View Full Version : Help!

05-07-2011, 10:47 AM
my 3 week old kitten was being bottle fed, when he drank he always chewed and sucked since i had him(at 2 weeks) i didnt realize he bit the long part of the nipple off and swallowed it -am so sick over this - the vet told me he could eat kitten food at 4 weeks so didnt think to stop the bottle earlier and this is my first time doing this:( Has anyone ever gone through this -the vet said to watch if it passes or if the kitten throws up would mean a blockage.

thanks for any help !


05-07-2011, 11:20 AM
Just watch his behavior, and make sure he's pooping normally, of course this would happen on a weekend, right? Hopefully it'll just "pass through" with no issues!

05-07-2011, 05:15 PM
What Karen said! SPECIALLY the weekend part! :D