View Full Version : Rescue Dog conmercial: WEEGO!!

02-06-2012, 07:18 AM
Saw a cute commercial on the Super Bowl to promote Rescues ... it's about Weego the Rescue.... here's the link

http://www.budlight.com/home.php Click on Rescue Dog commercial Weego is so cute!!!

If you have a FB account: Please "Like" Weego,The Budweiser Rescue Dog....Budweiser is Donating a $1 for Every 'Like' up to 250,000 to The Animal Rescue Foundation...


The above includes the story of Weego!

Under the photo of Weego, there is a blue bar. On the right (under the dog) there is a box: fLIKE. You must have a Facebook account to LIKE.

02-06-2012, 10:17 AM
I thought Weego was the best commercial! Yay, Budweiser for helping dogs!

02-06-2012, 11:38 AM
Poor pup does a lot of work! ;) Glad he's a rescue boy and helping others!