View Full Version : Does ANYONE follow instructions anymore?? (rant)

12-16-2011, 11:39 AM
I have my home phone, and an answering machine.

NO cell phone, NO included voice mail, and NO caller ID.

My answer machine message says to "leave your name AND BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR PHONE NUMBER."

No one does.

Today I get a call from a contractor. I've had to go search out his card just to return the darn phone call.

It's enough to make me want to hire someone else; except this seems the NORM lately, NO ONE leaves a phone number. GRRRRR

I think I will change the message to: Leave your name and number. If you do NOT leave a call back number, I may return your call in 48 hours. If you do leave a number, I will return your call as soon as I pick up your message.

Think it will work? Somehow, I DOUBT IT!

12-16-2011, 11:50 AM
I am afraid you are in the minority these days having no caller ID! If it's important, you could always pay the few cents and dial "*69" and it will tell you the last number that called you ...

If you are going to change the message, you might as well say "If you do not leave a number I CANNOT return your call." But even that likely won't work. I think folks' brains are set to turn off when the machine comes on and reactivate when they hear the beep to leave the message.

12-16-2011, 11:50 AM
I have a phone with caller ID on it and I think that a lot of people have this now. This may be why people aren't leaving their phone numbers on your phone because they're assuming you have caller ID too. Good luck in the future.

12-16-2011, 12:24 PM
I have caller ID and I love it! I wouldn't be without it these days.

And, no, no one follows directions or read signs these days. :(

12-16-2011, 12:42 PM
I know what you mean, people just want to get on and off quickly from an answering machine. I now have Caller ID and that solved the problem. Just remember to keep all important numbers written down in one place so you can find them easily.


Killearn Kitties
12-16-2011, 12:49 PM
How annoying. The one that drives me nuts is when people do leave their number but, because it is familiar to them, they rattle it off faster than the speed of sound, so that it is impossible to make out!

Edwina's Secretary
12-16-2011, 01:15 PM
How annoying. The one that drives me nuts is when people do leave their number but, because it is familiar to them, they rattle it off faster than the speed of sound, so that it is impossible to make out!

And you have to listen to the message five times to figure out the number!!!! Sometimes I just cannot be bothered.

But it goes both ways! I sometimes do recruiting for clients. I will call the number on the resume on my house phone as I have unlimited long distance calling and leave the number - emphatically! for my office phone - which is set up for that purpose. If I could tell you how many people just do automatic redial! They just failed the first test....

12-16-2011, 01:27 PM
I'm with Sandie - tho I do have a cell phone. The home phone is just basic service - no caller ID, call waiting, etc., (nor do I want it) but I do have an answering machine. I find it most annoying when people leave a message and are talking at breakneck speed, and I have to replay it repeatedly to finally understand it. But even worse, are the ones where people either mumble or talk like they have a mouthful of hot potatoes, and no matter how many times I replay it, still can't understand it. I guess if they want me bad enough, then they'll call back later. And no Sandie - the instructions are a waste of breath and the callers will do what they want anyway. :(

finn's mom
12-16-2011, 01:47 PM
I listen to voice mails. I do exactly as asked. haha. It's just simpler that way. I leave my phone number any time I leave a voice mail for someone I know doesn't contact me regularly. Again, less issues that way. I also make sure to articulate and repeat. Simple. I'm all about keeping it as simple as possible.

I would record the message Karen suggested. :)

12-16-2011, 06:45 PM
I'm one to follow instructions to the letter so if I get a voice mail I do as it says, I like keeping things simple myself. I also will leave my number with a short message on an answering machine when I need for the person to call back. I have caller ID for the simple reason that we get so many calls from call centers - if I see a call from a call centre I just click off the phone .

12-16-2011, 07:16 PM
My mom and dad's caller ID shows on the TV screen when they have their TV on -- so now when the phone rings at their house, they look at the TV, even when it's not on.

How nice of you to hunt down the contractor's business card in order to return his call! He's fortunate to have such a thoughtful customer.

12-16-2011, 11:59 PM
I would leave a number regardless if the person I was calling instructed me to. Especially if I am calling from work. I never assume they have caller ID and know the number. You know what assume means.....

The fast talking message just happened to a co-worker of mine. She had to listen 5 times. It didn't help the person had an accent so it was even more difficult to understand. I listened to it the 6th time and actually caught a name that she didn't catch the other 5 times.

But the obvious answer to your question.............NO.

12-17-2011, 07:50 AM
I don't get it - why does every one spend money on caller ID? We did fine without it for years, and the cost ($3 per month, here) adds up over the years.

Same thing with paying for voice mail on a home line ( Quite different w/ a cell, of course). You can buy an answering machine and use that. You pay for it in a year of voice mail. Just not a money saver, in my mind.

Oh, the contractor, nothing major, just a handyman type, to clean my gutters.

Pinot's Mom
12-17-2011, 08:07 AM
I don't exactly PAY for caller ID. We were one of the last holdout dinosaurs; no caller ID, no call waiting (which I think I have and still refuse to use; I find it rude), no extras on the home phone. The last time I reviewed and revamped my service, I got a package deal that included some of these things, caller ID included. Thought...ah, we'll never use it....WRONG!! Any "877", "800", or "caller unknown" does not get answered. Period. End of telemarketers. We never got many, but now we get none. We have also considered dinner time sacred and don't answer calls. This way, we can look at the number to see if it's important (mostly not).

You might want to check - you can probably get caller ID free.

12-17-2011, 03:47 PM
I used to have my home phone through AT&T but I kept on having crackling sounds/connection problems so I switched over to Comcast voice. I already have comcast internet and cable. I also used to pay for call waiting every month with AT&T. Now I get free caller ID, call waiting and several other features and I'm paying less than I did per month with my old AT&T service. I get so many survey and other bothersome calls that it's great to be able to see who's calling you before you decide to answer the phone. Some of these calls happen as late as 9pm or even later. I can also see what calls I've missed during the day if the person didn't leave a message. Now that I have caller ID, things are much better.:)