View Full Version : Need help in Boston area

11-30-2011, 09:25 AM
Hello everyone,

This is a long story, but I will try and give you the "Reader's Digest" version ... at the beginning of October a good friend of mine died (BT) and he left behind a wife (BB) and a son (H) and three cats. My friend BB (the wife) is having a hard time coping with three cats and would like to rehome two of them. She has found a home for one with a friend in NYC, but has asked me to help with the second kitty. If we cannot rehome him, she will take him to a shelter.

Scotch is a oragne and white cute guy (neutered). BT let Scotch be an indoor/outdoor kitty despite objections from me. Since BT has died, BB is training Scotch to be an indoor only kitty and he seems to be adjusting pretty well. I was up a few weeks ago and Scotch actually came into the bedroom and hoped up on the bed to sniff at me. I think given time and attention he would be a fine indoor only kitty. Right now he is very shy, but I think a lot of that has to do with the turmoil in the household and he will settle down when his life is settled a little more.

If anyone is interested or would like more information please let me know. I would REALLY like to rehome this little guy instead of taking him to a shelter, because I know that he will not do well in a cage.

I am willing to help arrange a transport and I can bring him back to the DC region this weekend (I am going up on Friday).

11-30-2011, 10:11 AM
You are coming to Boston Friday? Let's meet!

Sorry, I cannot take the kitty, too many cat allergies in the family, but will ask around if anyone could.

11-30-2011, 10:34 AM
Hi Karen,

I am flying into Providence on Friday AM and driving out to Worcester (where my friend lives). But it would be great to catch up with you (or you and Paul) sometime on the weekend.

I appreciate you asking around for me. Scotch is a great guy, he just needs some adjustment time.

11-30-2011, 10:39 AM
Okay, let me pass the word to my Worcester area family as well, they may know someone, how old is Scotch?

11-30-2011, 10:42 AM
Scotch is somewhere between 2.5-3yo and neutered. We will also get him up-to-date on shots if we find a home for him

11-30-2011, 12:35 PM
Oh, so now you are ALSO coming to Providence without any announcing? LOL joking, we can meet too if it fits your schedule - heck, I'd be willing to meet you at T F Green airport and just hang out there for half an hour with ya!

Let me know if you think we can arrange anything.

As for Scotch, I really hate these stories, as I know I am at my limit. I feel terrible I can't help all of them! He won't do well at a shelter ANYWAY, he isn't a kitten. :( Prayers for a good living situation to develop for him.

11-30-2011, 02:12 PM
So far the only part of Providence I have seen is the airport :rolleyes: Besides it is a MUCH easier drive from Providence to Worcester, MA than from Logan to Worcester, MA! Right now I am making monthly trips up to the area just to help my friend deal with everything after the death of her husband. This weekend I get to take care of the "honey do" list of home repairs!

I have put out feelers down here for Scotch, but like you I am in no position to take another one in :(

11-30-2011, 03:12 PM
It's easier now than it used to be to drive in and out of Logan, but probably about the same from Logan to Worcester as Providence to Worcester, traffic and all things considered. I've let Dad know, in case he hears of anyone who needs a kitty ... and will also let a couple other people in the area know.

11-30-2011, 04:17 PM
I agree 100%, Prov to Worcester is lots easier than Logan to Worcester!

11-30-2011, 04:24 PM
How long has it been since you've driven to Logan, Sandie? The long-vaunted "Big Dig" made a huge difference, it's basically a straight shot onto the Turnpike from Logan, and there is an exit much closer to Worcester on the Pike than there used to be!

11-30-2011, 06:12 PM
LOL , well Karen, I don't go to Logan via Worcester, ha ha haaa.

Getting from HERE to Logan is a bit of hit or miss - depends if you are in rush hour traffic. Have to admit, I haven't driven up that way in about 2 years. Last time I went to Boston (not Logan) was one year back and I took the train.

There is just so much more traffic on the roads in general in that direction. And TRUCKS. We get the morning track report and they include the drive to Boston, and the section that is Rte 93 - always 30 minutes or more, and it is only 12 miles, I think! But from here up 95 to the 93 split is often crazy. ANY time of day, the cars on that section speed! I go up 95 as far as the 495 exit and wow folks FLY! Carmine and I always have to stay in the far right. Just not used to being in that any more (I drove in that daily for 5 years, way back when.) Traffic around here and up to Worcester is different. For one thing, both this area and 146 to Worcester include a ton of "S" curves - everyone has to go slow. Which is not always a good thing either, ha haaa.

11-30-2011, 06:16 PM
You mean the FINALLY finished the Big Dig?

I don't think it was finished when mom and I were there, was it?

11-30-2011, 06:26 PM
It's mostly finished, far as I can tell, and they even created the "greenway" section, nice grassy area over where there used to be highway overpasses.

And Sandie, from where you are to Boston - that North/South corridor) is probably the worst, traffic-wise. But going West from Boston is way nicer than it used to be!

11-30-2011, 07:18 PM