View Full Version : Zam's Visit's the Vet

09-16-2011, 12:26 PM
Since Logan was getting all his shots up to date and getting checked out recently, I figured Zam should get her stuff done too.

She weighs in at 11.25 pounds. A little overweight, but at her age, the vet doesn't want to put her on any special diets.

I had blood work done and Zam then earned the 'Most Uncooperative' award. :eek: She's a biter. :rolleyes:

They couldn't get it out of her neck so they took it out of her back leg. So she's sporting two shaved spots. :p

She's overall healthy but one of her levels on her blood work was elevated. Zam goes back in a month for a recheck. If it's still elevated, they'll do further tests.

09-16-2011, 12:50 PM
Miss Hoppy would agree - vets NEED to be bitten, at the very least! Hope the blood work comes back better in a month!

Queen of Poop
09-16-2011, 01:30 PM
Miss Zam I hope your blood work is better on recheck.

Diego wishes to add that he agrees with biting the vet. The last time he went he had to be sedated so they could do his blood test!! Sounded like they had a mountain lion in the back room!!:eek::eek: