View Full Version : Congratulations, Chloe!!

12-17-2010, 07:03 AM
What an adorable face! Chloe, you have the look of a well-loved dog and I bet you pay back to your pack in kind. You are a sweet baby girl!

p.s. The quilt on the back of your chair is pretty awesome, too!!


12-17-2010, 08:17 AM
Chloe, What a pretty girl you are! You are just a bundle of fun and love, arent you, and you're smart too. There is no doubt but that you are a member of the family and loved greatly. I enjoyed reading about you, seeing your photos, and hope you have many more years with your family. Congrats on being DOTD! Kay in NC

12-17-2010, 02:20 PM
Thanks for the posts. My aunt made the quilt by the way. She is a sweety and a cuddle bug!


12-17-2010, 03:31 PM
Hello there Chloe, sweet baby girl!:) Happy Dog of the Day to you!:cool: Oh, that beautiful face is the ultimate heart melter; you are too precious for words, Chloe!:love: I was so touched by your back story, and your lovely photo spread, Chloe! You and your Daddy have been together since the day you were born, and over the years what a wonderful, unbreakable bond of love and trust you two have forged...your Mommy, too!

When I was in college, my husband to be and I backpacked across much of the country, and along the way we just happened to adopt a stray kitty, found wandering way up in the Rockies, miles from civilization!:eek: Well, she camped and backpacked (sitting on my shoulders, in my backpack) the remainder of the trip with us, and in the end, became a Jersey girl house kitty!:D So, I can well relate to that wonderful experience you and your Daddy shared, (maybe that's how you came to love shoulder rides, too:D), leading to a lifetime of shared love, devotion, and companionship! How blessed your family is to have such an intelligent, devoted, loving furkid in you, dear Chloe!

I hope you're enjoying a very happy Dog of the Day celebration, sweetheart, being spoiled rotten; you sure deserve it!:) And to you and your family, wishes for a very happy holiday, and many, many more wonderful years together! Love and hugs to you on your big day in the spotlight, precious Chloe!:love::love::love:

12-17-2010, 03:44 PM
What a beautiful, intelligent dog you are, Chloe! :love:
I hope that everyday is DOTD for you! :)

12-17-2010, 03:54 PM
Hello cuddle bug Chloe, what a wonderful adventuresome life you've had to far. I wish every doggie could have such a great human family. Hope you have a lot more happy years together. Congratulations Chloe, on being our DOTD.

12-17-2010, 04:07 PM
Hello Chloe,

What a pretty girl you are.:love: You sound like a bouncy, active pup
who can also be a loving snuggler at times too.:) I loved all of you wonderful
pictures. I'm so happy you have such a great family.:) Congratulations Chloe
on being our special DOG OF THE DAY.:love: Sending lots of hugs & kisses
just for you sweetie.:)

12-17-2010, 07:59 PM
Chloe....You are a pretty lady. I would love to cuddle with you to.
I bet you are a spoiled little girl. Congratulations on DOTD.:love:

"I've Been Frosted"
Thanks, cassiesmom