View Full Version : How do I upload a new picture attachment now?? - SUCCESS! see #17

01-31-2012, 10:06 AM
I tried to upload a new picture with a new thread I started, but I can't get it to work.

First I tried the "Upload Manager," and told it to add a new file and gave it the location on the "Browse" button. It toook MUCH longer to do whatever it was doing, but when it finally stopped, I hit "done" and it just told me to drag an existing file or else hite "Add Files" AGAIN. But when I looked at the actual page again, the file hadn't been uploaded.

Then I went to "edit page" and tried the "Insert Image" From Computer, gave it the path and then it didn't insert it..

And then Firefox crashed.

01-31-2012, 10:30 AM
I was going to start a thread just for this, so thanks for the question!

When you want to post a picture now, you hit the little "picture" icon as before ...

That brings up two options - From Computer and From URL - which means from somewhere else on the Internet.

When you select From Computer it says "Add an Image from your computer
Allowed Filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif" and gives you a button to choose a file. Once you have chosen the file, see the line of text below the "Choose File" button that says "Upload file" and click that, and you're done.

When you select From URL - it says "Add an Image from Url
Allowed Filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif" and gives you a box in which to type (or paste) the address for the picture you want to use, and below that is automatically checked "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" and then hit "okay" and you are done!

Now, it's not gonna look like it used to with [IM G] tags - instead it will look like [ATTACH = CONFIG ]52439[/ ATTA CH] - without the spaces of course, but it will post the image right there in the post.

Does that help?

01-31-2012, 01:29 PM
I can see why I couldn't upload a picture the other day - it was a .pdf. I think this will work. :)


01-31-2012, 01:47 PM
Yes, that worked fine! Hi, handsome boy!

Bibette & Lulu
01-31-2012, 02:46 PM
I tried putting a picture into my text in the thread, but it was way huge - how do you control for the size if you want it to look like the examples above? I ended up with thumbnails that people can then enlarge. But I would like to be able to use the pictures as part of the story I'm trying to tell.

Thanks. B&L's Mom2

01-31-2012, 02:52 PM
I usually resize them in Photoshop, but any image editing program will do, whatever your computer has! If you keep them to 600 wide, they will fit in the threads nicely.

Bibette & Lulu
01-31-2012, 02:54 PM
Thanks, Karen. Nancy

01-31-2012, 04:13 PM
When you want to post a picture now, you hit the little "picture" icon as before ...

That brings up two options - From Computer and From URL - which means from somewhere else on the Internet.

When you select From Computer it says "Add an Image from your computer
Allowed Filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif" and gives you a button to choose a file. Once you have chosen the file, see the line of text below the "Choose File" button that says "Upload file" and click that, and you're done.

When you select From URL - it says "Add an Image from Url
Allowed Filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif" and gives you a box in which to type (or paste) the address for the picture you want to use, and below that is automatically checked "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" and then hit "okay" and you are done!

Does that help?

Karen, that is exactly what I did before and I just tried again now. It still doesn't retrieve the picture.

This is the message (thread starter) in which I was trying to insert a cute picture of lovely little kitten Sheila: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?171779-Phillipsburg-NJ-Urgent-kitten-needs-intake-asap!&p=2404627#post2404627

Thanks for your help.


01-31-2012, 05:06 PM
Pat, which method did you try?

52442 This was done using Firefox ... using the "From Your Computer" method ...

01-31-2012, 05:14 PM
And this was done, using the


"from URL" method in Firefox.

What version of Firefox are you running?

01-31-2012, 07:06 PM
Pat, which method did you try?

52442 This was done using Firefox ... using the "From Your Computer" method ...

This method, Karen.

Firefox 10.0, which just updated itself on this computer (laptop), but this isn't the one on which I have the picture I tried to insert, so I can't try it again right now. I'll let you know after I'm back on the other computer.


01-31-2012, 07:50 PM
thanks for info

02-01-2012, 12:11 PM
Karen, I'm on my desktop machine again now, where I have the kitten's picture. I just upgraded the Firefox to version 10.0 for Windows. Then I tried to insert the picture again "From Computer," and again it did not retrieve and insert the picture.

02-01-2012, 04:55 PM
Then I tried to insert the picture again "From Computer," and again it did not retrieve and insert the picture.

What happened when you tried? Can you do a screen capture of any message that comes up? Or at one point does it stop?

02-02-2012, 02:45 PM
Karen, I get "Insert Image" with the little picture icon. Then I go to "From Computer" and "Browse" to the file path, then "Upload File(s)." The little rabbit Pet Talk icon at the left side of the browser window tab starts spinning, like it is doing some work. After a little time (actually a fair amount of time), it stops spinning and the rabbit is back and the little "Insert Image" window is gone, leaving the editing screen just as it was before I started the Insert Image process. Once again, no message comes up from the process and the image has NOT been inserted.

How do I do a screen capture? Not that there is anything to capture here.

02-04-2012, 07:37 AM
I can't upload pictures to an existing album on PT. When I open an existing album and hit Upload pictures, I get the Manage attachment window with different pictures I uploaded. Then, if I upload a picture from there, it shows up in the Home field and also in Attachment field, but along with some entirely different pictures that aren't in the album I want to upload to. And how do I get to the code for each picture (the one you copy). I can't see any options for that and I can't see how to delete any of them either. :confused: :confused:

02-04-2012, 11:09 AM
Karen, I get "Insert Image" with the little picture icon. Then I go to "From Computer" and "Browse" to the file path, then "Upload File(s)." The little rabbit Pet Talk icon at the left side of the browser window tab starts spinning, like it is doing some work. After a little time (actually a fair amount of time), it stops spinning and the rabbit is back and the little "Insert Image" window is gone, leaving the editing screen just as it was before I started the Insert Image process. Once again, no message comes up from the process and the image has NOT been inserted.

How do I do a screen capture? Not that there is anything to capture here.

SUCCESS AT LAST! Original image was too big.. I reduced its size to about 600x400, and this time I was able to insert the picture with no trouble. Now you can see what little Sheila looks like! (she's adorable) - http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?171779-Phillipsburg-NJ-Urgent-kitten-needs-intake-asap!&p=2404627#post2404627

02-04-2012, 02:29 PM

Yay, congratulations!

02-04-2012, 02:42 PM
I can't upload pictures to an existing album on PT. When I open an existing album and hit Upload pictures, I get the Manage attachment window with different pictures I uploaded. Then, if I upload a picture from there, it shows up in the Home field and also in Attachment field, but along with some entirely different pictures that aren't in the album I want to upload to. And how do I get to the code for each picture (the one you copy). I can't see any options for that and I can't see how to delete any of them either. :confused: :confused:

Okay, it is different now, and a little confusing. To add photos to an album,

1. Select the album, and open it.

2. Hit the link for "Upload pictures"

3. Once you do that you will see a window with all the pictures you ever attached, not just the ones in this album. I, for example, have 5 pages of pictures to scroll through.

4. To add a new picture, hit the button on the top right that says "Add Files" choose the file on your computer and hit "Upload"

(Randi, I am guessing this is the point where you got to, and then got confused and stopped.)

5. It puts this picture in a lower window labeled "Attachments"

6. This photo is already checked, you can change your mind at this point and uncheck it, but if you want to continue, leave it checked.

7. If you want to add anything else of the pictures you see above to the album, drag them down into this area. Then hit "Done."

But you are not yet actually done.

This brings up a window that says "Pending Pictures" and you have to his "Save Changes" to move that picture (or pictures) into the album.

Now, to use it in a thread: Click once on a picture in the album, it will bring you to the larger version of the picture, and underneath the picture there will be the two boxes you are used to, one with the "picture URL" for pasting on another website, and one with "BB Code" for pasting into a thread here. Copy, paste into your thread, and away you go!


02-04-2012, 02:50 PM
I can't see any options for that and I can't see how to delete any of them either.

All the pictures you see in that window - or on the pages and pages if you scroll through them - are photos and things you have attached to specific threads in the past, they are not part of your album until you put them in it. If you click on the thumbnail, and then on the little question mark that appears above it, it will tell you what thread or threads it is part of. And the good thing is, if you upload a photo but don't use it within an hour, it will be automatically deleted (unless you put it in your album, that counts as 'usage").

Does that help?

02-04-2012, 03:10 PM
Thanks Karen, I'll get back about it tomorrow, it's late and I'm off to bed. I never saw the "Pending Pictures" or "Save Changes". I did wonder about the question marks in the little squares on each picture box, though and thought something was wrong.

Will hopefully sort it out tomorrow. :)

02-04-2012, 03:18 PM
Yay, congratulations!

Is that all that really needs to be done, just reduce ithem in size? And what is the ideal size? How big is too big?

Thanks, Karen!

02-04-2012, 03:19 PM
Okay, it is different now, and a little confusing. To add photos to an album,

1. Select the album, and open it.

2. Hit the link for "Upload pictures"

3. Once you do that you will see a window with all the pictures you ever attached, not just the ones in this album. I, for example, have 5 pages of pictures to scroll through.

4. To add a new picture, hit the button on the top right that says "Add Files" choose the file on your computer and hit "Upload"

(Randi, I am guessing this is the point where you got to, and then got confused and stopped.)

5. It puts this picture in a lower window labeled "Attachments"

6. This photo is already checked, you can change your mind at this point and uncheck it, but if you want to continue, leave it checked.

7. If you want to add anything else of the pictures you see above to the album, drag them down into this area. Then hit "Done."

But you are not yet actually done.

This brings up a window that says "Pending Pictures" and you have to his "Save Changes" to move that picture (or pictures) into the album.

Now, to use it in a thread: Click once on a picture in the album, it will bring you to the larger version of the picture, and underneath the picture there will be the two boxes you are used to, one with the "picture URL" for pasting on another website, and one with "BB Code" for pasting into a thread here. Copy, paste into your thread, and away you go!


Karen, are these instructions somewhere that will be easy to find when I will want to add things to albums? I'll never remember all this now when I'm not trying to do it.


02-04-2012, 03:22 PM
Karen, are these instructions somewhere that will be easy to find when I will want to add things to albums? I'll never remember all this now when I'm not trying to do it.


I just typed them up for this thread, but we can Sticky this thread so it'll be easy to find!

02-04-2012, 07:30 PM
Thank you, Karen.

And thanks to you and Paul for all your hard work on this!

Pat (and cats) :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

02-05-2012, 08:15 AM
Karen, I figured out why it didn't work... I had forgotten to click "Save Changes". :o Thanks again! :)

03-02-2012, 10:05 AM
Pat, has Sheila found a place to be, yet? She is such a sweetheart! :love:

03-02-2012, 04:24 PM
I don't know, Randi.. I get these notices from a woman who has a mailing list of people who want to help find homes for cats who need them. She lives in New Jersey, so that's where most of the cats she posts about are. Since I am nowhere near New Jersey, I pass them on to anyone I can think of (including Pet Talk, of course) who might possibly be able to help or might know of others to pass the messages on to.

Now and then others post to the mailing list about things they've done or found out to help the cat, and from time to time I've heard from Pet Talkers about being able to help some of these cats!

But I haven't heard anything further about Sheila. I certainly do hope she has found a good, safe place to live, as she is such a sweetheart indeed.

I think I will e-mail [email protected], the person who first posted the message about and picture of Sheila, and ask her if she found someone. I'll let you all know what I find out.


03-03-2012, 09:25 AM
Randi, I got a reply from selkiechik this morning, and here's what she had to say:

She is now with a rescuer down in Philly who is working with her to make her into a proper housecat. :) In short, she's safe and warm.



08-09-2012, 06:12 AM
Karen, how do you put a picture in a post so it is regular size rather than one of those little tiny images you have to click to see regular size?


08-09-2012, 11:34 AM
It is best to embed it - just use the [img] tags like you used to do!

08-09-2012, 07:04 PM
And how do I do that now, because I don't remember it at all.

08-09-2012, 09:36 PM
Get the URL for the picture you want to post in the thread, or wherever - it should start with "http: " and end with ".jpg" - then type (without the space, paste the URL in, and type [/img ] without the space.

So for example, without the spaces, this:
[i mg]http://Catoft heDay.com/arc hive/2012/August/09b.jpg[/i mg]

Would look like this:

08-10-2012, 07:18 AM
What if it is a picture on my own computer? Do I upload it, and if so how? I remember I used to do it all the time with the old PT software, but it doesn't work the same way now.

When I use the Attach tag, sometimes it comes out full size, but more often than not it comes out as a very small image that you have to click on to see full size, and (on my computer anyway) it takes a little time for the image to come up full size.

Thanks, Karen.


07-11-2013, 01:11 PM
Pat, I am running into the same thing! I think I will have to load my photos into Photobucket and do it the old-fashioned way. I have a number of pictures to post and uploading them one at a time is a drag! At least in PB they will have the .img extension!

07-11-2013, 01:18 PM
If you upload them into your album here, once it is there, part of the album, if you click the picture to see that page in your album, it will show you option beneath the picture where you can just copy and use the [img] tags like normal. Does that help?

07-11-2013, 01:27 PM
Once you have uploaded your picture to your album here, remember to SAVE. I forgot to do that to begin with, and of course it didn't work.

Concerning size... do you have something like Photo Editor on your computer? If so, you can do it there.

Karen, my problem is that I can't show a video clip here, neither from my alum here, or Photobucket.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-28-2014, 02:10 PM
Great info Karen!! Now I understand why my last picture I uploaded was so huge.....:eek::o

I will try again now with a picture of Inka
Crossing my fingers ........


Maya & Inka's mommy
06-28-2014, 02:10 PM
YES!!!!!!!!! Thank Karen!!

06-28-2014, 02:23 PM
Hello, beautiful Inka in the garden! :love:

06-28-2014, 03:43 PM
Oh, Inka, what a great photo of you! It shows off your beauty PURRRFECTLY!!!!!


06-28-2014, 05:05 PM
Inka, you're very pretty -- lovely photo.

02-24-2015, 03:42 PM
If you upload them into your album here, once it is there, part of the album, if you click the picture to see that page in your album, it will show you option beneath the picture where you can just copy and use the [img] tags like normal. Does that help?

Well, I still don't know how to upload pictures so they stay full-size rather than turn into those little teeny things that you have to click to see full-size. Now that I've been reminded, here's the question:

How do I upload any to the album? And is there a limit to how many pictures, what sizes, can be in the album? In other words, do I have to keep deleting pictures in the album in order to make room for any new ones?

Usually if I want to post a picture in a message, it's just a one-time thing, hardly worth all the trouble of uploading it to the album, figuring out the URL, and including it in a post just that once... and then it's just there taking up space. Is there a speedy, efficient way to get pictures to stay full-size?

I see lots of people's posts with lots of different photos day after day, and it makes me think there must be a good way to do it that I just haven't found out about.

Thanks! :love::love::love::love::love:

02-24-2015, 04:56 PM
Well, I still don't know how to upload pictures so they stay full-size rather than turn into those little teeny things that you have to click to see full-size. Now that I've been reminded, here's the question:

How do I upload any to the album? And is there a limit to how many pictures, what sizes, can be in the album? In other words, do I have to keep deleting pictures in the album in order to make room for any new ones?

Usually if I want to post a picture in a message, it's just a one-time thing, hardly worth all the trouble of uploading it to the album, figuring out the URL, and including it in a post just that once... and then it's just there taking up space. Is there a speedy, efficient way to get pictures to stay full-size?

I see lots of people's posts with lots of different photos day after day, and it makes me think there must be a good way to do it that I just haven't found out about.

Thanks! :love::love::love::love::love:

When you have a photo you want to add to an album, go to your profile, and open you existing album.

In the top bar, hit "Upload Pictures" which then opens a window.

In that window, you will see "1. Click Add Files to upload new files or select from existing files below" on the left and "Add Files" on the right. His "Add Files."

It brings up a dialog box and you hit "Choose File" and select the file you want. The box closes once you select it, and next to the "choose File" button it will have the file name, and below that a button to Upload." Hit that.

That image will appear in a window below the rest of the pictures, and be selected. Hit "Done."

Now go back to your album, and click "Upload pictures" Drag that new picture into the lower window and hit done.

You'll see "Pending Pictures." with that pictures in a row by itself, with a box for its title pn the left and the name of the album it is going into below it, and an option to "Make this my album cover" which you can ignore Hit "Save Changes"

Now you will be back in your album, where you can click on that image or any of the others, and see options for the picture URL, or the BB code. Copy either, paste it into your thread and you get the actual size image, not the thumbnail, like with attachments. Does that help?


02-25-2015, 01:06 PM
Okay, I found my albums and found the Birthday-Cupcake picture, which I put into George's Birthday thread. I think I at least know where to start from now. And I know where to find these instructions again.

Thank you, Karen!


05-05-2018, 12:49 PM
Hi there.

I am trying to upload a couple of pics from my computer so I can post Zoe's memorial.

I've looked at the different instructions here but nothing is working. I can copy them from Facebook but they will be huge.

The last post here was 2015. Has anything changed?


05-05-2018, 01:10 PM
When you go to "Manage Attachments", does a window open that says "File Upload Manager"?

05-05-2018, 05:32 PM
When you go to "Manage Attachments", does a window open that says "File Upload Manager"?

Yes - but nothing uploads.

05-05-2018, 11:26 PM
Actually, many of the photos I want are in an album here on PT. I want to add a couple more pictures to the album and then put the pics from the album into my post. I haven't yet figured out how to do that.

05-06-2018, 08:01 AM
Candace, if you open the image in the album you want, you'll see a BB code under it. Copy that and then click on Insert image just over the text box, choose URL and paste it in. Uncheck "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" and your image will show. :)

Hope that helps. :) It was a lot easier in the "old days" though. I cannot add new pictures to my albums, and half of them are gone. :(

05-06-2018, 10:40 AM
Thank you Randi.

Have you figured out a way to add photos to the album from your computer? Or even to the post itself?

Karen said she was going to work on getting the photo feature working again but she has been very busy!

05-06-2018, 11:58 AM
No, I haven't, but you may be able to copy an image from photobucket or a similar site. Not sure, though. I have given up.

05-06-2018, 06:30 PM
No, I haven't, but you may be able to copy an image from photobucket or a similar site. Not sure, though. I have given up.

Photobucket now costs mopey, but if you have the image uploaded anywhere else, or you upload it as an attachment here, that should work, or email it to me, and I can add it.

10-31-2018, 01:12 PM
I was going to start a thread just for this, so thanks for the question!

When you want to post a picture now, you hit the little "picture" icon as before ...

That brings up two options - From Computer and From URL - which means from somewhere else on the Internet.

When you select From Computer it says "Add an Image from your computer
Allowed Filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif" and gives you a button to choose a file. Once you have chosen the file, see the line of text below the "Choose File" button that says "Upload file" and click that, and you're done.

When you select From URL - it says "Add an Image from Url
Allowed Filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png, gif" and gives you a box in which to type (or paste) the address for the picture you want to use, and below that is automatically checked "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" and then hit "okay" and you are done!

Now, it's not gonna look like it used to with [IM G] tags - instead it will look like [ATTACH = CONFIG ]52439[/ ATTA CH] - without the spaces of course, but it will post the image right there in the post.

Does that help?

I've been having trouble with it, too, but now I see my problem. It doesn't allow bitmaps, for some reason. I'll try changing the file type.

10-31-2018, 01:29 PM
All right, I tried making the pictures jpegs, and I tried making them REALLY small, and STILL no pictures were uploaded to my post! What's going on? Will someone please answer this question for me?

Btw, where is everyone? For who's online, it only shows me and Karen. Oh ok, I see now. Karen and I are the only USERS online right now. The others are all guests.

10-31-2018, 01:41 PM
All right, I tried making the pictures jpegs, and I tried making them REALLY small, and STILL no pictures were uploaded to my post! What's going on? Will someone please answer this question for me?

Btw, where is everyone? For who's online, it only shows me and Karen.

I need to upgrade the server software, sorry. Hopefully soon!

10-31-2018, 02:08 PM
Is that why I can't upload pictures?

10-31-2018, 05:41 PM
Is that why I can't upload pictures?

The forum software needs upgrading - it no longer works with some newer browsers. I am in the process of migrating to a different server company, then will work on upgrading the very outdated forum software.

11-01-2018, 06:33 PM
The forum software needs upgrading - it no longer works with some newer browsers. I am in the process of migrating to a different server company, then will work on upgrading the very outdated forum software.

I am sorry it is so much work for you, Karen. I look forward to sharing pics on PT again!:D

Thank you.

07-20-2019, 06:20 AM
Can any of you recommend a good and free image hosting site?

07-20-2019, 07:11 AM
I have never used those services, but I found the following:


I hope this is helpful!

07-20-2019, 11:18 AM
Thanks Heidi! I have seen those sites, but I can't decide what to use. :confused:

I wonder how you get photos onto Pet Talk... do you have your own site you upload them to, and do it from there? The album here doesn't work for many of us.

07-20-2019, 01:22 PM
I take all the pictures with my smart phone. From there, I e-mail them to my computer which operates on Windows 10 and has Chrome as browser.
I save the pictures in File explorer. From there, I'm able to upload them to Pet talk with the Attachments option.