View Full Version : Urinalysis results pg2 #33 Coping with FLOODS!

07-30-2011, 08:45 AM
Starting back in November, I have written a bit about how Marlin is aging. Although we were told he was age 9 when he was surrendered in to rescue, it is not uncommon for owners to make a dog younger. They worry that even a rescue won't take on an older dog. This would mean Marlin will be 13 next week. Well, he is acting MUCH older.

He has another vet appt on Aug 2d, and I'm sure all sorts of blood work will happen. Here are the ongoing, and worsening issues:

- he drinks water CONSTANTLY. And what goes in, must come out. So we have regular FLOODS. He is not always aware that he has to go, or even that he IS GOING! When he knows, he asks to go out and boy, one of us best RUN to get that door open for him. You know how the morning pee is highly concentrated, very yellow, and this is the one vets prefer for testing? No longer, with Marlin, For over a month now, he is up to pee at 2 AM and again at 4 AM. He drinks gallons in between, so it is always very dilute. I've tried a belly band, but nothing can hold that much liquid. He pees on pet beds, floors, pillows, he just can't help himself. Several times, he has been at the water bowl drinking, and it is coming out at the back as fast as he is lapping it up at the front.

- since November or so he has been eating 3 times what the others eat, daily. He hasn't gained any weight. If anything, he may have lost a tiny bit.

- he has a lot of difficulty walking. He can no longer do long walks, and does not come with us to the Farm any more. I walk him down the street and back, and some days that is too much and I have to carry him back home.

- he howls, yes HOWLS, if he can't find me. This is unfortunate as it happens when I walk the other dogs, go out for groceries, or just go in the yard to mow the lawn (all the dogs stay in then, as I have all the gates open.) Dad tries but nothing consoles Marlin until I am back in. I make a point to talk to him and touch him to let him know I've returned.

- he gets out of breath rapidly on these slower - than - molasses walks

- he has some doggie dementia going on, gets stuck behind bedroom doors, and the door to outside. Coming in, he roams the garage barking and has on 2 occasions recently tried to get through the WALL when I open the door to let him in. He can't figure out which door I am at when I return from grocery shopping, and may be at the CELLAR door barking for me, rather than one of the doors to outside. I have the cellar stairs well blocked, as he fell down them once. (Have to keep the door open as the cats have their litter boxes down there)

- he doesn't see well, bumps in to things. It is comical to see he shuffle and then give a HUGE LEAP to get over a tiny crack in the asphalt in the road when we walk down the street. But also sad, as I know he hasn't a clue what that dark spot is, it could be going all the way to China!

He's been tested twice for diabetes, thyroid, Cushings and other stuff, all with negative results. I am sure the vet will run all that in the blood work again next week.

Marlin has never been one to sit in your lap, or even next to you on a sofa. But in the past month, he takes great pleasure in having a good rub down! Awwwwww.

07-30-2011, 08:58 AM
Aww poor Marlin. :( I hope the vet trip offers some help with the peeing issues.

Pinot's Mom
07-30-2011, 09:24 AM
Poor baby! Sounds like hearing/sight loss with a touch of dementia is catching up. The drinking/peeing the vet should be able to pinpoint pretty quickly I would think. Prayers it's easy to cure!:love: Pinot sends kitty kisses (whether appreciated or not;)).

07-30-2011, 09:28 AM
I'm so sorry to hear Marlin has all these issues. :( It's not fun for neither of you. It does sound like he is older than what you thought. Hopefully the vet visit will help clear up what is wrong, so he can get help for it.

Give him some scritches from me. :love:

Good thoughts and best of luck!

07-30-2011, 09:36 AM
Has your vet ruled out kidney disease? Myndi was showing some of the symptoms that Marlin has when I took her in for a check. I really thought it was diabetes, but her blood sugar couldn't have been more normal. She had been drinking gallons of water, and peeing constantly, but she was diagnosed with kidney disease. She's been on the K/D prescription food ever since, and is doing great on that.
She has weakness in her back legs - when she stands in one spot, all 4 legs quiver and the back legs are more balancing her than supporting her. Surprisingly she doesn't have a problem walking. We never have done long walks - just exercise around the yard - but she gets around okay. First thing in the morning the legs are really bad, and sometimes she will even fall over. I just stand her up and support her for a few seconds, and then she's good to go.
She also is getting a little confused. One day last week she wandered into the family room (which is off limits to pups), and got lost behind the sofa. :eek: My son heard her fussing and rescued her.
Of course the problem with the legs and the confusion, is just probably part of being old, as could be the same with Marlin. Myndi is pushing 16 and has been around over a year more than I expected, after how sick she was a year ago.
So for now, I'm just happy that she is content and happy and doing well on her special diet. It really made a world of difference. I hope you can get to the bottom of Marlin's problems and get him on the right track. It's just so darn hard to watch our furkids get old.........:(

07-30-2011, 12:05 PM
Those symptoms sound exactly like my moms RB Min Pin, Kodi. He lived a happy 17 1/2 years.
I hope the vet can help with the flooding issue and at least help him be comfortable for many many more months or even years.

07-30-2011, 01:39 PM
If all else fails, of course diapers would at least contain the floods for the time being. Hopefully the vet can be of some help!

07-30-2011, 01:56 PM
Had a 14 year old greyhound that couldn't hold it in in time to go outside. Eventually, we had her laying down on a doggy pee pad just in case. It's good that you're keepin' him walking, that's really important. Dogs can get bed sores if they don't move around a lot when they're that age. You're doing all that right stuff, hopefully the vet can help you find some solutions.

07-30-2011, 03:04 PM
Thanks for all the posts. Sometimes it helps just having others listen.

Marlin is definitely fine in himself, thus far! He gets such a HUGE smile on his face come meal time! Offer him a treat and oh my, he's in heaven, lol. So he hasn't changed THAT much! Starvin Marlin is still constantly hoping the Food Fairy made a delivery to his dish, which he checks regularly, just like always.

I've always had to make sure he gets one walk a day, he gets constipated with out it. Makes for some interesting times in rain, snow and cold! Even if none of the others are interested, Marlin has a walk, I've always had to be sure of that, lol.

07-30-2011, 04:43 PM
Poor Marlin.:( I hope that your vet will be able to make a diagnosis this time so you'll at least know what you're dealing with. I also hope that whatever may be causing this can be treated. It's so hard to watch are furkids age but I'm glad to hear that Marlin is still a happy boy.

07-31-2011, 10:36 AM
Those Bichons are a worry...so sweet all of the time and when they act different it is a real worry. Give him a kiss for me.

I just had Kirby (my 9 year old Bichon) to the vet yesterday. He's been acting strangely the last couple of weeks. Very fearful and clingy - so unlike him. Had an x-ray to look for tumors on the liver - nothing (phew). But his thyroid was a little high for me. The vet said to wait a couple of months and we'll run it again. He may be developing Cushings. We'll wait and see.

07-31-2011, 11:35 AM
Hi Robin, yeah Cushings is a worry w/ bichons, they are so prone to it. We suspect that is part of Marlin's issue. But they get so many false negatives w/ the Cushings test, that sometimes the disease is quite advanced before it is actually diagnosed.

Hugs to Kirby!

07-31-2011, 07:23 PM
Give Marlin a great big hug for me. He and my Kirby would get along so well. Sweet goofy little guys.

Lilith Cherry
08-01-2011, 12:00 PM
Lots of love to darlin' Marlin! We sure hope everything is fixable and turns out ok.

08-01-2011, 03:58 PM
Thanks, Lilith. We'll see tomorrow what the vet can offer.

08-01-2011, 04:13 PM
Big HUG for Darlin Marlin! And hug, hug, hug, hug for Willy, Lacey, Tasha and Sugar, too :love:.

08-01-2011, 07:35 PM
Just checking in to see if you'd heard anything.

08-02-2011, 04:47 PM
Three white fluffies went to see the vet today.

Lacey hopped up on a chair and patiently waited her turn.

Marlin was the usual Drama King.

Willy wanted petting and tummy rubs.

Some things don't change!

Lacey: needs to lose 2 pounds. Vet agrees with me she "may" be having hypoglycemic episodes, next time it happens I am to rush her in instead of pulling her through it myself. See if we can get a confirmation via blood glucose test. If so, this is quite rare in an adult bichon. She didn't go into what it means. Heartworm test was negative. Lacey got her rabies and distemper shots and is good for 3 years.

Willy has a right ear infection (got antibiotic drops for that) and a right eye infection which looks like he had an eye ulcer, that is clearing up. In addition to his multiple eye drops daily, he will need antibiotic drops for that to. I just hope I don't confuse the ear and eye stuff! Heartworm test negative. He got his 3 year distemper shot (last year was a 1 year as we had no info on him every having one before).

Marlin won the Drama King award AGAIN. It takes me plus 2 vet techs to hold him so the vet can do her thing. Overall he is in very good health! Blood work is in process, will get the results on Thursday. Kidney disease is not suspected (whew! ) as he has such a good appetite. Thyroid issues, diabetes or Cushings all still in the running. This will be the 3rd set of blood tests since he started having issues last November / December.

Getting the blood sample was . . . not fun. Tried the front leg, the jugular, and the rear leg (which finally worked). In the end there was red blood over all 4 of us, the exam table, the wall, and of course Marlin. We all got cleaned up before leaving the room.

Heart worm test negative, and he had his 3 year distemper shot.

We were there an hour and a half, came home and I took a half hour nap!

Pinot's Mom
08-02-2011, 05:24 PM
Aww, poor babies! I hope the vet can clear up Marlin's troubles easily with a blood test.:love: Keep us posted.

08-02-2011, 06:22 PM
Poor babies.....and Mom. I took two to the vet and thought I should be shot. You are my hero to take three.

Will keep my fingers crossed for Marlin.

08-03-2011, 06:03 AM
Still hoping nothing serious for Marlin. Three to the vet at once??? No way would I even try to take my two pups at the same time!:o RB Lacey and RB Mandy,
I might have managed, but not these two goofballs!:D

08-03-2011, 07:37 AM
Lol, I usually take in 3 or more pets at a time, as my vet gives a good discount on the office exam fee for 3 or more.

08-03-2011, 08:39 AM
Prayers for Darlin' Marlin - hoping that nothing really serious is going on. Please deliver a big smoochie from me, and of course to the rest of the flock too.:love::love::love::love::love:

When I had my 3 Lhasas, I took all 3 to the vet at one time if it was for routine visits. It was a real circus - each one wanting to go in a different direction! Now when I take the 2 Fuzzbuttz in at the same time, I carry Myndi and let Sparky stay on the leash. Can't even count the number of times they tripped me when I let both walk!!! :eek:

08-03-2011, 04:20 PM
Got Marlin's blood lab report today. ALL IS FINE! In fact, PERFECT! Not a thing amiss. HOORAY!

Most likely, this is part of his doggie dementia - he forgets he had a drink and drinks some more. I am going to take in a urine sample, for a double check on some things. After that checks out OK, we move to plan C, which is not going to be easy in this household: lift the water bowl at 8 PM nightly. The vet did say, "this is what we do in a one-dog-no-other-pets home." :p

There is an eye drop we can use which will increase one of the (hormones? enzymes? I forget) which tells his body it needs water, so that will 'shut off' the need to drink. We may get to that in time, too. Drinking as he is, once we finally rule out medical issues, is also going to overwork his organs.

Pinot's Mom
08-03-2011, 06:19 PM
So glad the blood results are OK! Good luck with the water thing! Keep us posted.:love:

08-03-2011, 08:23 PM
Phew! That's good news. He's just a senior guy with some memory issues. Seems like I know a lot of those. :eek:

08-03-2011, 08:28 PM
Great news! Hoping all goes well with your plans for getting Marlin back on track! :)

08-03-2011, 08:37 PM
He's just a senior guy with some memory issues. Seems like I know a lot of those. :eek:

Now THIS made me laugh out loud! Of course, I've got my Dad here w/ dementia . . . and now Marlin. :D

08-04-2011, 12:15 AM
Great news! Hoping all goes well with your plans for getting Marlin back on track! :)

What she said. I hope everything will go well.:)

08-04-2011, 05:17 AM
I've got at least one male human and one dog here (and me, of course) who seemed to be confused some days. I look at it this way......I've earned the right to be confused. :D

My Max before he went had days where he looked so lost when he'd walk into a room. You could see his little brain trying to figure out "why did I come in here?".

As long as Marlin has you, he'll be OK. He trusts you to take care of him during his "senior moments".

08-04-2011, 09:25 AM
Awww, thanks Robin.

08-05-2011, 07:00 AM
It's okay Darlin Marlin - I'm pretty old and forget things sometimes too! :eek: We are glad to hear there seems to be nothing really seriously wrong tho. Hope you can get your drinking under control! Oops - that didn't sound quite right, but you know what I mean! :p:D

08-05-2011, 09:53 AM
On Wednesday we had the good report on the blood work.

This morning I got the report on the urinalysis. Marlin's labs are FINE! For a dog his age, perfect!

The vet said all this drinking is a cognitive thing with him. No more tests needed.

The blood work ruled out kidney and thyroid issues. The urine test ruled out Cushings and diabetes.

This is GREAT NEWS! (I know I've had the testing done twice before, but this time we did much more extensive work ups.)

He forgets he drank and goes and gets more water. Poor guy!

08-05-2011, 11:40 AM
I'm glad that his urinalysis test results came back good too.:) Hopefully you'll be able to control how much water he drinks from now on. Good luck.:)