View Full Version : Think my cat may have been poisoned

andalucian sunshine
03-28-2011, 02:54 AM

My little cat Yoda is three years old. Two weeks ago she went off her food and stopped eating or drinking. I took her to the vet who kepy her for two days on a drip. He said that she wcould have eaten a rat that had been poisoned, I live in the Spanish countryside and this could be a possibility. He did tests and said that everything appeared to be ok and to give her two injections each day (one vitamin and antibiotic) since then she goes to eat and iobviously wants to eat but has a small taste and then walks away, there is nothing stuck in her mouth. The roof of her mouth is white. She is now very weak and this morning her eyes are permanently dilated and she literally looks catatonic. I have been feeding her with syringes with baby food liquidised cat food and water, vet doesn't know what is wrong. Has anyone any ideas amny thanks

03-28-2011, 10:21 AM
I would try another vet, or even call any Veterinary Universities nearby, this sounds serious.

03-28-2011, 10:59 AM
Yes - I agree with what Karen said. Your kitty needs help immediately.

03-28-2011, 02:26 PM
Yes, this is an emergency!!! If you have an ER vet, take her there, NOW.

andalucian sunshine
03-29-2011, 06:08 AM
Hi I live in the campo in Andalucia where cats are seen as little more than vermin, the vet has done all he can and has said that I must try to get liquid and food into her which I am hourly by syringe (baby food, cat milk and water) she has none of the usual signs of poisoning i.e bleeding etc but her eyes are very dilated which I think is due to her being dehydrated. She's not in pain but very listless probobly because she has lost so much weight. I am hoping that whatever she's taken may go through her system, just hoping I can keep her going long enough to give her a chance of getting rid of it herself.
Many thanks for your support

03-29-2011, 06:27 AM
I'm sorry to hear your little Yoda is feeling so weak. :( I hope she will get better. Keeping her hydrated is important, so you're doing the right thing. Is she peeing and pooping?

There are probably far between vets where you are, but a second opinion from another vet would not hurt.

Sending lots of good thoughts. :love:

By the way, I love Andalucia, have been to Sevilla, Estepona, Malaga, Ronda, Granada and Mojacar, plus other places in Spain. Where are you?

03-29-2011, 06:48 AM
Can you get bags of fluid from your vet and give your cat some subcutaneous treatments? If she's that badly dehydrated, this may help. It's easy to do; have your vet show you and if done daily, she should snap back if that's the main reason she's so sick now. Please keep us posted and above all, keep the faythe.

03-29-2011, 09:46 AM
PT Prayers for Yoda and for you - I hope she rallies soon and you and she can get some good rest! As Mary said, keep the faythe...and keep us posted!

03-29-2011, 12:35 PM
Prayers and healing energies are being sent for Yoda, that she will get better from this.


andalucian sunshine
03-29-2011, 03:56 PM
My little Yoda died this afternoon, she had a fit and went into shock. I took her to the vet and he put her to sleep. He said that the olive farmers in this region are using new weed killers and a lot of animals have been affected.... I miss her so much already. Yoda was offered to me at our builders yard at the age of 4 weeks, she had fallen off the roof and was surviving ubder a piece of plastic, I took her home and thought I would give her a great last night, put her to sleep in the kitchen with a hot water bottle and didn't think she would survive the night. In the morning she was like a manic fur ball bouncing around and stayed that way for the next three years..I think her legs had been broken as she had the craziest walk and galloped everywhere...you could hear her a mile away, she was the ugliest cat around. At that time we lived in a rented apartment and she had only a small balcony to play on, we then moved to our place on a 5 acre olive grove and she literally went wild running up the olive trees, chasing around and spent most days lazing around the pool. When we had guests she would be fussed and petted...I guess she had an ideal life for a cat, her friend chockie box (our other cat, who was resuced from a dustbin ..three kittens had been left in the bin in a shoe box) will miss her I know.
thanks for all the support


I live in Iznajar in Andalucia with my donkeys (vinny and hote) and chockie box xx:love:

03-29-2011, 04:13 PM
That is so sad, we are sorry for your loss. At least Yoda will not suffer any more. If Chockie is not already inside only, I would make sure he or she becomes an inside only cat, so the same thing doesn't happen to Chockie Box.

03-29-2011, 06:08 PM
I am so sorry.

Rest in peace, little Yoda, safe and healthy now.


03-29-2011, 06:14 PM
I'm so sorry about Yoda. Perhaps think about keeping Chockie box inside so that s/he's safe, too. RIP, Yoda and peace to your human.

03-29-2011, 11:31 PM
Poor Yoda and poor you...you did everything a loving mom would do for her kitty.:love::love:

May Chockie be safe and healthy and an indoor kitty; if this is difficult for Chockie, see if there is a way to build an outside enclosure. That way Chockie can be outside and safer that way.

I am so sorry for your loss. :(:love:

03-30-2011, 06:23 AM
RIP Yoda

So sorry to hear that Yoda is gone. Like others said, I hope that you will be able to save Chockie Box from the same fate.

03-30-2011, 08:49 AM
Poor Yoda. RIP sweet kitty girl.

I am so sorry for your loss.

I too suggest you make Chockie an indoor only cat.

03-30-2011, 10:40 AM
andalucian sunshine - Welcome to Pet Talk. I am so sorry to meet you under such sad circumstances.

Please feel free to stay with us, tell us about your other critters, and share some pictures. :love:

And Yoda - please visit your mom at night and purr in her ear to let her know you are all right, and a healthy kitty again!

03-30-2011, 12:30 PM
I am so sorry to hear this. RIP, sweet Yoda. You will be sorely missed.

03-30-2011, 01:19 PM
I'm so sorry you have lost Yoda. :( You took her in when she most needed it and she had three good years with you at least.

Rest in peace, Yoda! You will be missed. :love:


03-30-2011, 01:51 PM
RIP Yoda. It sounds like you gave her an amazing life and I'm sure she went to the Rainbow bridge with a heart full of love.
