View Full Version : Pooping on the floor. What does it mean?

02-27-2012, 09:17 AM
Before reading this post read the thread called "Charlie says hi". Its on page 1 of dog general. That will give you a general idea of Charlie.

Hes been free at night and during the day for several days now. We've never had a pooping issue with him (upset tummies dont count) until now.

He never Poops in his kennel and never poops when we are awake.

Since we started letting him run free, hes pooping on the floor at night while we sleep.

This morning was my final straw and into the kennel he went. I dont want to keep him locked up like this. Thats why i bought the baby diapers cause i know his peeing isnt his fault.

I have no idea why hes pooping on the floor at night.

I know its him pooping as him and Digi have different poop areas. & Digi only poops on the floir when shes sick and these are solid logs in charlies poop spot.

Charlie poops near my pc desk in the living room and Digi poops beside our bed (where her kennel use to be and she was never scolded if she pooped in her kennel when she was a pup. Shes never scolded when she gets sick! Just wanted to make that clear :)

02-27-2012, 09:42 AM
I know you don't want to leave him in the crate, due to his past, but it sounds like that might be the only option. At least only at night. Since he seems to be pooping only at night when you are asleep.
I know you know this.....but just make the crate a fun thing. That will be a challenge, but I know you can do it. :)
As to why he's doing it at night....maybe because he knows you aren't awake to scold him (even if you wouldn't.....he doesn't know that).

Oh, and he is adorable! When Taggart has to wear the belly band I always call him my little sumo wrestler. :D

02-27-2012, 11:28 AM
Does he get a walk before bedtime? How late is he fed?

02-27-2012, 10:57 PM
Making the crate fun isnt going to happen. It has to be bear as he'll shred and eat a blanket, which is not how he should aquire fiber lol

He refuses to touch toys in there to. Wont even touch a new one and he goes ape for new toys.

Charlie's food schedual and outside has been the same for the past 3 months. They both eat at about 11pm and they both potty at about 8pm. If he doesnt pee or poop outside at 8pm, then he goes again before 11pm(very rare that happens).

The only thing that has changed in the last 3 months is allowing him to stay out of his kennel at night and during the day, which was 3 or 4 days and he pooped on the floor every morning.

02-28-2012, 09:43 AM
Ok, so what's the problem with crating him at night? Does he not rest? It seems like that's your only solution..........for now.

02-28-2012, 05:09 PM
Its the self mutaliation thats the issue. In the other thread you can see pics of what he did to his face. Its still healing. Many of his teeth are broken from chewing on the bars.

I just wanted to know if him pooping on the floor meant anything. Before i noticed him marking he was free at night and never pooped on the floor. But that was almost 4 months ago. I figured pooping on the floor meant something.

02-28-2012, 05:25 PM
Its the self mutaliation thats the issue. In the other thread you can see pics of what he did to his face. Its still healing. Many of his teeth are broken from chewing on the bars.

I just wanted to know if him pooping on the floor meant anything. Before i noticed him marking he was free at night and never pooped on the floor. But that was almost 4 months ago. I figured pooping on the floor meant something.

Has he been to the vet recently? If nothing else has changed, it may be something medical rather than behavioral, given his history. Might be worth a trip, just to rule that out, then you can work on behavioral things.

02-28-2012, 10:40 PM
I tether Jasper to the bed at night. He can sleep on my bed, or his bed, but can't go far enough to poop. Is that an option?

02-29-2012, 09:41 AM
Hes going to the vet in 2 weeks. To get his yearlies and some other tests done, then get fixed.

Hes been in his kennel for 2 days now and hasnt pooped in there. This is why i believe his pooping is behaverial. I just wish i knew what it meant to make solving this easier on all of us.

02-29-2012, 09:51 AM
I tether Jasper to the bed at night. He can sleep on my bed, or his bed, but can't go far enough to poop. Is that an option?

I would like to do that, however our bed doesnt have legs. We are getting a king but not until summer or later and it will have legs for that reason.

He is tether trained as i forced him to learn it, just like i did with Digi as i feel its an important skill for a dog to know.

Hmmm i could kennel him at night and tether him to the couch during the day. That might work as there is nothing to hang himself on and its a 6' leash. The couch is leather and the leash just falls off the arm.

I suppose he could still poop on the floor, but maybe he wont. Ill try it tomorrow.

03-07-2012, 01:36 AM
I tether Jasper to the bed at night. He can sleep on my bed, or his bed, but can't go far enough to poop. Is that an option?

So far so good!
Hes also been sleeping out there at night and he doesnt make a peep. As soon as the leash goes on, he hops onto the giant dog bed and curles up into a tiny little ball of fur.

When i get up in the morning he'll wag his tail, but will remain laying on the bed.

Trevor said he doesnt make a peep after i leave for work, so hes happy that he can sleep until its time for hkm to leave for work.