View Full Version : 5 month old kitten wieght

04-24-2011, 04:05 AM
hi, i have a 5 month old ragdoll female kitten. i am concerned about her size, she weighs 1.6kg, and has was 1.3kg 7 weeks ago.

can anyone tell me if she is too small? or if she is likely to be stunted?

the vet checked her, and said she may have been the runt, but when we bought her the male kitten in the litter was the same size.

i have changed her diet to a high quality kitten food, and am feeding her pet food fresh chicken that the vet suggested.

any suggestion would be great.

Malibu's Mom
04-24-2011, 02:37 PM
She still has some growing to do. This is the time when they are gaining the most weight. Just keep an eye on her weight every month. There isn't really anything you can do besides give her proper nutrition. As long as the vet isn't concerned, I wouldn't be either.