View Full Version : Max's Catmas List

12-22-2011, 01:59 PM
So I asked my brother what his cat Max wanted for Christmas.


He sent me this list:

Water left on in bathroom sink.
Larger portions at mealtime
Permission to scratch anything I want.
No more putting treats in that darn that you have to roll around to get the treats out.
No more trimming claws without permission.
No more being forced to travel in that little plastic box you stuff me in, you try riding in that crummy thing for 2 hours.
I want to eat as much grass as I want, whenever I want.
Tell the old guy that we visit that I am not a dog and resent being treated as such:-D (my dad)
More visits with my original foster mother.
I want to see my sibs!
What happened to that big yellow fuzzy thing I use to rub on? (Casey :( )
Please clean my litter box more often and don’t use the cheap dusty stuff.

12-22-2011, 02:32 PM
Dear meowmie,
I agree wiff Max's list wiff one addition
13. Please tell my meowmie not to go to w-e-r-k anymore, stay home wiff MEEEEEE!


12-22-2011, 03:13 PM
:) Hey that is a Pretty Good List..

12-22-2011, 05:26 PM
Max has a great Christmas wish list!

12-23-2011, 10:09 AM
1. Whiska Temptations Galore
2 Samples of what Dad had for luch
3 Tastes of what Dad had for lunch , especially if steak is involved.
4 Lots of Cat Beds to sleep on, and New Cat Friends to love.
5 Kraft Cracker Barrel Cheese to snack on.

And a Good Cat Dad to share our love with!!!:love::love:

12-23-2011, 11:59 AM
1. Whiska Temptations Galore
2 Samples of what Dad had for luch
3 Tastes of what Dad had for lunch , especially if steak is involved.
4 Lots of Cat Beds to sleep on, and New Cat Friends to love.
5 Kraft Cracker Barrel Cheese to snack on.

And a Good Cat Dad to share our love with!!!:love::love:

Those are great ideas too! :)

12-24-2011, 10:07 AM
I hope you get all of your Christmas wishes, Max!

12-24-2011, 12:47 PM
No more trimming claws without permission.

Snow would agree with this one!

12-27-2011, 12:36 PM
1. Whiska Temptations Galore
2 Samples of what Dad had for lunch
3 Tastes of what Dad had for lunch , especially if steak is involved.
4 Lots of Cat Beds to sleep on, and New Cat Friends to love.
5 Kraft Cracker Barrel Cheese to snack on.

And a Good Cat Dad to share our love with!!!:love::love:

Cassie likes all of these but she wants a correction on #3 to read chicken ("especially if chicken is involved").

We are praying for good health and blessings for the Found Kitties' Dad in 2012 so much love can be shared all the year round! :love: :love:

12-27-2011, 03:25 PM
Fister pretty much agree with Max' list, but there are a few alterations.

1. Water left on in bathroom, running across the floor.
2. More wet food at mealtime, and bigger portions.
3. Permission to scratch anything I want.
4. More outings at dusk.
5. No more cleaning my ears without permission.
6. No more being forced to travel in that little plastic box you stuff me in.
7. I want to eat as much grass as I want, whenever I want.
8. Tell your friends to not visit you. I resent the noise they make and their different smell.
9. Permission for you to go out only for one hour each day, and only to buy treats or toys for me.
10. Please clean my litter box every single time I use it, also at night.
11. More cuddle time on the big bed.

12-27-2011, 04:08 PM
My cats have been looking over these lists. They don't see anything unreasonable at all on any of them, and they think the requests are must-haves at all times, not just as holiday specials.

12-27-2011, 08:00 PM
Stop playing on that electronic toy and give me 100% of your attention while you are at home.

The kwintet agrees wholeheartedly with the other lists. :D

12-27-2011, 09:52 PM
Dona furgetz the nip! Plenty ob nip!:love: