View Full Version : CASPER'S follow-up visit to the White Coats today

10-25-2011, 09:37 PM
Casper went back to the Vet today for his three-week follow-up/booster shots. He has gained a half pound, so weighed in at 3 1/2 pounds today. The Vet who saw him today is my favorite of the three at the clinic that I take him to. She hadn't seen him yet, so was very happy to meet him today! I showed her some pictures of Casper and Spook cuddled up together, Spook grooming Casper, etc. She said that we are VERY LUCKY that Casper is fitting in so well with his fur-siblings this soon after being introduced to them. She also thought the name "Casper" was just perfect for this little guy!

Casper's NEXT appointment is scheduled for Thursday, November 17th. That is the day he will be neutered, and he'll also get some more booster shots that day. Then he should be pretty well set.

She asked me where we got Casper. I told her that he was born on a farm but his owners were concerned that he wouldn't survive there for long because of his white coloring---he wouldn't be able to hide very easily from predators such as coyotes, foxes, and owls....so they asked me if I wanted him. I told her there's no way I could say "no" to having this little guy come home and live with us, and that he and Spook are a PERFECT match for two cats that both came to live with us in the month of October!

I gave them a copy of his Rabies certificate for their records, and Casper got his nails trimmed today. He is SUCH a good boy!

About the only thing I get a little tired of about Casper is when he starts climbing around on my shoulders and sticks his little butt in my face in the process, over and over and over again. When he does that, I keep moving him off of me but he's a persistent little cuss and he keeps coming back for more. THAT'S when I say "Casper, make like a ghost and disappear!" but it doesn't phase him one bit!

My husband and I, as well as all of our other fur-babies, are all madly in love with this little fellow and are looking forward to many happy years together! I will post pictures later this week, or on the weekend when I have more time to get them uploaded, etc.

10-26-2011, 01:21 AM
I'm glad to hear that he had a great vet visit and is doing so well.:)

10-26-2011, 06:22 AM
Great news! Well done, Casper!

10-26-2011, 11:30 AM
Yay, Casper! I am glad your visit went well! Fingers and paws crossed that the next visit will also go equally well.

I'm copying a picture of you because you are so heart-meltingly adorable!
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/313999_2482042975893_1397133497_32772254_199890375 9_n.jpg