View Full Version : Ok, so here's Msytic's Plan

12-07-2011, 06:43 PM
Last night I saw vet #3. We clicked and she said she'd coordinate with my normal vet (Drs. D and Jones) I just got off the phone with Dr Jones and she is pulling three meds - pred. and two new ones based on my conversation with vet #3 last night. I pick them up tomorrow and start them

She said we'll recehck again in 10 days and go from there.

If his blood is still in the urine and/or bacteria, she wants to send him to a referrel clinic an hour away for an ultrasound.

Vet #3 wanted to continue with the Baytril and was surprised I knew it can cause blindness. She had an impressed look on her face and her atttiude changed dramatically - she knew she was dealing with someone who knows what they're doing (opposed to a random idiot who may or may not be following the vet's recommendations)

12-07-2011, 07:55 PM
Sure hope this will help Mystic. Prayers continue.

Glad you found a vet you like! (or is that, another vet, that you like.)

12-07-2011, 07:59 PM
Continued prayers for Mystic.
Poor boy (and you!) have been through so much.

12-07-2011, 08:09 PM
He is awful young to go down the pred road..it's a long term anti-infammatory. You say only pred. Educate yourself on the differences between prednisolone and prednisone..one or the other may suit better in certain circumstances.

Also yes, Baytril CAN cause blindness but only in large inappropriate doses. Proper doses are based on weight of the patient. They are safe within that boundary. I raised the very same concerns.

My Tinkerbelle was on prednisolone, which my vet prescribed because he felt it better for her system. She was also on Baytril intermittently, with only beneficial results..UNTIL the illness superceeded the effects of both the Baytril and Prednisolone. We started her off on the maximum dose and in the beginning were able to back it off until the least dose, worked for what was going on at the time..gradually it had to be increased as the illness grew and changed.

I dont know what other two drugs your vet wants to add to pred. DO look them up and explore the side effects...and be prepared for those..because they can be serious. The prednisolone/prednisone particularly. It diminished her beautiful thick coat, and it made her sleep much, much more than normal..among other things. It also made her voracious and she put on weight like crazy, I couldnt fill her up. The are quite serious.


Tinkerbelle had about 18 months till all of this didnt benefit her any longer and I lost her last week, she was 12. Watch Mystic very closely for any secondary infections..often the secondary ones are almost impossible to treat but you have to try.

Good luck.

12-07-2011, 08:12 PM
Hope things improve and your feelings about your new vet are right. You usually know when something clicks.

12-08-2011, 01:37 AM
I hope that the new meds will be able to help Mystic. I also know a lot about prednisolone. My RB Starr had to take it and it did make him put on so much weight that it affected his health.:( Storm is also on it and he's done very well on it. He can get very hungry though but he also has hyperthyroidism and is on medicine for that too. Hopefully Mystic won't suffer from any bad side effects. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

12-08-2011, 09:33 AM
We are praying hard for Mystic , and pray that she will be able to beat what is ailing her, and regain her health soon.:love::love:
You are such a Good Cat Guardian :love::love:to fight so hard for Mystic.

12-08-2011, 09:45 AM
Sorry about not being accurate about pred -- prednisone. He's been on and off it since spring. We've been trying to figure out his problem for over 6 months now.

My sweet little boy acts normal. He plays, he eats, he sleeps. Never cranky, but he'll tell you when he wants to be alone (his loook should have killed me by now -- such evil gaze saying "Lady, let me ALONE!") He's just running around all day, every day, with a raging blood/bacterial infection that has 3 different vets stumped.

12-08-2011, 09:48 AM
Continuing prayers and healing energies for dear Mystic.. be well soon, sweet boy!


12-08-2011, 12:53 PM
Good for you showing this new vet you know what you're talking about. Now maybe you'll get some answers to help Mystic.

12-08-2011, 01:59 PM
Sorry about not being accurate about pred -- prednisone. He's been on and off it since spring. We've been trying to figure out his problem for over 6 months now.

My sweet little boy acts normal. He plays, he eats, he sleeps. Never cranky, but he'll tell you when he wants to be alone (his loook should have killed me by now -- such evil gaze saying "Lady, let me ALONE!") He's just running around all day, every day, with a raging blood/bacterial infection that has 3 different vets stumped.

I know your pain, off and on Tinkerbelle had mysterious illnesses as well. However all of her bloodwork was normal, excellent in fact for a cat her agel..I went through four vets until I found one I could work with, he was vigilant, always there for us, never hesitated to come to the phone in emergencies, saw her always as soon as I could get her there.

Sadly, nothing was ever conclusive, and in addition to the prednisolone, she was on specific vitamins, B12 shots, azythromycin, and intermittently Baytril. Outside of these 'spells' she was stellar as you describe Mystic...but whenever 'it' kicked in, all hell broke loose.

When it got to the point where it was critical, even more tests were done and again nothing showed. I was referred to a high tech veterinary clinic where they wanted to do $5000. worth of tests which, would only gain me a diagnosis, and not a cure, so I opted to let her tell me when it was time,..and she did.

So it was always a mystery, chasing a diagnosis that never came through science..but not for the lack of trying.

I do hope you have much better luck with your baby, he has a lot of life ahead of him and that will save you a ton of heartache.

Best of luck.