View Full Version : My friend's cat "So" has suddenly decided to mark her territory...

11-13-2002, 01:23 PM
Well, my friends Suzanne and Marcel have noticed that their little "So" who is 7yo has suddenly decided to mark her territory by leaving some urine on things that comes from outside their house ( scarf of a friend invited for supper, books from the library, Suzanne's handbag...) + in various corners of their house. They have tried a special spray which didn't work, but they don't understand why "So" has suddenly decided to do that after 7 years as nothing has changed in their daily life.... any idea, could you help them or advise them

thank you in advance

sorry for my bad english but I normally speak french...

love from Belgium


11-13-2002, 01:50 PM
I think you speak English quite well, Pierre, so no apologies necessary.

As for "So". The only advice I can give is that your friends make sure there is no medical reason for her to suddenly begin this behavior. Often times, it is due to a bladder or kidney issue that can easily be cleared up by medication. I would suggest a quick trip to the veterinarian to rule out medical issues.


11-13-2002, 03:01 PM
Is the spray you tried called Feliway ? It's a pheronome spray that reassures them that this territory does not have to be sprayed. It takes at least a month or so to convince them to change their behaviour. Are there any new outdoor cats in the neighbourhood that she can see from a door or window ? See Lut's post about out of litterbox problems as many of these suggestions could also help. Sometimes it is because the cat is stressed by changes in your routine or behaviou towards her. My Maya pees on my side of the bed or where I would lie on the couch and once even on me because I went back to work and was not home enough. I used medication from the vet for anxiety called Periactin and the Feliway. I'm also home from work by seven as this is when she pees if I'm not home. Things have been O.K. now for the last month. Bonne Chance Pierre il y a de l'espoir.