View Full Version : Poked in the eye

02-13-2011, 12:31 PM
My big orange boy Sandy has a sore eye, looks like he ran into something or one of the other cats swatted him in the eye. His eye is partially closed and the inner membrane is up over part of the eye. I'm going to call the vet Monday morning but in the meantime is there anything I could be doing for him? I put a warm compress on his eye but he wiggled and didn't like it too much. Suggestions? Thanks!

02-13-2011, 04:29 PM
Prayers for Sandy to feel better soon.

YEARS back, Vita (RB now) and Sparkle were "playing," and Sparkle got a scratched cornea. Naturally this happened about 10:30 or 11 PM on a Saturday, so it was my first trip to an ER vet. There were 3 eye drops involved, one for pain, one to keep the pupil dilated and one to help healing. (Keeping the pupil large allowed more of the healing eye drop to get in there.)

I also remember I must have gotten a small bit of that dilation med on my finger, but didn't realize it. Two hours later I'm out and realized my pupil is WIDE OPEN! I of course did not make any connection, :rolleyes: and dashed off to MY eye doctor. Finally pieced it all together what had happened, and he put some reverse drops in my eye. The adventures we have on behalf of our pets!

02-13-2011, 04:45 PM
Awwwww, Sandy! Hope it's all better soon.

02-13-2011, 06:09 PM
I really don't know what you can do to help Sandy. I hope he'll feel better soon and make a quick recovery.

02-22-2011, 12:10 AM
Sandy is good as new! I put some ointment (terramycin) in his eye and his eye cleared up in a few days. I'm thankful it wasn't more serious. He's my big orange baby.