View Full Version : Sneezing

11-01-2002, 05:41 PM
[Arial Large firebrick ;) :p What if your cat sneezes? What do you think it means?

11-01-2002, 06:24 PM
Yes, like most cats, mine sleep a lot. They also BATHE a lot. and make such noises.:eek:

11-01-2002, 06:35 PM
3 of my six cats has a problem with sneezing. My oldest tortie, Mollie Rose was diagnosed with kitty asthma. I give her Prednisone when the attacks are bad. She also has a bad sneezing problem. I'm like a mother chasing her kid around the house to wipe his nose. I finally gave up and just clean the boogers off the floor and wall :eek: :p

11-01-2002, 06:39 PM
MooShoo has a sneezing problem as well. Only he belts them out 10-12 at a time. I think maybe it's the cat's way of blowing his nose?? He's started to have wheezing as well. Looks like another trip to the vet:( . He has alot of health problems but it's nothing he can't live with if cared for properly). He certainly knows when to burrow in the blankets!! :rolleyes: Ya gotta love the boy!

11-01-2002, 06:54 PM
I don't think my cats sneeze much, but my girl, Georgia, wheezes alot..it sounds like she has perpetual congestion. The vet doesn't find anything odd, but I did change to a less dusty litter..

smokey the elder
11-03-2002, 08:34 AM
Usually just an allergy/dust; with the revolving door foster population I have to watch for URI (colds).

11-04-2002, 03:32 AM
it depends on which cat LOL!

11-10-2002, 10:45 AM
My cats do all of the above , .... in duplo ;) ;) !
Before Inka was here , Maya was calmer ; but with that young kitten , who ALWAYS wants to play , she has plenty of excercise , ha ha ha ! Right now , they are both fast asleep , dreaming of "Mice in Heaven" ... . It is evening now , and all that running and climbing wore them out ...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: