View Full Version : We got another dog?!

03-01-2011, 11:41 AM
Sort of.

A month or two ago my sister got a Basset Hound puppy. She lives in an apartment about 10 minutes from us so she brought Babs over to visit 2-3 times a week.

Unfortunately, there have been a few...incidents involving Babs and my sister's roommate, so for her safety Babs is staying with us for the time being, not sure how long that'll be.

Anyways...meet BABS! [Sadie is slowly warming up to her...she was terrified of Babs the first few times they met though haha]

Sadie and Babs [Sadie's reeeally pleased haha]


03-01-2011, 11:42 AM
A few more...

It was hard to take pictures 'cause Babs has to be on a leash [no fence] and she kept doing this:

When she was real little, the first time she came over:

03-01-2011, 11:54 AM
Awwww. Babs is precious! What a cute long eared little girl! I do hope she doesnt have to go back to the apt unless everything is ok. I'm not sure what you meant but you said there were "incidents involving her safety". Poor little pup should not be in a bad situation. I say get rid of the roommate, jmo. Anyway she is such a pretty cute pup and she deserves a good safe loving home and atmosphere. I bet Babs likes it at your house and I suppose your Sadie and cat will get used to her. Thanks for showing her... she's adorable... Kay in NC

03-01-2011, 12:14 PM
I'll take her!!! I have always wanted a Basset. :love: :love: :love:

I agree with previous poster. Get rid of the room-mate and keep the dog. If it is a significant other, definitely get rid of them. No one should abuse a dog if that is what we are talking about here I wouldn't want to live with them. :mad:

03-01-2011, 12:36 PM
I took the liberty of "reading between the lines" too, and I detect what the previous posters did too. If it's not safe for Babs to be around the roommate, then please keep her away before something terrible happens. It may not be practical or possible to get rid of the roommate, but if there is no other option, I'd sure find another home (temporary or permanent) for Babs. I personally could NEVER live with an individual, if I even thought for one minute, that this person was harming or threatening a pet.

Please keep Babs safe - she's such a cutie.

03-01-2011, 12:44 PM
*slam* *brush brush brush* Sorry, that was me falling off my chair with cuteness and getting up again!

Hello, cutie Babs! You were an adorable little one and now you are ... STILL adorable! I like the fifth photo in the first post :D I enjoyed meeting you today!

03-01-2011, 12:44 PM
:love: Welcome Babs.. Your such a wittle Cutie Pie.. I see you have meet the cat too.. Congrats on your new home..

03-01-2011, 12:46 PM
It might not be abuse, it might be Babs just being a puppy is upsetting the roommate, some people are less than understanding about shoes being chewed, carpet being soiled while training is going on, etc., so I think they are doing the right thing by keeping Babs while her sister sorts out the situation. In any case, she's in a safe place now, and thankfully Sadie's getting used to her!

03-01-2011, 12:47 PM
I don't really want to get into it all because a) it's the internet, and b) I don't know the whole story, but my sister and the roommate in question don't agree with methods of...discipline, I guess? I dunno.

But yeah. I just got back from taking Babs on her first ever walk [to the end of my street and back, haha] and she's SO calm, it's crazy! At this age, Sadie was literally choking herself from pulling so hard and Babs is just trucking along like a little pro. She's awesome.

03-01-2011, 01:20 PM
Keep Her.

03-01-2011, 11:18 PM
Keep Her.

Egg-actly what I was gonna say. Babs is precious! She gets cuter and cuter.

03-02-2011, 01:13 AM
I'm glad that she's in a safe home and hopefully whatever happened in the past won't ever happen again. She's so adorable that sure wouldn't want to let her go.:) She sounds like a very good little girl too.:)

03-02-2011, 08:41 AM
Aw, a PUPPY!!! You got PUPPY BREATH!!! You are very lucky! And so is Babs, to have folks looking out for her!

Now this first visit photo, of your kitty looking down on the pup, that is just begging for a caption! What a fun shot, love that!

Sadie, I know it is a lot of PUPPY ENERGY, but she won't hurt you, and you get to play at being the BIG SISTER!

03-02-2011, 10:12 AM
She's precious! I agree you need to keep her ;)

03-02-2011, 10:15 AM
OMG, few things are cuter than a basset puppy! And Babs is a GREAT name for a basset! She's adorable!

03-02-2011, 10:19 AM
OMG, few things are cuter than a basset puppy! And Babs is a GREAT name for a basset! She's adorable!

I agree!!! :love: :love: :love:

Aw, a PUPPY!!! You got PUPPY BREATH!!! !

There should be an aerosol spray "puppy breath". :D :p

03-02-2011, 02:39 PM
Sadie, I know it is a lot of PUPPY ENERGY, but she won't hurt you, and you get to play at being the BIG SISTER!

lol Sadie is getting used to it and starting to play back...unfortunately she'll be having surgery to repair her bum leg pretty soon and then we're going to have to find a way to keep them separated, haha.

Babs is so...chilled out. We went for a walk again today and she's so GOOD on the leash! We saw a squirrel and a bicyclist and she didn't even flinch.

03-02-2011, 03:09 PM

Babs is so...chilled out. We went for a walk again today and she's so GOOD on the leash! We saw a squirrel and a bicyclist and she didn't even flinch

(Big Smile from reading above) Yes, From what I've read, bassets have a very good temperament and are friendly. As she gets older though, her hunting instincts might kick in and that's when you will need to be sure you have her on a leash as you do now. One of these days she's gonna see a squirrel and want to catch it. I've have been reading about bassests because she is so cute.

I hope you keep her; she's so sweet. .. Kay in NC

03-03-2011, 08:39 PM
She's on a leash any time she's outside, haha. We don't have a fence and she got halfway down the driveway before my dad got her one night when she slipped out the door. It's amazing how fast her stubby little legs can go :rolleyes:

She's so sweet

On our [short] walk today

03-05-2011, 11:13 AM
Maybe the roommate rubbed Babs nose into a a potty spot she left behind all the while making her whine an cry while doing so. i remember my friend doing that to her dog when he was a puppy. it can be upsetting an sound really horrible an in my opinion,, is a horrible teaching method. but thats me. everyones different. :)

shes super cute! :love:

does she bark? any kind of hound dog barks make me laugh. they have such funky barks

03-07-2011, 02:11 PM
Awww, Babs! You are SO CUTE enjoying the sun! Gentle *kiss* for you.

03-11-2011, 12:08 AM
Hi, Babs! I keep coming back to look at these photos of you because you are just so utterly cute! How are you?

03-24-2011, 04:25 PM
Babs is HUUUUUGE now! I think she's just over 20 lbs right now :eek: Which crazy since she was so teeny tiny when we first met her!

She's more or less back to living with my sister because Sadie had surgery to fix her ACL/Meniscus and Babs was too active (Sadie, by the way, went to the vet for a 30-day check up and is doing fantastic). But both may be coming back to live at home [roommate issues] so come this summer, expect a lot of Babs!

We're working on house-training her...she's getting better about not peeing every 10 minutes, haha. She's also learning to come when called, which is nice. She got loose in the yard the other day and came right back when I called her [we don't have a fence so I was a little worried].