View Full Version : Kitten hit by a car ~ broken jaw

12-18-2011, 01:05 PM
Tyberious is a 9 month old Siamese cat who has been hit by a car, resulting in a broken jaw. The vet has also found a sewing needle in his stomach, which is life-threatening. He needs surgery tomorrow, Monday 12/19.

The vet says this kitty has been bleeding from the mouth. There is no time to lose.

To make a donation for this pet, please click here http://imom.org/donate_to_a_pin.htm and mark your gift, “GF – Tyberious Howerton.”

IMOM’s email address for direct Paypal donations is [email protected]. Be sure to let us know who your donation is for.

Please cross-post precious Tyberious' story. I believe they currently have $250 in donations. IMOM needs to raise $835 to save his life.

12-18-2011, 02:48 PM
Tyberious has received $330 in donations. Thank you!

Keep cross-posting.

12-18-2011, 08:39 PM
All funds have been received. Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. You can keep up with his progress at this link: http://www.imom.org/community/index.php?showtopic=8099

12-18-2011, 09:39 PM
Prayers for a successful surgery for Adam. :love::love: I hope he becomes an indoor kitty after this, and that his big brother Edward will be his best buddy again.:)

12-18-2011, 10:23 PM
Many prayers are being prayed for the surgery to be 100% successful and thesweet little guy will have a swift and complete recovery :love:

12-19-2011, 09:28 AM
We are p[raying for poor Little Adam to recover from that accident. What a Wonderful Little Cat Of the Future he is.:love::love:

12-19-2011, 10:51 AM
Tyberious is now in All Funds Raised. This is the link to his thread where surgery updates will be posted. More prayers for a successful surgery!:love::love: http://www.imom.org/community/index.php?showtopic=8099

12-19-2011, 11:08 AM
Get well soon, little guy! I hope you are soon back to playing with Edward and eating well! Sending you all kinds of good wishes and prayers!!:love:

12-19-2011, 11:14 AM
Tyberious is now in All Funds Raised. This is the link to his thread where surgery updates will be posted. More prayers for a successful surgery!:love::love: http://www.imom.org/community/index.php?showtopic=8099

Yes, I believe I mentioned that in #3

12-19-2011, 11:14 AM
No updates from the family yet this morning.

12-19-2011, 05:02 PM
4:09 pm

Tyberious is on the mend currently and being such a big boy about it. he hates his IV and the stitches, and keeps trying to rip them out. but we're watching him to make sure he doesn't. His mouth looks funny but the vet said to take him home and see if an anti-inflammatory help his case. Unfortunately, my big kitty Edward isn't doing so well... It looks like he got into another fight and he can't walk.. I'm trying to see if his leg is broken or if he's just in pain. keep your prayers with both my boys, and I will keep you all updated. thank you all so much for all your support and love. I can't imagine what would have happened if I didn't find IMOM, My babies are everything to me, <3

12-19-2011, 05:48 PM
What a sad story with such a happy ending! I'm glad to hear little Tyberious made it out safely and is now healthy. :love:

12-19-2011, 06:05 PM
Prayers and good wishes and healing energies for Tyberious and Edward both. Be well, little kitties; you are greatly loved and cherished.


12-19-2011, 09:00 PM
Sending good thoughts and prayers to both Tyberious and Edward. May you both be back to playing together real soon! :love::love: With these two, it might be best to let them be indoor kitties.:)