View Full Version : I'm so sad and scared...

Aspen and Misty
11-10-2002, 01:14 AM
Teddy had cancer in his testicals. :( He is a 11 year old Sheltie for those of you who don't know, the preitest Sheltie there is or ever will be. Everytime I think about it I want to cry. He is going to be getting neuterd soon to get ride of it, But I'm so worried about him. He is so old. He has grey hair on his face now. I just don't know what I'll do without my Teddy Bear. Why can't He just be young again? :( I'm trying to hope for the best but I just can't help it, I'm so worried about him, I've been praying for a miracle and that everything will be ok. I hope they don't find more. Please pray for Teddy and For my mother. Teddy is her little baby boy, I think she loves him more then us sometimes :rolleyes: .


ps: Sorry if that didn't make sense, I just had to tell someone.

Aspen and Misty
11-10-2002, 01:15 AM
Here is my Fav picture of Teddy

11-10-2002, 01:17 AM
teddy is cute, i hope he pulls through!

11-10-2002, 01:23 AM
Oh Ash I'm sorry to hear about this! Teddy is so beautiful! We had Smokey neutered because we thought he might have cancer in them also. We never found out if he did or not, but the vet said that he probably did.....I think he was around 12 then, and he's 16 now! Hope Teddy will be ok! I'm glad I had Nebo neutered at an early age, there's at least one of the worries gone with him.

11-10-2002, 04:51 AM
I will be sending many good thoughts your way for
Teddy, that his surgery will go well, and the cancer
to be gone.

11-10-2002, 05:57 AM
Teddy is indeed a beautiful Sheltie. I pray that the surgery will be all that is needed to arrest his cancer. Seeing our older babies deal with all kinds of ailments is one of the prices we pay for living our lives in the company of animals. Believe me, I know the pain you and your mother are experiencing. Give Teddy lots of love and attention and a kiss from me.

11-10-2002, 06:25 AM
Best of wishes go out to you for a speedy recovery for Teddy. He is beautiful and much loved.
Now, without being insensitive, this is the perfect time to explain that this is one of the BEST reasons to have your pets neutered. I too knew someone who had there beloved dog get cancer in the testicles and it could have been avoided. Please Ashley learn something from this so that when you have pets later in life you will realize the need for this simple procedure.
Now please accept my sincerest {{{{{HUGS}}}}} in your time of crisis.

11-10-2002, 06:57 AM
Poor Teddy ....!

Hope he pulls through this !! GOOD LUCK TEDDY !!

11-10-2002, 07:14 AM
We'll be praying for Teddy!

My friends' beagle had a tumor a few years ago and after being neutered, everyting was taken care of. Hopefully it will be the same for Teddy :)

11-10-2002, 08:51 AM
Poor Teddy :( :( We'll be praying for him.....

Aspen and Misty
11-10-2002, 10:22 AM
Thank you everyone. You don't know how much it means to me. I'm not sure when his apointment is or will be. I think my mom is a little afreid to make it because She is afreid with how old he is he won't come out of it. Which all of us kids tell her that is not true. I will make the apointment if she hasn't or won't but I am a little worried about his age.

Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Please Ashley learn something from this so that when you have pets later in life you will realize the need for this simple procedure.

Thank you Jen (I think thats your name). I agree all pets should be neuterd and spayed. Teddy was not Neutered when he was little because he was going to be a show dog. We got Teddy when he was two because he was two inchs to small and his ears were not the right size. We had heard that any dog over 1 who gets neutered goes through withdraw symtoms and will have licking problems. So we held off getting him neuterd. We found out that it wasn't true but by this time Teddy was already 8 or 9 and we hadn't had any problems yet so we did not feel urged to get him neuterd. We never dreamed in our whole life that this would happen. If we would have known back when we first got him we would of had it done right away, but we didn't know, and didn't want Teddy to have licking problems. We have 4 ( :( ) cats and 2 dogs. all 4 cats are spayed and nutered and Chewy is nueterd and then Teddy will be soon. So don't get the wrong impression. We figured if Teddy wasn't haveing problems with them then we wouldn't put him through the pain of all the withdraw symtoms and the licking problem. We thoguht it was for the best, but we all make mistakes.


11-10-2002, 11:40 AM
Just as you said, we all make mistakes and we learn and grow from them. I hope you're not blaming yourselves.

Neutering is a pretty quick and simple procedure. Those boys bounce back from it so fast. His age will slow him down a bit but I think he'll be just fine. Be sure to get some blood work done nefore the surgery to make sure its safe for him. I'm sure your vet will tell you that though.

Good luck Teddy!

11-10-2002, 11:55 AM
Ash-you might ask Anna about older dogs recovering from surgery...I son't think Angus was neutered til he was 10.

11-10-2002, 12:07 PM
Ashley, I am so sorry about beautiful Teddy having cancer. Please urge your Mum to get the surgery done soon. As aly wrote
Neutering is a pretty quick and simple procedure. Those boys bounce back from it so fast. His age will slow him down a bit but I think he'll be just fine.
He will be in my prayers, you and your Mom too.

11-10-2002, 12:08 PM
oh ash, i am so sorry about this news. i hope all goes well with teddy and i will be praying for him.

11-10-2002, 12:59 PM
I know it's always a worry to have the older dogs neutered, but I'm sure he will be fine. Smokey was around 12 when he was done, and Reggie was 9. I've never heard of dogs having any sort of licking problems after it, most dogs are completely fine and normal after a few days.

11-10-2002, 02:10 PM
How sad, my first time back to check in on the puppers and I find this. I am sooooo sorry you have to go through this grief process, Ash. It will make you stronger eventually, but it hurts right now. I will be thinking about your beautiful Teddy and hope all will go well. We are all thinking positive thoughts that it is localized in the testicles and that surgery will get him back to healthy. It is soo hard to watch your pet age, but cherish the time you have with them. I hug Grasshopper every morning and thank God she's still with me at 16! I know her days are few, so I cherish her that much more! So does her Dadcat!

BTW, Teddy is a gorgeous dog!!

Aspen and Misty
11-10-2002, 02:55 PM
Thanx every body. We are waiting untill Chewy leaves so Teddy can come home to a nice Quite house. And just sleep the rest of the day in the bathroom. Thank you everyone. Teddy is blushing from all the nice words you said about him. I think he will be ok.


Miss Meow
11-10-2002, 02:57 PM
I'm sorry about Teddy's health, Ash. I hope everything works out well with the surgery. He is such a beautiful, kind looking dog. Good wishes to your mom too, she will be hurting as well.

11-10-2002, 04:07 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Teddy. I really hope he gets better soon.

11-10-2002, 04:18 PM
Oh Ashley, I'm so sorry to hear this:( Teddy is such a precious little guy. We're sending you, your family and Teddy all of our hopes and prayers for a complete recovery. I know how frightenend you are, but try to keep your chin up and be brave for your beautiful little boy. He needs you to be strong for him right now. And you come here to lean on us and cry if you need to. We'll be praying that Teddy's surgery will be a complete success. Love and hugs to you. Sandra, Star and Cody.

11-11-2002, 07:56 AM
Oh Ashley, I am so sorry to hear the news about Teddy. Please have him neutered ASAP.

He will be in my thoughts.

11-11-2002, 08:17 AM
I hope Teddy feels better soon after his surgery!

Give him a hug for me. :)