View Full Version : Stanley!

04-21-2011, 04:57 AM
:DBig smooches to you, dear Stanley. You found the right place to be loved. You look like a fine fellow and it's great that you have some kitty friends to help you spend your time. Your human mom describes dachshund nature to a tee. They really are good at being close to one particular human and absolutely LOVE getting cozy under the covers.

Enjoy your special day, Stanley, congratulations to you and your family from me and my Henry (dachshund), and Bodea too! :love:

04-21-2011, 05:37 AM
Hi Stanley, what a cutie you are. I'm so glad you found a wonderful family to take care of you. Happy dotd

04-21-2011, 10:09 AM
Awwwww Stanley :love: You sure wandered into the right yard honey !!! So glad you are with your forever family !

04-21-2011, 11:03 AM
Hi Stanley! Happy Doxie Dog of the Day to you, darling boy!:) Oh, didn't you land in a bed of roses, finding your way to such a wonderful forever family! I think a higher power was at work, guiding you to your new home after your 1st mommy was no longer able to care for you, and in return you helped to fill that empty place in your family's heart, after the passing of their beloved Stella. I'm sure your first family is so happy too, knowing you're in the loving care of such a terrific family. What a joyful addition you are to your family, sweetheart; even the pack of 8 gained a best buddy in the deal!:D:cool: (
Thanks to your dear Mom for sharing your precious self and your heart warming, happy ending story with us all! Enjoy your much deserved day in the spotlight, Stanley! Hope you and the kitty crew are all spoiled rotten!:D Love and smoochies to you, precious boy!:love::love::love:

04-21-2011, 01:47 PM
Stanley, what a total cutie you are! It sounds like you walked into just the right yard that day! Happy Dog of the Day to you!

04-21-2011, 04:34 PM
Hi Stanley.:love: What a handsome boy you are sweetie. Seems like
you didn't have to go too far to find your new home. I am so happy for you.
I like the little play on the names from Streetcar Named Desire to find your
new name. Very cute.:) Congratulations on being our DOG OF THE DAY.
Sending lots of hugs & kisses for yopur fuzzy little face sweet boy.:)

04-21-2011, 09:04 PM
i know a higher power was at work when u were found glad u have a forever home what a sweetie:love:;)

04-21-2011, 10:16 PM
How cute can Stanley be?!! I love his sweet face and every detail about him. Especially that he loves his new bros and sisters that are not canine :):) Have a wonderful long life :love: Peace nd love :D:D:D:p