View Full Version : Dogs and airplanes

10-31-2002, 01:17 AM
I was just wondering if anyone had any info on flying a dog on a plane.......like the regulations, what airlines are best, approximate cost, etc. Nebo keeps telling me that he wants to go visit Anna, Rosie, and Simba! lol. :D Not that this is ever gonna happen........but I'd just like to know out of curiosity. :)

p.s. if anyone happens to know any info in getting cheap airline tickets I'd love you for that too........

10-31-2002, 06:43 PM
I think the regulations are different for each airline as well as the prices, but I do know from a friend who has to fly quite frequently with her dogs that some airlines are better then others as far handling them, but I think the majority of the times she flies with Canadian airlines and well that info really wouldn't help you would it? :D