View Full Version : Richard...how is Ed?

07-11-2011, 08:14 AM
Any new stories, pics, etc?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Does he still have a fan? :)

07-11-2011, 09:24 AM
We do miss Big Edster too Richard:love:
How is the White Wonder:love:

07-11-2011, 12:45 PM
RICHARD posted in Thursdays that he has his own computer on the way. He has been borrowing his housemate's and hasn't wanted to hog it.

I am sure there will be a lot of updates from him soon.

07-11-2011, 01:16 PM
RICHARD posted in Thursdays that he has his own computer on the way. He has been borrowing his housemate's and hasn't wanted to hog it.

I am sure there will be a lot of updates from him soon.

Oh wonderful. Thanks for the news. I wonder what Ed thinks of the lightning bugs? :D

07-14-2011, 08:09 AM
Oh wonderful. Thanks for the news. I wonder what Ed thinks of the lightning bugs? :D

Thanks for asking.

The Edster is well and just hanging out, literally.

One new thing in his life?

A window seat!


When he first got here and was out of the room?

His first weeks in KY were spent cooped up in my room because of the dog and my not being around! When he got to come out - made possible by his escape from the room and the tolerance of Tucker the Labradoodle? - He took up space on a shelf in the front room right next to the window.

He would crash out there for hours at a time. Very cool, but he'd knock down stuff with his Incredible Bulk and Swishing Tail.:rolleyes:;)


Tucker, the labradoodle!

Tucker the Labradoodle has give the Edster a few scares in the last few weeks.

Ed, always the cat and the most inquisitive being on the planet, came to find out that you must let SLEEPING DOGS LIE.:eek:

Twice he came upon a sleeping Tuckster, startled him to consciousness and set off a flurry of barking! Teeth were bared, backs arched and a few moments of mayhem ensued. No harm and no foul, but now the Edster will give Tuck a WIDE
berth when he sees him passed out on the floor!!!!!


After watching the Animal Planet special - My Cat fron Hell - My roomie got him one of those window seat/perches, just to release his inner 'tree cat'.

Ed spends most of his day there.:D

9 times out of 10 he is hanging out, and off, of the shelf and I don't have to worry about him hiding out anywhere else.


He also spends most of the night there. Aside from his occasional trips to eat or go potty, he MAY stop off on the bed for a few winks.

Always surprisng because I don't know where he is on the bed.

I almost rolled over on him one morning.

I stopped when I heard a soft grunt/meow that let me know he was BEHIND ME!


As I type this I hear the soft tinkle (No, not that kind of tinkle!) of the bells on his collar.

He's grooming himself at the moment!


One last Ed-venture?

This happened the other day.......
Doris, the roomie, was prepping a dish for dinner and opened up the pantry to grab a package.

I could hear her talking to Ed, asking him to get out of the way so she could close up the area.

She came back into the room and we went back to watching TV.

A few minutes later I heard a soft mewling sound - you know what that is! It's the sound only a cat owner can hear, especially if it's THEIR CAT!

I asked the Doris about it and she said it was nothing. I heard it a few more times and was able to decode it.

"DUDE, I am stuck in here. It's dark and I am done with this exploration. Open the FRICKING DOOR!!!!!"

I went over to the pantry, opened the door and out scoots the Edmeister....

He didn't even bother to give me the stink eye.

I didn't do it, this time.:p:D

I hope that is enough of an update for you fans.

Ed sends his love and thanks you for thinking of him.

07-14-2011, 08:29 AM
Oh this makes me so happy and I'm smiling and having a little tear in my eye too!

LOVE the pic of him on his window perch. :) :) :)

I never knew cats and dogs could co-habitate until I got my first cat about 10 years ago when I also still had my Lab Casey. They can learn to tolerate each other or love each other. Both scenarios are good if they are happy. :)

Ed has learned his place in "Tucker's house". He is a smart kitty and he doesn't have to be told twice.

Ed knows you love him and would never shut him in a cupboard. I am glad he didn't scold you for that one. :p

Thanks so much for the updates Richard. I love hearing about Ed and it was so nice of your roomie to get him that perch!