View Full Version : Hey Fellow Kitties!

12-16-2011, 03:04 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
This Sunday, Meowmie and Soncat are both going to be gone for the whole day. Anyone up for a pre-Christmas party? I know where Meowmie keeps her CDs and where Soncat keeps the good nip. Ladies, a trip to Quakerbridge Mall can be arranged if you'd like to go shopping. We can get a feast delivered by the Haggis In A Hurry Shoppe and Manino's (great pizza). Or we can just hang out, watch some football, munch out. The possibilities are endless!

Let me know if you'd like to come so adequate transportation can be arranged. Be sure to bring your bagpipes! Ming, the harp is still in Soncat's room.

Your friend,

12-16-2011, 03:28 PM
Yes, we're coming!!!

12-16-2011, 07:06 PM
Yes, we're coming!!!

Me too! (and I'll bring tuna fish)

12-17-2011, 02:16 AM
My boys could use a trip. They will be there either late Saturday night or early Sunday morning.

12-17-2011, 05:47 AM
Hey Counselorcat!!

UtchieB here!! We are SOOOOO up for a partaaaay!!!! I'll bring the fresh batch of nip (none of that stale crap from the store!!) I got from my Auntie Kathy in Michigan. She also sent this awesome CONCENTRATED catnip spray that is DA BOMB!!!

I need to get outta Dodge, dudes! Meowmie is off the wall with all these animal abuse cases, she hasn't been in a berry good mood lately. Maybe if we clear out for a coupla daze, she'll calm down. Boy, and they talk about US being moody!! Geez!!

See you soon!!! Oh yeah, everybody here is on board with it. Although Bartie is getting on in years and is complaining about his bones aching. Glad I'm not old!!!!

12-17-2011, 09:32 AM
We Found Hotel Cats now eight in number love parties , and Our New Four Cats will love a trip, thier very first at the HSR Cat Bus!!!:cool:
We will invite Our Porchies as well, they deserve to have some good food and warmth!!
We will bring a meal from Tony Romas too, Ribs and Shrimps with fries and coleslaw!!
See you tomorrow.:love::love:

Bibette & Lulu
12-17-2011, 11:04 AM
Hi, Kitties!!! Mom1 hasn't been checking in here very often - but I told her it was time to see what the kids are up to!! My big sis, Lulu, is a little down today, her herpes is acting up - she's the one who likes to make the plans around here. So, today, if I want to get out of here (Mom1 has put locks on the doors after I figured out how to open the storm door a few weeks ago!!!:(), I have to speak up!!

Mom1 said I can go out with the Kitties and, since this is Maine, I'll supply the lobstah - any takers?!?! Looking forward to the catnip fix. Guess if we're going to the mall, I'll take the opportunity to get Mom1 & 2 a Christmas present!!! See you all there!!!:cool::cool:


12-19-2011, 08:29 AM
text from Cassie:

hi meowm
i haz lobster and the good 'nip
will be arriving Amtrak noonish

I think she had a better weekend than I did! :eek: