View Full Version : Sandy 19 yr old Sweet Cat Needs a Home ASAP

11-13-2011, 06:29 PM
Hi All-

I need to find Sandy a place to go. I took Sandy in last Saturday because her owners were going to euthanize her if a home was not found because the owner was moving into low income housing and you are only allowed 1 pet. She chose her dog. Sandy is 19 years old very friendly and sweet. She's deaf but a sweetheart. She has been combo tested and she's negative. She has lived with a dog in the past and did well with that. The owner said she lived with a cat too and did well with that but we feel that Sandy would do better as an only cat. She could go to a home with other cats as long as she is in a separate room from them. She's not agressive with the cats but she does hiss at them. She just needs a small bedroom maybe with a window. She is very affectionate. Sandy was going to be euthanized this past week but we took her in and we've had a few people interested but sadly no one has come through.

If you know of anyone that might be interested in Sandy please e-mail me at [email protected]


11-14-2011, 04:29 AM
I'm so sorry, Melissa. I just have to consider the welfare of my current cats. I'll try to help in anyway I can. :(:(

11-14-2011, 09:19 AM
WE just wish that we could get Sandy to the Found Cat Hotel:(
I took in Smokey yeras ago when he was 17 , and frail, and he was with us for almost five more years.
He was such a Great Cat , so gentle with the Younger Cats and so grateful for every little favor:love:
I will be glad when we meet again.
One Fine Day:love: