View Full Version : I swear he reads my mind

10-29-2002, 07:41 AM
Ok - this morning I was on the couch with my husband before he went to work, and I decided that as soon as my husband left I'd take Jake for a nice, long walk.

I already have to spell out "J-A-K-E" and "W-A-L-K", so this morning when Bob asked me what I was going to do when he left, I looked at Jake to make sure he wasn't looking at me and pointed to him and kind of walked my fingers to tell Bob what I had in mind.

Jake has been following me around the house since, wagging his tail and barking. I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone! I don't know how he knows! He wasn't looking at me when I did the hand motions, and I didn't say anything out loud.

So now I have to skip my shower until I can get back from our walk - he's just too excited! I wonder how many oily-haired people are out there walking their dogs for the very same reason?

Amazing. By the way I have some pictures of him I'm going to scan, finally!

10-29-2002, 08:50 AM
This is funny :D :D I'm excited to see Jake's pictures ;)

10-29-2002, 10:06 AM
LOL!!!! I know what you mean. Kia knows the words 'walk', 'outside', and 'potty'. If any of them are used she assumes it's for her and goes crazy!

Can't wait to see pics!

Hey.. do you have snow yet up there? We're supposed to get snow this weekend in the lower peninsula. BRRR!!!! ;)

10-29-2002, 01:18 PM
No snow right now - but Houghton has 8" and we had 4" here last week.

We're back from our W-A-L-K. When my son gets home, I'm taking him and J-A-K-E for a R-I-D-E to the P-A-R-K to take some more pictures!

We did get a compliment while we were out walking - a guy said "boy he just really sticks by your side doesn't he?" I was so proud. I just taught him to heel a few weeks ago (he's 6 years old and I had given up on it), and he does it perfectly all the time now, except when other dogs are trying to attack him.

10-29-2002, 01:24 PM
Isn't it amazing how they can almost read your mind:)

I know Roxey is like that on Tuesday's...it's the day she gets to go to school. We don't say or do anything different, she just know & stays right on my heels and even goes to the door and pokes around on the handle like "Well, I'm ready, it is Tuesday, let's go!"!

10-29-2002, 03:42 PM
They really are amazing. I mean - what happens on Tuesday morning so she knows it's Tuesday?

Maybe a certain person walks by the house only on Tuesdays, or something different is on the TV.

I think it's more likely that they read our minds.

10-29-2002, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by stacwase
They really are amazing. I mean - what happens on Tuesday morning so she knows it's Tuesday?

No, Tuesday morning she just seems kinda ansy (sp?). Me & Mark both work that morning, but when we get home, it's on! She just knows! Guess she could be reading our minds!

10-30-2002, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by stacwase
No snow right now - but Houghton has 8" and we had 4" here last week.
YIKES!! I'm not ready for this. ;) LOL!

10-30-2002, 03:04 PM
Gee, it's 68 degrees here in SC!:D

That snow is why I moved from the U.P. :cool: Come on Down!!!
