View Full Version : My first earthquake........

08-23-2011, 01:13 PM
I just experienced it - and I'm in central Delaware. The house started rocking, and did so for about 15 seconds. Scared the daylights out of me - we DON'T have earthquakes here. I called 911 - took me about 10 minutes to get thru and I asked if there were reports of a quake in the area, and he verified a quake but didn't know anymore - said he had about 500 lines all lighting up at the same time. He asked if we had any damage or injuries, which thankfully we didn't. Then just a few minute ago, saw on t.v. that the quake was in Richmond, Va - that's 200 miles from here and we still shook.

I'm still shaking like a leaf...............

08-23-2011, 01:19 PM
Its all over the news on CNN, glad your okay.

08-23-2011, 01:19 PM
There was also one in southern Colorado today! Glad everyone is safe!

08-23-2011, 01:23 PM
We also had one too, central PA!

Crazy...my first one too!

Queen of Poop
08-23-2011, 01:26 PM
Just finished reading about it in the news. Glad you guys are ok, everyone else too?

08-23-2011, 01:31 PM
Felt it here in my office in North Central Pennsylvania. I had just stood up from my desk to walk out of my area. I have never ever experienced one before either. I hope we do not get another or an after shock.

08-23-2011, 01:33 PM
Felt it in Bethlehem,PA. I am home alone and at first thought it was my central air exploding. My 2 kitties ran like I have never seen before. They were hiding under the bed.

08-23-2011, 01:37 PM
I felt it here too, in Allentown, PA. My house shook twice. I didn't know if it was another gas explosion up the street, or if it was indeed a quake. Friends of mine who live out of state said it was a quake in the DC area. I'm just surprised we felt it up here. Guess I didn't think it would travel that far!!

08-23-2011, 01:45 PM
Felt it in Bethlehem,PA. I am home alone and at first thought it was my central air exploding. My 2 kitties ran like I have never seen before. They were hiding under the bed.

I am wondering what my cats did. They do not seem to be bothered by thunder and lightning. Wish they could talk so I could ask them about it when I get home. :D

08-23-2011, 01:48 PM
Said this one was felt as far away as Martha's Vineyard. :eek:

High rise office buildings in Wilmington and Phila have been evacuated as a precaution. Guess they want to check for structural damage, since buildings in this area aren't built to withstand quakes.

Hope there's no aftershocks - can't take this much "excitement"!

DIL just called - she works at the big Walmart distribution center about 5 miles from here. Said some tractor trailers in the lot went over, and they are checking the building for damage. It's a monstrous place in size!

08-23-2011, 02:07 PM
I didn't feel it here in Fort Wayne, Indiana (northeast IN) but my friends and family said they felt the shaking in Lafayette, IN (my hometown). Lafayette is about an hour northwest of Indianapolis.

Friend who works at Pentagon posted on FB that they evacuated... and were relieved to hear it was ONLY an earthquake! I can only imagine what was going through their heads, especially those who experienced 9/11! :( :confused: She said they had some water line leaks and flooding.

Stay safe everyone. Sounds like it's been a crazy day for Mother Nature: earthquakes and hurricanes!

08-23-2011, 02:19 PM
I'm just catching up on the news, heard we had 2, both in areas which rarely get them. :eek:

Glad you are OK, Ellie!

08-23-2011, 02:22 PM
I work just outside of Pittsburgh and definitely felt it here in my office. We just moved our offices from the 3rd floor of our building up to 11...I want to go back to 3!!!!!!!! Still a little freaked out but calming down now....

08-23-2011, 02:35 PM
Didn't feel a thing. Brian texted me and said "Holy smokes did you feel that?" feel what? EARTHQUAKE? Oh... Nope didn't feel it. we were on a tractor drawn wagon ride going through a cow pasture when it happened. we were already rocking and shaking more than the ground was lol when he told me I just looked up at the cattle in the field we were in and they were grazing as if nothing happened so I figured there wasn't much to worry about lol

Everyone around the area is talking about it and I have nothing to add because we completely missed it. I know my mom felt it up in Ontario though.

08-23-2011, 02:48 PM
I just experienced it - and I'm in central Delaware. The house started rocking, and did so for about 15 seconds. Scared the daylights out of me - we DON'T have earthquakes here. I called 911 - took me about 10 minutes to get thru and I asked if there were reports of a quake in the area, and he verified a quake but didn't know anymore - said he had about 500 lines all lighting up at the same time. He asked if we had any damage or injuries, which thankfully we didn't. Then just a few minute ago, saw on t.v. that the quake was in Richmond, Va - that's 200 miles from here and we still shook.

I'm still shaking like a leaf...............

Omg. I live in Delaware too! I'm home alone with my little sister, & the house started shaking. I thought it was just a big truck going by or something, but then my sister started screaming, & I realized something was happening. It didn't even occur to me that it might be an earthquake because we never have earthquakes here. I looked outside, & the water in my pool was shaking. It was over in a matter of seconds. I called my dad & he said he felt it in Newark (by the way, I live in Bear). I turned on the news, & they said there was a 5.9 earthquake in Mineral, Virginia, & it was felt from North Carolina to Manhattan! It was crazyyy. I called FOX 29 news & told them I felt it here. Crazy stuff...but kind of exciting :p

08-23-2011, 03:02 PM
Said this one was felt as far away as Martha's Vineyard. :eek:

High rise office buildings in Wilmington and Phila have been evacuated as a precaution. Guess they want to check for structural damage, since buildings in this area aren't built to withstand quakes.

Hope there's no aftershocks - can't take this much "excitement"!

DIL just called - she works at the big Walmart distribution center about 5 miles from here. Said some tractor trailers in the lot went over, and they are checking the building for damage. It's a monstrous place in size!

Heard on the news that it measured 6.0 - don't know how huge you would consider that, we've never had an earthquake here so I didn't know how to compare it. Hope the "excitement" doesn't wear you out :D
I'm sure your fur buddies must have felt it, lucky they didn't quake themselves....poor Myndi has enough problems. Hope that's the end of it.

08-23-2011, 03:17 PM
I live 50 miles north of Pittsburgh in Saxonburg Pa. Some people here in Concordia felt some trembling even here!

08-23-2011, 03:18 PM
Quite an afternoon this has been! My office building shook, the floor felt like it rippled, and the windows in my office rattled. Phones are not working. We were evacuated and not allowed back inside. After about a half hour a security guard told us if we had anything inside to get it and get right out. From there we were told to leave for the day. When I got home, my neighbor said things really shook on our street. There's no obvious damage but as soon as the phones are back I'll call my landlord just to be sure.

Thank God that there are no serious injuries reported.

Pinot's Mom
08-23-2011, 03:21 PM
Not exciting; sorry. I am still not feeling quite right. My office swayed and shook. I'm training a new employee from Reno and it scared the you know what out of both of us! NOT FUN! Send the earthquakes back to California!:eek:

08-23-2011, 03:28 PM
Hey Eileen - I heard that some vacant buildings in Camden collapsed.

They are also reporting damage to the Washington Monument, and a slight tilt has been detected. Of course, things can get blown out of proportion in the initial stages of reporting, so I guess that remains to be seen.

It was spooky to see my dining room chandelier swinging, and when I went in the kitchen, drawers were hanging open. There's a piece of trim on the edge of the roof hanging loose on one end of the house too, but nothing else that I can find.

08-23-2011, 03:30 PM
I didn't feel it, but it turns out my mum-in-law did, but she just figured it was the construction crew 2 houses down from her! ;)

08-23-2011, 03:56 PM
Glad to hear everyone is all right. A person likes the feel of firm ground under their feet for sure. :)

08-23-2011, 04:32 PM
glad everyone is ok, really scarey stuff, we down under know exactly how frightening this can be, and we are thinking of you all,i heard it is most unusual for earthquakes in the new york area etc, here's hoping there are no more , HUGS.:love:

08-23-2011, 05:01 PM
Yikes! Glad everyone is ok!:eek:

08-23-2011, 05:53 PM
Since, I live in CA I've felt several of them but I still don't like them either. I'm glad to hear that everyone is fine. Hopefully there won't be any more of them or any afteshocks either. Please take care.

08-23-2011, 06:57 PM
A friend who lives 10 min. away here in OH felt it but I didn't. Odd.

08-23-2011, 07:40 PM
My coworker (in Bethlehem, PA) felt it, and was quite SHOOK UP about it, But I did not feel a thing. And I was just 1 room away from her at the time. I guess I am just oblivious.:eek:

08-23-2011, 08:00 PM
I felt it here. in Hamilton Ontario canada some lite shaking of the bed

08-23-2011, 09:04 PM
I didn't feel it but my mom did. We are close to Jackson, NJ. I was in the car so I think that's why I didn't feel it. I was at a theme park and they closed the rides for about an hour or so.

08-23-2011, 09:14 PM
So that's what that was?

I was in my classroom planning, sitting at the computer in my rolling chair. I felt a strange rolling, waving, rocking, very mild and my first thoughts were:

I'm imagining this
My ear problems are acting up
Someone has upset the universe
Finally, the HVAC system right behind is working too hard.

So I stood up, turned around, and it quit.

Didn't think more about it until this evening when I heard it could be felt far away.

The building didn't shake nor did we evacuate. No one even mentioned it. I think I must have felt the tremors under the building. My ears have been extra sensitive for a few years.

Glad everyone is okay.

08-23-2011, 09:37 PM
I live in Richmond, VA and it was scary!!! Crazy...our bldg is right by the train yard and at first we just thought it was a train....We have had several after shocks too, I think the last one was around 8pm. I've only experienced a tiny one before here in VA about 8 yrs ago. This was too big for me!!!!

Nothing in my home fell down and the cats all seemed no worse for the wear. I would've loved to have been able to see if they even noticed it or slept right thru it.

08-23-2011, 09:58 PM
I heard that it was a 5.9 earthquake, & the epicenter was in Mineral, VA, which is about 40 miles from Richmond. They say it was only half a mile deep, & that's why the feeling was so widespread. Last I heard, they said it was felt from Georgia to Massachusetts, although some people in Canada reported feeling it too. I also heard that it reached Philadelphia in 48 seconds. Apparently, the Washington Monument is leaning now...crazy stuff...
My grandmother lives in Claudville, VA, & she didn't feel anything because she was driving. My other grandmother lives in Capon Bridge, WV, & said she felt the house shaking, & felt like she was in a vaccumn, & her dogs were barking. Luckily, neither of them got hurt, & their houses weren't damaged.
& then we've got this hurricane coming...:eek:. I'm pretty worried about it because I live in Delaware, & they say it's going to come right up the east coast!!! I hope it doesn't cause too much damage!!!

08-23-2011, 11:42 PM
Didn't feel it but a lot of people did in Cleveland, OH - I must've been driving at the time.

08-24-2011, 08:21 AM
Laurie from just outside D.C. checking in. We evacuated ourselves from the small (in comparison to downtown) 6 floor building where I work - and having lived in, and spending much time, in CALIF. I knew right away what it was and could not believe people would evacuate the building then STAND RIGHT NEXT TO IT to stand in the shade :eek::mad: They (except for my boss) just looked at me as if I were daft when I told them to move.... I live close enough to walk home and the dogs were still freaked out. Several things fell off the mantle and some shelves but nothing serious. I was more concerned about the underground infrastucture being damaged. i.e. gas lines and water mains but thankfully only a few instances (so far).

08-24-2011, 08:30 AM
So this weekend we are forecast to get Hurricane Irene, just to what degree, has yet to be determined. What next - a tornado????? :eek:

08-24-2011, 09:14 AM
Keep an eye in the sky for a plague of locusts Pomzu :confused: :rolleyes:

08-24-2011, 07:21 PM
So today at work, I mentioned the earthquake. The science had felt it and thought it too small to mention. He admits that at first he thought he was having leg tremors. He checked online and saw it was an earthquake.

The asst principal felt it but didn't say anything because he thought people would think he was crazy. Others felt it too, but many of us (except the science teacher) have never experienced one, so we didn't know what to say.

The admins at 8 of our schools panicked and evacuated the schools. Oops.

Sorry to hear about the Washington Monument. Hopefully they'll figure a way to retrofit it and the National Cathedral.

08-24-2011, 08:42 PM
Glad I live where hurricanes are unheard of (almost). I heard on the news that Atalntic City is getting hunkered down for a hurricane, probably the same one that might hit the rest of the coast. Seems they've evacuated a few towns already just to be on the safe side and people were given notice to stock up on food items and such. That would send chills up my spine. I'm not too brave when I read about the damage done by hurricanes.:(

08-24-2011, 09:01 PM
I didn't feel anything here in Knoxville :/ I bet if I'd been in Johnson City I might have.

I'm glad no one was seriously injured; however, my mom just informed me that the Lincoln Memorial in D.C. is going to have to be closed indefinitely for repairs due to the earthquake :(

08-24-2011, 10:09 PM
I've lived in CA for a long time and it doesn't ever get easier. The worst part is your body shaking even after the quake is over!:eek: I was in SF for the 89 quake. I seriously thought that was "The One" :eek:
Stay safe people. It's a crazy world out there. Anything can happen in an instant. Be prepared!

PS I'll take an earthquake over a hurricane anytime!

08-24-2011, 10:26 PM
Reporting from CT, we felt the ground shake. My mom thought the kitchen was collapsing, and at first I thought I was just really dizzy :eek:. The counters and the floors moved around.

Never get them up here, but according to the newscasters the soil is so loose her that earthquakes from other states can easily be felt.

Hope you all are safe, and CONTINUE to be safe. The hurricane... erg... had a tornado 10 minutes away in Massechussets, I think last month. I was driving my mother to the doctor during that one. Sky turned yellow and it got really windy. It did a lot of damage, but could've been worse. Every so often it seems nature must show us that we're not really in charge here.

08-25-2011, 05:52 AM
Nope, never felt it at all here in Australia. I must have been asleep at that time. ;)

08-25-2011, 01:58 PM
We had an aftershock this am that woke me up out of a deep sleep and i was so disoriented I initially thought it was a dream. That one was 4.5 mag..I hope this is all over soon....and here comes the hurricane