View Full Version : The less than Incredible Journey

11-04-2002, 08:37 PM
Many of us have seen The Incredible Journey and Lassie Come Home, both classic films about heroic animals finding their way home across great distances, as if guided by some unseen hand. Alas, as with most Hollywood movies, they are simply the creations of screenwriters. Yes, there have been true stories of pets making astounding treks in search of their owners. Unfortunately, however, too often Lassie doesn’t come home and the journey for many lost pets is less than incredible. Instead, the journey often leads such pets to the animal shelter where, if their owners don’t claim them and responsible homes can’t be found, they are destroyed. The journey can also lead to being hit by a car or worst of all, to being nabbed by a pet thief and sold to a research laboratory.
Most missing pets are not brought home by some magic force, but by specific steps taken by their owners prior to and immediately following their pet’s disappearance. These steps include preventive maintenance and in the event of pet loss, having a decisive plan of action for recovery.

