View Full Version : Should I worry??

11-19-2011, 11:43 AM
Jax seems to be not making his jumps lately. I've never noticed him do this before.
Last night he went to jump on the back of the chair.....FAIL.
This morning he tried to jump up in the computer chair with me.....FAIL.
And just now he tried to jump on to the bathroom counter.....FAIL.

I do not see him limping or showing any pain (then again, he is a cat!).
Is this something I should worry about, or would this be considered normal?

11-19-2011, 12:14 PM
Doesn't sound right to me. Maybe once or twice and I wouldn't think anything of it, but it does seem strange to continue. Maybe it's an equilibrium thing??? I'd watch him for the next few days and see if it continues, and a trip to see doc if it does.

Scooter's Mom
11-19-2011, 12:15 PM
Doesn't sound right to me. Maybe once or twice and I wouldn't think anything of it, but it does seem strange to continue. Maybe it's an equilibrium thing??? I'd watch him for the next few days and see if it continues, and a trip to see doc if it does.

I agree with this. He could have some kind of equilibrium thing going on. I hope he feels better soon.

11-19-2011, 01:03 PM
Could be something in his ears - that affects balance! Have a peek and see if there is any gunk or something.

11-19-2011, 01:12 PM
Thanks for the responses! :) Since we will be home all weekend (we were supposed to go to Tahoe but Bruce is sick) I'll be able to keep an eye on Jax. I will try to look in his ears and see if I can see anything. Other than that he seems to be acting just fine. Bugging Paizly as usual. :rolleyes:
I hope a vet visit isn't needed. I just spent close to $300 on xrays for Zoee's leg. Sigh...But whatever needs to be done will be done. :)

11-19-2011, 05:55 PM
If these are places he normally can jump onto, then I say a vet visit is in order.

He is young, an ear thingy is my first thought.

My Chestnut lost the ability to jump, almost a year back now. He is age 13, and it is neurological. Had x rays done. Being a good pet mommy, I put stairs and things so he can get to the important places - sunbeams! LOL

11-19-2011, 08:34 PM
I sure hope that it's nothing serious.:( My RB Sunny used to take a while to jump up on things. He would study the area and then move his body back and forth in the jumping up position and then he'd finally jump up. I never could understand why he did this. Maybe he didn't make it one time so he became extra cautious. As the others have said, I'd keep watching him and hopefully he'll start jumping again normally. Good luck.:)

11-19-2011, 11:04 PM
Thank you again. :) I've been watching him today and he hasn't had a failed attempt again. But I am still watching him closely.
And yes, Sandie, these are places he always jumps to. :confused:
Oh, earlier I watched him jump from the table to the kitchen counter and he took quite a while to jump. He stuck his paw out once, like he was unsure, then he finally jumped.
Why do our babies have to get us so worried all the time? I'm already stressed about Zoee and now Jax too. :(

11-20-2011, 08:29 AM
He hee, has he had a growth spurt? Put on a bit of weight? Gotten longer, or chest got deeper? This will throw off a growing cat's balance, aim, etc. They suddenly turn from kitten to CAT and have to push off harder to make the same arc!

I've seen it with a few of mine, and it really is just a day or so thing. They have to adapt fast in the wild, or be caught. So if you are in a busy mode of life, you can miss it completely.

Here's hoping that is all it was!

11-21-2011, 12:47 PM
He hee, has he had a growth spurt? Put on a bit of weight? Gotten longer, or chest got deeper? This will throw off a growing cat's balance, aim, etc. They suddenly turn from kitten to CAT and have to push off harder to make the same arc!

I've seen it with a few of mine, and it really is just a day or so thing. They have to adapt fast in the wild, or be caught. So if you are in a busy mode of life, you can miss it completely.

Here's hoping that is all it was!

This might be what it is/was! He has gotten rather "fluffy" around the middle. I haven't weighed him lately. But he appears to have put on some weight.

Yes, I hope this was the problem as well. I haven't seen him miss a jump since the bathroom counter on Saturday morning. But I will still be watching him closely. :)

Thanks everyone!! :D :D

11-21-2011, 05:41 PM
As kitty meowmies we tend to worry about things that don't seem quite right with our sweeties. The best you can do is keep an eye on Jax and if this comes to be a regular thing with him, a talk with your vet might be in order.

Prayers are being prayed that he's fine. Please let us know how he's doing?

11-21-2011, 08:18 PM
Good wishes and prayers for Jax and for his Meowmie too..


11-22-2011, 09:39 AM
Thank you! :)
I weighed him last night and he doesn't seem to have gained any weight since his last vet visit earlier this year. But he does look so fat! LOL Maybe that's just me looking for a reason for his recent behavior.
But I have not seen a failed attempt at a jump since this weekend. So maybe he was just having a bad day. :) I heard him in his room this morning playing with a chirpy thing that came out of a toy mouse. So I think he's just fine. :D

11-22-2011, 02:44 PM
So I think he's just fine. :D


His weight - his center of gravity - may have shifted. LOL growing up!