View Full Version : Cat allergy

Old Geezer
08-02-2011, 03:30 PM
My cat was licking constantly on his hind quarters and belly. I just took him to the vet and he was given an injection that the doctor said would stop the itching caused by fleas. Has anyone had this problem with their cat and got the injection. If so how long should I expect to wait before he shows some signs of relief. It has been five hours and he is still digging at his fur

08-02-2011, 04:08 PM
My cat, Bobby was allergic to fleas when he arrived here as a kitten 5 + years ago.

I'm not sure what the injection is that you got for your cat.

I took Bobby to an allergist, and gave him desensitizing shots here at home for a year, to get him over it.

You will need to use regular flea prevention on this cat to keep fleas away from him. I use Revolution on my cats with great success. Did the vet discuss anything like this with you?

Old Geezer
08-02-2011, 04:16 PM
Thanks for your reply. I think what caused this problem is the fact that the product I have used for flea control for years is no longer working as advertised Advantage. I have now purchased Frontline to use. Hopefully that will work efficiently. I probably am just to anxious to see the guy get some relief. He hasn't slept much in a couple of days. I love this old 12 year cat dearly. If no good results by tomorrow I will have to contact the Vet.

08-02-2011, 04:16 PM
I'm thinking that the shot was a steroid injection - that would settle the irritation down but it won't eliminate the flea problem. Like Freedom said, kitty needs to be on a regular flea prevention med. That's the only sure to eliminate the problem.

08-02-2011, 04:18 PM
You might try having him groomed and shampooed. Sometimes cleansing the skin will help with the allergy. Sometimes it is also mental with the cat. he thinks he still itches.

08-03-2011, 07:31 AM
You'll have to bathe him w/a good flea shampoo and use a comb afterwards to get rid of the eggs, etc. caused by fleas. When you bathe him, the fleas will move to his head and you can easily get them off him w/the comb. The shot was probably Prednisolone which will help w/the itching but the fleas will still be there so there will still be irritation and scratching. The fleas can also make him very sick so it's important to get rid of them. Good luck. :)