View Full Version : Clover is 4 months today :D *2 pics added page 2*

09-20-2011, 12:55 PM
I'll post a video later of her playing with her toys if I can figure out how to edit it :rolleyes: The pictures are turned out over exposed or whatever you call it...still trying to figure my new cam out.


more coming

09-20-2011, 12:55 PM

09-20-2011, 01:01 PM
Hi there, Miss Clover! Overexposed or not, these are great. Happy 4 Month Birthday, pretty girl! :love:

09-20-2011, 01:02 PM
Awwiiee! What a little gem Clover is :) I loove! her eye color! It looks wonderful with her skin color :) AWIE! :D :)

09-20-2011, 01:12 PM
Thanks for the nice comments! She's really growing up fast, isn't she? She's learning to be much better behaved and listen more. (THANK YOU!!) I think she has another bladder infection or UTI (same thing?) the vet is going to let me know the results tomorrow. Is there some way to prevent that from happening? This is her second one now.

09-20-2011, 01:17 PM
Happy 4 months old pretty Clover! She's such cute labby girl! Absolutely love her eyes, and the collar couldn't be cuter!!!:D

09-20-2011, 01:25 PM
Thanks for the nice comments! She's really growing up fast, isn't she? She's learning to be much better behaved and listen more. (THANK YOU!!) I think she has another bladder infection or UTI (same thing?) the vet is going to let me know the results tomorrow. Is there some way to prevent that from happening? This is her second one now.
In humans, which I'd imagine they'd have something similar for dogs, cranberry tablets.

They really help in human instances, so I imagine they would help in animals as well... If they don't have cranberry tablets, then I'm sure they make something similar that serves the same purpose.

Poor girl though. Hope she gets better soon.

09-20-2011, 01:34 PM
She really has the prettiest coloring of any Lab I have seen in quite some time, even my Yellow Labby Casey in heaven.

I hope her eyes do not change color. They really add to her beauty.

I am so sorry to hear your sweet girl is having urine problems. Two websites I checked out said citrus juice (no added sugar) will help. Also, make sure she had fresh water which I am sure you already do, and make sure she gets lots of potty breaks outside.

Here is one very good article I found.


If you ever decide you get tired of her and no longer want her, I'll give you my address and phone number. :p

09-20-2011, 02:14 PM
My how the time goes by. Not such a little thing anymore is she? Her features look oddly mature to me for a pup her age. I wonder if she'll grow much bigger. You know what she reminds me more of now, a weimeraner! She doesn't look like a pit bull anymore like she did as a pup.

09-20-2011, 02:29 PM
I think it's her ears. She looks very labby when they flop the way labs do. They do from time to time flop that way, and sometimes the way it is in the photos. Not sure what they're going to do! She only weighs 30lbs right now so I think she'll get bigger.

09-20-2011, 02:30 PM
Look into cranberry chews/treats/pills. I give them to my dogs, just because dals are notorious for urinary problems (not UTIs persay but... :)). :-P Any prevention I can give I will do. Lol

09-20-2011, 05:08 PM
Happy four months pretty Clover!:D

09-20-2011, 07:25 PM
She's adorable! :love: I wonder if she has some shepherd or hound in her. :)

09-20-2011, 07:56 PM
Those eyes are still GREEN! :) She's getting so big :D

09-20-2011, 08:09 PM
Aww, Clover! What a beautiful girl! Happy 4-months old!

09-20-2011, 10:04 PM
Thanks everyone! Her eyes are actually more yellow now but for some reason they look green still when she's outside :D

Here's a picture of her labby ears. They kinda have a mind of their own right now :/ I do kinda wonder what she may be mixed with but I honestly only see Lab. Maybe Golden?? I was told both her parents were Labs. What ever she is, she's perfect.

09-21-2011, 08:57 AM
Clover is as beautiful as ever! Happy 4 months Clover!

Cranberry tablets and always keep her hydrated! She needs lots of fluid going through to prevent build up of bacteria. If she doesn't drink enough, put some water in her kibble. I do this with my two, also helps with digestion! You can also add some chicken or beef broth to her water.

09-21-2011, 11:59 PM
I found her asleep like this last night. Haha, she makes me laugh!

09-22-2011, 12:54 AM
That is adorable! :)