View Full Version : 7 yr old cat & 9 yr old cat need a home by Oct. 18th

10-10-2011, 02:02 PM
I received this e-mail from a friend and I figured I'd post it here in hopes someone might be interested.

Topez is the 9 year old female tortie and Tac (tay cee) is the 7 year old male. Both are fixed and Topez is declawed in the front. Janet (her owner) says she is a cuddle bug and would be ideal for an older person. Topez is friendly with other cats.

Tac (tay cee) would be ideal for outdoors because if he if left inside too long he likes to spray.

Here is what Janet says about Tac: “Tac (tay cee) is ideal for outdoors. He meows and paces and sprays if left inside. I tried to keep him in as we live by a street in our small town, but he sprayed all over the house and drove us nuts meowing. He has food and constant water and bedding in the "mud room" and the screen we torn, so I cut the whole square section out, he can come and go as he wants and be warm in that inside back room off the kitchen. He prefers to be outside and would be ideal for a farm as he is a great mouser and has his claws. His pictures don't do this cat justice, he is the most beautiful orange and white cat, and I am not just saying that, everyone tells us that.”

Janet also said this to:

“We tried and tried to give our kitties a good home, we moved out of state and found out that we can only have one pet here when signing the lease. We have a small dog I adopted from Paws. We had a friend of a friend say they would take both, and they lived on a farm. A week before we moved she said she could not take them. Maybe her husband said no. I don't know. My friend keeps trying to get a hold of her and said they don't return her calls. My husband is in PA cleaning up the house and is down there for two more weeks. I am praying to God that he does a miracle and somebody will take these nice kitties. My mother in law has eleven cats and is filled to the rim with kitties, but she will not let them be abandoned I have asked her and she has said she can't but if it came down to the wire she would take them until we could place them. They will not be left, we would NEVER EVER do that, we love our kitties. Anyhow, I am trying not to leave them with her. She has woods that Tac could roam but she has an outdoor cat and he has extra claws on his paws although Tac is bigger, she would closet him up in her house and he would fight with all her males. And Topez would be just fine with her cat's she is a love bug. But she said she just can't because she just rescued two more cat's. Time is short I only have a week left. I am praying God will do a miracle.”

Here is Janet’s information:

[email protected]

Please share this.


For some reason I can't post the orange cat's picture. I'll post this on Facebook too.

10-13-2011, 03:29 PM
Here is more information she sent me on Topez which is the 9 yr old female friendly tortie:

Topez a pound Kitty really rescued from a kill pound a day before they were supposed to kill her. She is really sweet. Topez back teeth wore down and we were supposed to have them pulled but we could not afford it. We did get the antibodics and killed the infection she had in her tooth and now she eats wet food. She is spoiled now and this was a while ago that this happened.

Tac eats the best all natural now junk big bag from farm supply store I forget the name will have to ask my husband its on his food storage container he has a lot of food in his huge plastic container left as we just bought the bag and that will go with him as well as his bed, dishes, and litter box.

Also Tac can be an outdoor cat like maybe a barn because he likes the cold outdoors. He is so handsome someone will snatch him up....I have the screen panel cut out of the back door and he has his bed waters and food comes as he wants and love's to hunt kept are house and garden free of mice and moles and he doesn't bring his prize to you....he'll sneak off with it I have found mice dead in the basement from him.

Anyone interested? If not please share, they have until Oct. 18th to find a new home.