View Full Version : Sea turtles instead of huskies!

07-15-2011, 09:55 PM
A couple months ago, I put in for a deferred salary leave from my work. Basically, for a set time a portion of my salary gets banked and at the end I get leave with pay. I set it up to start the deductions in November of this year for a little over five years. I get a full year off starting August 2017, which sounds crazy far off right now! We picked that time because it would have been hard for my work to say no with 6 years notice and it is when Stuart plans to sell his company.

I got my official approval today! Our plan is to get outta the far north for most of that year and explore Central America. I really want to do some volunteer work with the Leatherback Trust in Costa Rica or some sea turtle group. Sea turtles fascinate me!

The next few years promise to be quite depressing around here; all my dogs except Tehya are at least ten, most are over 12. This gives me something to look forward to since we decided there would be no new critters here for a long time.

07-15-2011, 10:04 PM
Don't think of it as depressing, think of it as a gentle winding down, and closure.

Sea turtles are such cool creatures, I love them, and was bumped into by one when we were in Hawai'i!

Turtle in Spanish is tortuga!

07-15-2011, 10:15 PM
Thanks Karen. That is a much more positive way to look at things!

I am studying Spanish right now. My spanglish got us by in Costa Rica....I am good at asking for directions. Signage is not a priority down there:D. I'd like to be able to converse more though. I want to spend my birthday next year in Nicaragua(if we can find a new dog sitter). I've been told it's a difficult country to navigate without some Spanish skills.

07-16-2011, 11:35 AM
Six years will be here before you know it Tamara. Life's about changes. With all the heartache you've had and will face, still, what a wonderful life you've had with all your dogs and cats!!!:love: Your plans sound interesting.:)

07-16-2011, 01:51 PM
I went to a turtle farm in Grand Cayman a couple weeks ago. I got to hold some baby ones. I think I'm in love:love:

it was hot and rainy and miserable all day, but that turtle was the cutest thing ever and made me smile!

07-16-2011, 02:02 PM
Wow, what kind of turtle was it, what species?

07-16-2011, 02:55 PM
they had a few different ones, but I think that one was a green sea turtle. It was 6 or 7 months old and absolutely adorable.:love:

07-16-2011, 05:02 PM
Oh, how cute!

07-16-2011, 05:20 PM
Now that is a fascinating work plan! Never heard of it, what a great thing for you to do and work towards. I wouldn't want to be the manager who has to hold a job opening for a year, though, that can be awkward. Do you have other folks fill the gap? Hire a temp? Oh boy.

I've made a firm resolution not to add any more pets either. I'll likely have 1 or 2 of these until I am age 67! :eek: And some days, I get down, thinking I am just biding time, waiting for them to die.

But really, my focus is to give them the best life now, daily, and that helps. I know their pasts, most of them could never have imagined a life like this! I saw your FB post of free (elk? ) bones, now YOUR dogs are definitely living a great life. They teach us, we must live in the present, not worry about the future. Well, that is how I try to think of it; maybe that will help you as well.

I didn't know you've been to Costa Rica once already. :cool: Spending time with sea turtles? Oh my, this is quite a plan you have in place! Good luck with the Spanish!

07-16-2011, 05:33 PM
But really, my focus is to give them the best life now, daily, and that helps. I know their pasts, most of them could never have imagined a life like this! I saw your FB post of free (elk? ) bones, now YOUR dogs are definitely living a great life. They teach us, we must live in the present, not worry about the future. Well, that is how I try to think of it; maybe that will help you as well.

I didn't know you've been to Costa Rica once already. :cool: Spending time with sea turtles? Oh my, this is quite a plan you have in place! Good luck with the Spanish!

Bison bones....it is handy having a wild game butcher for a neighbour! It is a good life; has been and continues to be; just a new phase now! I wouldn't change it for anything. I'd like a do-over on a few days, but for the most part I lead a blessed life!

We spent 3 weeks in Costa Rica in November 2010. It was a fantastic trip, amazing place, made some new friends that we look forward to seeing again. There are several albums of pics on my Facebook page....I took over 6000 shots over the three weeks! Only uploaded a few hundred!!

07-16-2011, 07:54 PM
Geepers, I totally missed that 2010 trip. I'll be sure to check the FB albums! Thanks.