobile for you.

There's still time and plenty of room for anyone who wants to come and hasn't checked in yet. My lovely Inka and her sisters will be arriving in Trenton a few days before we head out. Meanwhile, now that it's daylight longer, Soncat and I have been practicing pitching and catching. If any of you have an extra baseball glove, please bring it to share with kitties who don't have one.

See everyone soon, I can't wait!

Your friend,

04-01-2012, 10:15 PM
Auntie Donna - - - Auntie Donna

Meowmie just told me I have a new cousin! Can he come with us on our Catmobile trip too? I can't wait to meet him and all the other kitties will love the chance to meet a new friend. Can he come.....pleez?

Purrs and headbumpies,

Cassie hopes that Auntie Moosmom's Puff kitty can come and she will get to meet him. But she is okay if he stays home to keep his meowmie company after her Sir Jury. She is also looking forward to visit with Bibette, Lulu and all the other kitties. We don't have a baseball glove but our kitty cousin Milo might. We'll check.

04-01-2012, 11:53 PM
MoFF, Mac wants to know if the boys can stop off at your place on the way. They want to get a ball game together with Frankie and any of your other kitties who want to play. Mac can't wait to teach Frankie how to throw and catch. By the time of the game, they will all be ready, willing, and able to catch any foul balls that come their way!:D

04-02-2012, 01:14 PM
MoFF, Mac wants to know if the boys can stop off at your place on the way. They want to get a ball game together with Frankie and any of your other kitties who want to play. Mac can't wait to teach Frankie how to throw and catch. By the time of the game, they will all be ready, willing, and able to catch any foul balls that come their way!:D

Sure!!! They are welcome here any time!!!
I know Chip and Chuck will want to play for sure. Chester might. He's at that age where sometimes he likes to play, sometimes he doesn't. Angel and Winnie offer to be cheerleaders for the game. They will cheer for everyone.

My backyard is plenty big enough for a good game. :D:love:

04-03-2012, 12:31 PM
The Boys just wanted me to tell you that they will be there a couple of days before the Catmobile gets to your place! Say, around the tenth or so? The boys will bring bring extra mitts and plenty of balls. Kimba wants to learn to play, too. It should be fun!:)

04-03-2012, 12:59 PM
That will be great. They can have some birthday cake with Chip and Chuck. There birthdays are the 14th or around there so we are celebrating a bit early this year so they can go on the trip. Maybe we can have a pizza party too. Everyone will be hungry after all that ball playing. :love:

04-03-2012, 02:41 PM
Oh my gosh.. my kitties are wondering now, will the Fort Horses be there for the Kansas ball games? Maybe we should see if Traveler would also like to come along on this trip! And just think, since he is an expert Football Mascot, he could be the Red Sox Mascot for Opening Day!

04-03-2012, 03:22 PM
Oh my gosh.. my kitties are wondering now, will the Fort Horses be there for the Kansas ball games? Maybe we should see if Traveler would also like to come along on this trip! And just think, since he is an expert Football Mascot, he could be the Red Sox Mascot for Opening Day!

The Fort Horses might well be at the ball games. Not much is going on at the fort until June when we have our Good Old Days festival. Then the horses parade at the Fort. They were asking about Traveler just the other day. I know they would love to see him.

EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO COME IS WELCOME!!! just in case you are wondering :love:

04-03-2012, 10:21 PM
Sure!!! They are welcome here any time!!!
I know Chip and Chuck will want to play for sure. Chester might. He's at that age where sometimes he likes to play, sometimes he doesn't. Angel and Winnie offer to be cheerleaders for the game. They will cheer for everyone.

My backyard is plenty big enough for a good game. :D:love:

Cassie is excited to watch the fun! We have lots of blankets for kitties who will be the spectators.

Pinot's Mom
04-10-2012, 05:11 PM
....and they're off! I know, wrong sport, but that one's not far off!

Pinot and the Catmobile driver started the pickups this morning, so make sure your Catberrys are charged up and ready, kitties! Y'all ready to celebrate the 100th birthday at Fenway?! The Catmobile is packed up with goodies and cameras to document everything! Report in!

04-10-2012, 05:57 PM
Dear Catmobile Kitties,

The Kentucky Derby is on Saturday, May 5 ... could we please go? Lady Edwina, will you please advise us on hats? Do you think we will get to have catmint? Will there be a meet and greet with the horsies?


04-10-2012, 07:49 PM
Yo G-Man!

Utch here. Meowmie said the Puffdude can come!! Only problem is I gotta bring the snot nose Lucy too, or none of us can go.:eek::eek: That is SO not fair!! It's like bringing your little sis on a date!

See you soon everyone!!!

04-11-2012, 07:55 AM
Hi Cassie, That's a great idea! We always have a great time at the Kentucky Derby. I really like it when the horsies take us for rides and when they let us run around the racetrack. When we get back from this trip we can start making arrangements, I love your suggestion about catmint so we definitely will look into that.

Hey there UtchieB, don't worry about Lucy. Once she gets with the other Catmobile ladies you won't see much of her. She'll be doing a lot of shopping with them so watch out for your wallet. We never know what they'll come back with after one of their shopping excursions. Does she have sunglasses?

Purrents, all is going well, the weather is super and the traffic isn't bad at all. We'll be meeting up with our penguin pals later this morning for a lunch feast and then party time. Pinot has been in contact with them by her Catberry. Not sure yet but the penguins may be joining with us for the baseball game in Boston.

Your friend,

04-11-2012, 11:48 AM
Hey G-Man,

Yeah, yeah, I just don't want little Miss snot nose to cramp my style when it comes to picking up chicks.


DID SOMEONE MENTION SUNGLASSES???????? What color ya want?? I got everything.

04-11-2012, 12:42 PM
There are quite a few of the catmobile gang here with us. They came a few days ago and have been helping Frankie learn how to play ball. Everyone seems to be having a grand time. The catmobile can just stop and scoop everyone up on one stop. Frankie has packed and repacked 6 times just this week. :D :love:

04-11-2012, 12:59 PM
Mac says watch out! Frankie has a wicked curve ball! He has never seen a kitty catch on to baseball skills so fast. I believe he used the words "a natural". :D

Bibette & Lulu
04-12-2012, 10:15 AM
Hi, all - Got a catberry from Lulu - "this is grrrreat fun!!. Luving the catmobile - but mostly luving not having to deal with the Grouch (aka Puff) :mad: Luv the pink shades - thanks moosmom :cool:. Bittie was a little skittish about getting on the catmobile (she never has liked "new" things) - but couldn't let me out do her :p. Frankie is so cute and just beside himself on learning how to catch - now Bitt is mad at Mom2 for not letting her come early to learn how to catch -- such a spoiled brat!! Hope to meet Mayor Karen and looking forward to the petting tank [maybe Bittie will slip......:rolleyes:] Pinot - great planning!! See you soon, Mom2 .... :love::love:Lulu (& Bittie)"

04-12-2012, 12:33 PM
The house is sure quiet now that everyone but Chester and Grandma and myself are off with the catmobile. We had great weather for the ball games and I hope every one had fun. Grandma mentioned how nice it was to hear the young ens having such fun. Before they left, they took a bunch of iris from my yard (with my ok) into Grandma so she would have them to sniff and enjoy. What sweethearts the catmobile bunch are!!!

We had extra baseball gloves so sent them off with the gang for any kitty who might need them. They may keep them if they want. :love:

04-12-2012, 06:07 PM
Text from Cassie:

Hi Meowm
I had a very nice visit with Grandma
And you didn't, ha haa
She showed me her meowmie's cozy blanket--
We touched it and it is very nice and soft.
It was a pleasure!


04-13-2012, 07:53 AM
I got a call from Groucho a short while ago. The crew made it safely to Boston and are resting up for an exciting day of baseball. Frankie is so excited that he didn't sleep at all last night plus he wouldn't let go of his baseball glove and hat. A few of the girl kitties will take him shopping for a team jersey after lunch but he doesn't know yet. Pinot and Cassie have been on the Catberry with the stadium honchos trying to arrange for Frankie to sit behind the plate and catch a few pitches before the game. It seems Lulu is his self appointed cheerleader!

Groucho said they had a great time with their penguin pals and partied well into the night. They all plan to meet up at Fenway and enjoy the game together.

Purrents, here's some interesting trivia - did you know that Fenway Park opened on the day the Titanic sank?

Bibette & Lulu
04-13-2012, 09:46 AM
Frankie is so excited that he didn't sleep at all last night plus he wouldn't let go of his baseball glove and hat. A few of the girl kitties will take him shopping for a team jersey after lunch but he doesn't know yet. Pinot and Cassie have been on the Catberry with the stadium honchos trying to arrange for Frankie to sit behind the plate and catch a few pitches before the game. It seems Lulu is his self appointed cheerleader!

Well - if anyone can get the honchos to let him have his 15 minutes of fame - Ms Lulu will - no one in this house crosses her!!!

Thanks for the update. Plan to watch the game today and will keep an eye out for the "catwave" I believe they are planning!! :D:D

B&L Mom2

04-13-2012, 01:00 PM
Good to hear Frankie is having such a grand time. They might need to tie a string on him to keep him from floating away with happiness!!!

When he finally falls asleep, he should sleep for quite a while. :D:love:

Bibette & Lulu
04-13-2012, 06:22 PM
Yeah Red Sox!!! I'm sure I saw the tails "waving" during the 8th inning Sox scoring blitz!!

I hope that Frankie got his catch like the kid up in the boxes!! OHH - are they going to have stories.

Looking for a Catberry update.

B&L Mom2

04-15-2012, 04:00 PM
The latest from the Catmobile is that everyone is having a great time. Frankie was thrilled beyond words when he was taken down to the catcher's place to catch a few practice pitches, Groucho says he caught each pitch! All the kitties got to run around the bases and at each base Frankie would call out "I'm safe!" Now he wants to go to more baseball games. Rumor has it he was invited to watch a game from the Yankee's dugout!

The aquarium was a huge hit. Sophie, Cassie, Lulu, Pinot, and Bibette wanted to help feed the sharks. UtchieB was quite taken with the seahorses and loved how the dolphins jumped out of the water during the show.

After a seafood feast tonight, the PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet and Scottish Dancer will do an impormptu concert followed by an ice cream social to beat them all.

If you hear from your Catmobiler, please post in. Those of us who have done these trips before know the kitties can be very short on details.

04-15-2012, 04:52 PM
Velicat (fka Puff-Puff :rolleyes::rolleyes: ) called me on his cell. He was talking non-stop about the sea horsies and dolphins!! Lucy has been napping all afternoon after the big shopping spree with the girls.


I told him he better keep an eye on his lil sis. He said he had a date tonight with a pretty little thing he met at a "nip" bar and didn't want to take her, begging me to come get her. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!

Utchie is high fiving everyone. Don't know what that's all about.

04-15-2012, 05:02 PM
Nip bar? Hot date? What are these kitties up to? :eek:

04-15-2012, 05:08 PM
I guess what happens in Boston STAYS in Boston. I can't WAIT to hear how this plays out!!! I just hope he doesn't get his heart broken. I'm glad he had his little "snip" sir jury. Last thing I need are grandkitties running around!! My house is crowded enough!!

Pinot's Mom
04-20-2012, 09:15 PM
Hmmm.....once again, the kitties have gone silent on a trip...

Does anyone have a report? Catberry post from Pinot said she needed a long consult with her Lawyer...:confused:

04-21-2012, 02:31 PM
Cassie is napping in her "hidey spot" under the sofa right now. I flipped through the pictures on her CatBerry-- there is one of the girls shopping and Lucy is in the center of the group; there is one of Frankie with his baseball glove at Fenway Park; and one of everyone together at the game. I would say she had a great time -- as she always does!

04-21-2012, 06:06 PM
Hmmm.....once again, the kitties have gone silent on a trip...

Does anyone have a report? Catberry post from Pinot said she needed a long consult with her Lawyer...:confused:

I tried to find out what that's all about from Groucho the Lawyer. He claimed attorney - client priviledge

04-22-2012, 05:00 PM
Mine are all mum except Frankie!!! He has jabbered non-stop about baseball, penguins, whales and hot dogs. He sleeps with his head on his baseball glove now. Woe be unto anyone (me) who tries to touch it. :love:

04-30-2012, 12:31 PM
Cassie was looking out of the window for most of the afternoon yesterday. I haven't checked her Catberry lately but I suspect she is waiting to be picked up by the Catmobile for the Kentucky Derby any day now. She was mewing about hats and horsies in her sleep.

04-30-2012, 05:47 PM
Cassie was looking out of the window for most of the afternoon yesterday. I haven't checked her Catberry lately but I suspect she is waiting to be picked up by the Catmobile for the Kentucky Derby any day now. She was mewing about hats and horsies in her sleep.

Hi Cassie,
Things have been very busy around here since we got back from our last Catmobile trip. Tell you what, if you'll do a post to our fellow kitties about going to the Kentucky Derby to see who would like to go, I'll get on the phone with the local Jaquar dealer and arrange for the Catmobile. I'm not sure when the Derby is but I don't think we have much time. I'll call you on your cell phone later tonight. Thanks for the heads-up!

Your friend,

05-01-2012, 10:01 AM
My Found Hotel and Porch Angels want Our Catmobile Friends to keep May 16th open!!
Starysky a New Polish / Eoropean Grocery store is opening!!!:cool::cool:
It is a huge New Store with lots of Deli Meat, Cheeses , Breads anda Great Produce Section as well and there will be a Great Grand Opening Party.
And there are at least ten great Restaurants in that area!!
Come One Come All, and please be the Guest of All Of Us from the Found Cat Hotel.:love::love:

05-01-2012, 12:52 PM
My boys want to know when and where to meet everyone! They need a break from me and I need a break from them for a few days. I love them to pieces, but there has been way too much growling and hissing lately. A trip would work wonders for their dispositions...and mine!:rolleyes:

05-01-2012, 02:54 PM
Mine are ready to go. I'm not sure but I think the Derby is this Sunday.
We have had a week of thunderstorms. My gang need some way to let off some pent up energy.

The girls want to remind all the kitty girls to pack their prettiest hats. They are a must at the Derby!!! (Winnie remembered Lady Edwina telling her that last year):love:

05-01-2012, 03:59 PM
Mine too! Badd @$$ Buddy keeps knocking the lamp into the litterbox!!!:mad:

The bookends (Veli and Lucy Jean) are running all OVER the house and Maya Linn is using my leg as a scratching post to get my attention.

Get them OUTTA HERE!!!!

05-01-2012, 04:12 PM
My gang plus Nelson are all set to go!!!!!

Pinot's Mom
05-01-2012, 08:54 PM
Sheesh! Am I the only one that knows what's up? :rolleyes:

The Derby is May 5 at 5pm. The Catmobile will be making it's rounds Thursday evening into Friday morning. We will be meeting one of the Derby horsies, Sabercat, who I have been chatting with on line. We have it all planned out, but girl kitties, you MUST have the proper head attire!

REALLY, did you think I didn't have this under control?:rolleyes:


05-01-2012, 09:13 PM
My Found Hotel and Porch Angels want Our Catmobile Friends to keep May 16th open!!
Starysky a New Polish / Eoropean Grocery store is opening!!!:cool::cool:
It is a huge New Store with lots of Deli Meat, Cheeses , Breads anda Great Produce Section as well and there will be a Great Grand Opening Party.
And there are at least ten great Restaurants in that area!!
Come One Come All, and please be the Guest of All Of Us from the Found Cat Hotel.:love::love:

Uncle Catmandu, I will be there!

05-02-2012, 07:35 AM
Hi fellow kitties,
Well, we're all set with the Catmobile, it will be at my place tonight. Soncat will help me get it packed up and ready to go when he gets home from work. He also wants to know how many cheezburgers to order so as soon as you can let me know how many you'd like. Ming, would you like Soncat and his friend to get your harp in the Catmobile?

Keep your cell phones and Catberrys on, we'll call you when the Catmobile hits your neighborhood.

Your friend,

05-02-2012, 08:01 AM
Hey G-Man!

Utchie here. We can't go.:(:( Meowmie is having a surprize going away party for Isis today. All our relatives are coming. They're having all SORTS of great food AND...my pal Harry is coming all the way from Michigan WITH a huge bag of nip, to celebrate!

HEY!!! WAIT A MINUTOOOOO, I got a idea!!!! How about the Catmobile coming by to pick up ALLLL the kits at the party. It'll be one last HURRRRRAH for Isis to see all her gfs.

Just asked Meowmie and it's okay with her. She and the hoomans will stay here and party. (*whispers* she doesn't know we're taking the nip with us). She said sumthin real weird like, "You're young, you SHOULD experience life." Glad she's got her hoomans around to watch over her.


We're ready and waiting. PARTY ON, DUDES AND DUDETTES!!

05-02-2012, 09:29 AM
Your Michael Angel wants you to know Cassie Dearest:love::love: that he will purrsonally not only take you through Starsky , but will buy you a Double Down Sandwhich at KFC across the street!!:cool::cool::cool:
Michael Angel:):) loves KFC , and what the Colonel cooks, and nothing is too good for his Special Lady, his Cassie:love::love::love:

05-02-2012, 09:38 AM
Look what I found! A picture of Mlle. Edwina with excellent head attire!


05-02-2012, 12:43 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
Well, we're all set with the Catmobile, it will be at my place tonight. Soncat will help me get it packed up and ready to go when he gets home from work. He also wants to know how many cheezburgers to order so as soon as you can let me know how many you'd like. Ming, would you like Soncat and his friend to get your harp in the Catmobile?

Keep your cell phones and Catberrys on, we'll call you when the Catmobile hits your neighborhood.

Your friend,

Hi Groucho dear!
Can you pick me up at the airport early tomorrow? Please!!

--posted via CatBerry Mobile

Pinot's Mom
05-02-2012, 04:37 PM
Hey G-Man!

Utchie here. We can't go.:(:( Meowmie is having a surprize going away party for Isis today. All our relatives are coming. They're having all SORTS of great food AND...my pal Harry is coming all the way from Michigan WITH a huge bag of nip, to celebrate!

HEY!!! WAIT A MINUTOOOOO, I got a idea!!!! How about the Catmobile coming by to pick up ALLLL the kits at the party. It'll be one last HURRRRRAH for Isis to see all her gfs.

Just asked Meowmie and it's okay with her. She and the hoomans will stay here and party. (*whispers* she doesn't know we're taking the nip with us). She said sumthin real weird like, "You're young, you SHOULD experience life." Glad she's got her hoomans around to watch over her.


We're ready and waiting. PARTY ON, DUDES AND DUDETTES!!

Gotcha - y'all are covered... ;)

Purrs, Pinot

05-03-2012, 06:47 AM
COO - EL!!!


Hellllooooooo Everyone!!

Miss Persnickle here. Please step to the rear of the bus. The Bagpipe Band will be in the back for your entertainment!! Don't forget to take your "cattybags" when you get on! The champagne cat fountain will be pumping bubbly!!

05-03-2012, 09:38 AM
If you can stop at the Fresh Co corner , we can get some Great Hot Dogs , Chips and Water from our Friend the Hot Dog Lady.
We picnic there once a week and we just love Lena, and her quaity Hot Dogs and Sauasages.:love::love::love:
Very Very Good!!!:love::love::love:

05-04-2012, 10:47 AM
Cassie would like to know if she can have a catmint julep at the Derby! I told her that if the others are having one, she can have one too.

05-04-2012, 12:26 PM
That's a great idea, Gary! My boys love an occasional hot dog.

Pinot's Mom
05-04-2012, 05:14 PM
Cassie would like to know if she can have a catmint julep at the Derby! I told her that if the others are having one, she can have one too.

Of course! They're on the menu! ;)

05-05-2012, 01:11 AM
Franklin has been working "My Old Kentucky Home" for weeks. I think I heard him say something about being in the post race parade too.....
Chels is bringing several hats, she just couldn't make up her made on which one to wear...sheesh.....

05-05-2012, 04:01 PM
Just got a text message from Groucho. Sounds like our adventurers have had a busy day so far. They were able to visit with the horses for a while and the horses will give all of them a ride around the track after the race. The PT Kitty Bagpipe Quartet played "Run For the Roses" originally done by Dan Fogelberg to wish them luck then Nelson led some cheerleading. From there, the guy kitties hit the food stands while the lady kitties went to do some shopping. Groucho said Chels came back with a few more hats so all the girls are in the Catmobile trying to help Chels decide which one to wear, she has changed hats about six times already. UtchieB went to place a few bets but he won't say who he's betting on. (he asked me not to tell Auntie Donna he doesn't want to get in trouble). Fortunately everyone is going easy on the mint juleps. Franklin practiced "My Old kentucky Home" on their way down and he did a beautiful job. It came time to find their seats so Groucho said he'll check in later.

05-05-2012, 11:46 PM
Just got a text from Utchie. He fessed up that he placed a bet. I was a little annoyed that he'd waste MY hard earned money. But then when he told me the horse's name, My Little Nekkid Dancer, and that she came in, I was thrilled. Utchie asked me if he could buy dinner for everyone on the Catmobile and I said, OH WHY NOT???

I didn't have the heart to tell Isis that her furever home fell through. Why ruin her fun.

The bookend babies (Velicat and Lucy) are in seventh heaven, having the etire apartment to themselves.

05-06-2012, 06:42 PM
I'm glad to hear that Utchie isn't in any trouble about the bet. But when I saw the horse's name, it was easy to understand why he did it. Under the circumstances I don't think you'd be upset with him, Donna.

Got a brief call from Groucho. The party lasted into the wee hours but a great time was had by all. Franklin was asked to play during the award ceremony and got a standing ovation for his performance of "My Old Kentucky Home". The 160,000+ attendees loved it so much that nobody sang while he played!

This time the barn cats joined the party and Groucho said they brought some primo - top - of - the - line catnip. The festivities really took off when Nelson started his square dance calling, every horse, barn cat, and Catmobile kitty was up dancing. Sparkler had them in awe of her Scottish dancing moves. Pinot, Cassie, Chels, Groucho, and Franklin had a conference with the barn cats. Plans are being made for the barn cats to join in on a Catmobile trip.

After their naps, UtchieB is treating the crew to dinner. Groucho said they all are very excited that his horse placed but he and his cousin will discuss reporting his winnings to the IRS when they get home. No word on when that might be.

05-07-2012, 12:28 PM
I used to work on the racetracks out here and have some friends who still work there. I get some tips for big races sometimes and I sent some money with Mac (he's the most level=headed) and had him place some bets on the winner. I hope he gave the other kitties the tip!:D

05-09-2012, 12:23 PM
OMG! Where am I gonna store all those hats? The Princess has more clothing and accessories than I do....sheesh......
And I thought bagpipes took up a lot of room...
I either need to move to a bigger house or remodel this one. I hope Franklin bet big and won big....and didn't spend all the loot on tuna and nip....:D

05-10-2012, 04:01 PM
Dear Groucho,

Since the Catmobile is going up to Catada on May 16 to go with the Found Kitties to the new deli by their hotel, could we please go to the Toronto Blue Jays game on May 17? They are playing the New York Yankees. Meowmie has been to Toronto once and she said it was a neat city.


05-10-2012, 06:03 PM
Dear Groucho,

Since the Catmobile is going up to Catada on May 16 to go with the Found Kitties to the new deli by their hotel, could we please go to the Toronto Blue Jays game on May 17? They are playing the New York Yankees. Meowmie has been to Toronto once and she said it was a neat city.


Oh Cassie, that's a super wonderful idea!!! We're Yankees fans in my house and I'd love to see them live and in person. Last year Soncat took Meowmie to a game at their new stadium for her birthday. They had a wonderful time and finally got home at 2:00 in the morning! Meowmie said the only thing she felt bad about is they have Yankee collars for dogs BUT NOT FOR CATS - something has to be done about that.

Hmm....maybe while we're there the Catmobile can make a stop at Niagara Falls. Meowmie and Soncat were there and said it's awesome. Tell you what, while I arrange for the Catmobile, call Pinot and arrange for tickets would you post a new thread about it and see who wants to go?

Your friend,

05-10-2012, 06:54 PM
Oh boy.. we're so excited, going to Catada!!!!

Bagpipes all tuned up, dancing shoes polished...