View Full Version : Should I be worried?

07-29-2011, 07:33 PM
Sometimes Clover gets a really big belly. Usually after eating or drinking. It just seems bigger then it should be. And it isn't after every meal. Just sometimes.

I take her out to use the bathroom after she ate, and she did. She slept for about an hour. Her belly is still big. I thought maybe she needed to poo more. So we went for a walk, which she usually will poo. She didn't.

We came back in and she drank a large amount of water. She drank a lot before we went too. Like she couldn't get enough. She always has fresh water available to her so I don't know why suddenly she's so thirsty. She played for a bit and is now sleeping. I worry about her all the time. I'm so worried she has bloat or something. She doesn't have any of the other signs, like trying to throw up, white gums or anything else like that. So, should I be worried? Is it common for their bellies to get big?

I may have fed her a little more then normal for supper. Maybe a cup and 1/2 instead of just a little more then 1 cup. She just seems so skinny I wasn't sure I was feeding her enough. The bag says feed 1 to 4 cups a day. So I have no idea what to feed her. I'm slowly switching her to a new food. She was eating Pedigree when I got her, and I'm switching to ProSeries which I hear is a better quality food.

07-29-2011, 08:09 PM
Completely common for a pup her age, nothing to worry about if she's acting normal!

07-29-2011, 08:19 PM
Ok! Good. She seems fine. She was running around and being very playful.

She's been on meds for her UTI for a while now, she still pees A LOT when we're outside though. She probably peed 10 times on a short walk tonight. She's pretty good for not going in the house now though. She won't pee over night in her "bed" area. She has a bed, and her pee pad. She usually will sleep for 5-6 hours before whining to go outside in the morning.

Thanks Karen :)

07-29-2011, 08:29 PM
It usually never happened to my dogs as pups, but I know it is common in labs.. has she been wormed?

07-29-2011, 08:47 PM
I'm not sure that she has been. I have her health book, and she's going for another check up next week. So I'll have the vet look into that. How would I know if she has worms or something?

07-29-2011, 09:39 PM
Puppies usually need to be wormed when born then at 8 weeks, I am not saying she has worms but it's better if she is wormed to prevent them. :)

07-29-2011, 10:00 PM
I'm not sure that she has been. I have her health book, and she's going for another check up next week. So I'll have the vet look into that. How would I know if she has worms or something?

You can always examine her poop for anything wriggly. As long as she's acting normal and playful, I wouldn't worry too much, just make sure she's pooping normally, etc., over the next day or so.

07-29-2011, 10:02 PM
I find that in general, the feeding guidelines on the food bags would end up with all of us owning fat doggies! :eek:

You mentioned that you always think she is skinny. Write that down and next week, ask the vet about her weight. Then you will have a better idea if she really IS skinny, or not.

I can't remember how old she is, sorry. Do you have her on a monthly heartworm pill yet? (If she is really young, she won't be on this yet) The one I use, Interceptor, is also a monthly wormer for most intestinal worms. So write this down to ask at the vet visit, too.

I think you "owe" use more photos of Clover! ;)

07-29-2011, 11:08 PM
I forgot her health papers when I took her into the vet to see if she had a UTI so I didn't know if she had been wormed or not. The vet just said bring in for her second needles and we can give it to her then if she hasn't had it.

I'm sorry for all the questions. I'm maybe being paranoid but I'm so worried about her...She was laying with me in bed. She got really restless, like she couldn't get comfortable. She finally fell asleep and started to breath quick and had a really quick heartbeat.

I've only ever owned 1 dog from this age, and it was 13 years ago so I really don't remember what's normal.

I recently lost that dog and I'm still heartbroken. I'm not sure I could get over it if something happens to Clover. I think that's why I'm a little paranoid right now.

Freedom: here is a picture of how Clover sleeps all the time

07-29-2011, 11:13 PM
I was reading some signs of bloat can be fast heart beat, anxiety or restless, drinking lots...

but she has pooped a few hours ago after I noticed her belly being big. She's isn't trying to throw up. And her gums are pink.'

Also, she has done this before. The fast breathing/big belly thing....

Sorry you must think I'm crazy for getting this worked up.

07-30-2011, 12:16 AM
She looks like she just has a tubby puppy belly, doesn't look wormy to me looks normal to me. :) I would just have your vet worm her
(Most use Strongid-T for roundoworms. That's what we use at the shelter I work at..) to be safe. :) You aren't crazy for asking or getting worried; it makes you a good dog owner for being concerned. :D

07-30-2011, 09:34 AM
Thanks everyone. I'm going in today to get her de-worming stuff. I'm not sure if she's had it already, but they said to give it to her every 2 weeks until she is 4 months.

07-30-2011, 01:53 PM
Are you getting it from the vet?? I have never heard of worming them until they are 4 months.

07-30-2011, 01:57 PM
Yeah I went to the vet. It's every 2 weeks til 4 months, then you'd do it normally. I think it was Monthly from April - November or something.