View Full Version : Dog Has To Be Dugout Of Doghouse

02-03-2011, 06:02 PM
I have to wonder where was the family when the snow was piling up?

I am glad these two dogs were finally brought inside the house.


02-03-2011, 06:11 PM
Wow. If we had ever had a blizzard like that here when Roxy was still around, she would not have been out in it, no way, no how. And the woman made her son go and dig the dog out instead of going out herself, what the heck? :rolleyes:

02-03-2011, 08:30 PM
I'm just shaking my head. I would NEVER leave a dog out in a blizzard to fend for itself. Let's face it--some people are just plain stupid AND don't care! Kay

02-03-2011, 08:50 PM
Poor dog.:(

02-03-2011, 09:06 PM
I think if the dog was really anxious to get out, he would have dug himself out, to be honest! I expected a teensy miniature breed, but his head was poking out of the snowbank before the kid got there anyway.

But I have to wonder what the parent was thinking, sending the kid out to shovel with no gloves or mittens - if he didn't have any, socks over one's hands are better than nothing!

02-04-2011, 06:09 AM
Far from ideal, and I sure don't approve of what the family did, but at least he had the doghouse to get in for shelter. And being that it was buried, the snow provided insulation and I'm sure it wasn't unbearably cold for pooch. But - those dogs should have been in the house where it was warm and dry - no doubt about that!

02-04-2011, 09:58 AM
Poor Babies! I did wonder where the boys coat was!

02-04-2011, 01:55 PM
Who would leave a dog out in that kind of weather? I mean, seriously. Her language in front of the young kids was disturbing, too. I'm a little old fashioned, but if I made a video of my young kids digging my poor dog out of a dog house he should have never been left in, I'd at least watch my language! :eek:

02-04-2011, 02:59 PM
Who would leave a dog out in that kind of weather? I mean, seriously. Her language in front of the young kids was disturbing, too. I'm a little old fashioned, but if I made a video of my young kids digging my poor dog out of a dog house he should have never been left in, I'd at least watch my language! :eek:

I'm with you on the woman's language. However, I'm willing to bet those kids have probably heard much worse from her off camera.