View Full Version : How I met my cat!

09-27-2011, 10:57 PM
I was recently asked how I was introduced to my cat, Edward D Katz.

Ed and I have been together for a long time and our story isn't THAT unique, but it's been a fun journey.


When I was first introduced to EDK, I came home and my GF at the time told me that she 'found' a cat at a local supermarket. He was the last of a litter that some people were giving away and he was the 'runt' of the group.

Ed was named after "Eddie", the dog on the Fraiser TV show.

The first day I met him I was able to put him into the pocket of my t-shirt I was wearing.:eek:

He had not been socialized - as far as being part of a litter - so he never learned the basic 'kitty manners' that all properly weaned cats acquire during their 'kittenhood', but he was a different kind of cat. He has many little foibles that make hin unique, He is more DOG than he is cat. There are some commands he do recognize and has the same EFF YOU attitude that many cats have.

He will not do anything he does not want to do.

Ed came to live with me in January of 2002.

His mom was diagnosed with an illness that we hoped she would recover from.

I took Ed because of her condition - she could not be exposed to his poop and I prayed it would be a temporary situation. I worked miles from our place, so I took up with my parents to save time, mileage and wear on my truck. Ed moved into the guest house I lived in during the week.

My GF got progressively ill and passed away in March of that year and that's when I we began our journey together.


At the service for my GF, her son asked me about the Edster and wanted to adopt him. I told him that he could call me and we would work things out.

To be continued.......

Lady's Human
09-27-2011, 11:02 PM
Nice cliffhanger........waiting for Paul Harvey to jump in with "And now the rest of the story".

09-27-2011, 11:05 PM
Nice cliffhanger........waiting for Paul Harvey to jump in with "And now the rest of the story".

It's a long story and I god rest PH's soul....I think I am possessed.

09-27-2011, 11:24 PM
Ed and I have had a wonderful relationship.

He is a pure white cat and I have lost him on many occasions.

I came how from work one day and thought his neck was broken. I didn't know cats could rotate their necks in such a crazy fashion.

I lost him many time -much to my chagrin- on the white pillow cases on my bed. I'd walk in to the room and he was no where to bee seen.

I'd walk the house calling his name, until I noticed him on the pillowcases, nicely camoflauged, against the white background.


I have learned patience, responsibilty and the power of sharp claws on skin from the Edster.

I have learned that a 16 pound cat walking across your bladder will wake you up and make you go pee.

I have learned to 'speak cat'.

My litter box is not suitable for me to crap in.

My water needs to be changed.

I want a treat.

I want love.

That book you are reading/program you are watching/thing you are computing is not more important that I am.

The hair on your dark shirt is a reminder I am at home waiting for you.

During the winter I will sleep on your legs and make any dream a nightmare-especially when you are trying to escape from a monster/person/situation.

YOU WILL WAKE UP, FLUSTERED then laugh at the fact that you are still awake three hours after said nightmare.

You cannot leave the house without at least one white hair on your clothes.

Yoh have given up black/dark navy colors in your wardrobe.

A cat sitting on your chest while you are asleep is nothing you can ignore.

Nipples and crotch are areas that your cat can and will step on to make you pay attention.

You welcome the warning cry of a cat before he pukes.

You abhor missing the warning cry of a cat before he pukes and step into that wet mess on your way to complete a bathroom run during the night.

Cats can and will toss a turd out of their box on occasion.

A cat will knock over an open drink/glass left on your nightstand.

Your cat has a little foible that drives you crazy.

(Ed love anything that remotely smell of menthol/eucalyptus. He will find it, rub up against it and make a mess of it...)

You will learn patience and that nothing you see when you walk into a room will surprise you.

Shredded tissue.
Mound of puke.
Broken Glass/ceramic/furniture.
Discarded food.
Cat litter spread across the floor and ????

09-28-2011, 07:50 AM
Thanks Richard!

Truly enjoyed reading this all this morning. :) You and Ed were meant to be. :)

NOW...do you have any kitten pics?

09-28-2011, 08:28 AM
What a lovely story! How great that Ed D Katz landed with you, I think you needed one another.

I'm sorry about your GF, didn't know about that bit of your history.

09-28-2011, 09:14 AM
It is so gopod to see a Fellow Cat Man, and hear how you two :cool::cool:
I got My First Cats Pouncer:love: and Mister Scrappy :love: from a poorly run Pet Store where they were in small cramped cages with dirty litter boxes:(
You and Edster are coming to your tenth year anniversary.:):)
Con Cat Ulations from The Found Cat Hotel:cool::cool:

09-28-2011, 11:07 AM
Welcome fellow cat men.
My story starts with not liking cats. I enjoyed dogs much more.
And it begins with my wife finding a puppy in a dumpster.
My sister complaining that my 2 nieces were allergic to their long hair dog.
So we offered a trade. The short hair puppy for the long hair.
Well when we arrived at my sisters there was a surprise. They had found a kitten under the front bushes. Long story short we came home with the puppy and the kitten.
I bottle feed this little mostly white fluff ball. And Patches decided that I was her man. She would follow me all around the house. When I went to sleep she would curl up along side my pillow and go into this low purr. God forbid that I got up during the night; she would have to make sure that I know where she was with a load purr until I laid down again, then back to the low purr. If I was sick she would sit on my chest so that I couldn’t get out of bed.
Since Patches and the puppy Ginger grew up together, they were sisters in every way. Ginger would even try to purr. It was fun to watch a 78 lb dog and a 6 lb cat play and sleep together.
I had a business trip for 2 months; Patch was so upset that diabetes kicked in. She was about 3 at the time. Patch was great about her shots. She would sit on the credenza and wait for it. We would then play ball for a few minutes. A rolled up paper was the best ball, I would toss and she would hit it back. Patch had a very good aim; till she got tired then the ball would head for next year.
She had made it her mission in life to make me a cat person. Guess what she did.
I had almost 17 years with this wonderful girl. Even though she has been gone almost 9 years I am still sitting here crying.

09-28-2011, 01:09 PM
My late boyfriend had a cat when I met him, Tomas. Hence, I fell in love with his cat, too. (Sometimes the cat was easier to love than the boyfriend!) After a couple of years, I wanted to come home to a cat, myself. A supervisor at work brought in this orange cat one day and asked if anyone wanted him. He was being abused and neglected by her neighbors and she and her friend had "poofed" him. I couldn't afford a cat at that time, but I agreed to "hold him" on my lap in my office while she went to the store to get cat supplies. She came back with a litter box, food and water dishes, a month's worth of cat food and an order that I take the cat home with me. What could I do, she was my supervisor. I soon fell in love with an orange cat who needed me and who I needed, too.

My boyfriend and Tomas have both passed on, but I still have Mac and now he has two brothers, Ming and Kimba. I love them all very much. Cats are life in my home.:love::love::love:

09-28-2011, 09:29 PM
I'm sorry about your GF, didn't know about that bit of your history.

And I am, too.

I too have learned many lessons from my cat. I like the way you have described them!

09-29-2011, 12:46 PM
Cats have taught me how to laugh through anything. When things look darkest, one of my boy will do something completely silly and have me laughing. Thanks, guys. Mom loves you.:love::love::love:

12-05-2011, 01:39 PM
That is a very touching story . A man who owns a kitty is sexy :cool:. Very cool your a proud cat owner , I love my baby so very much when I was a teenager I begged my mom for 11 years to let me have a pet and she always said no and one day she said yes and now im 25 and I have had her for about 11 years and she is the best thing thats happened to me.

Laura's Babies
12-05-2011, 07:02 PM
Loved your story Richard!! I never knew how you came to have Ed.. Hope you and Ed are well and happy and you write many more interesting Ed'ster stories.. :)